If the opponent is your own, can you overcome yourself?

If it is cold, the whole stadium will fall into an eerie silence.

At this moment, Ryota Huangse, his breath has become different.

“It’s exactly the same as blue dyeing!”

“Imitating blue dyeing, this kind of thing, can really be done?”

“Imitation is always imitation, and a fake can never fight the real thing.”

Mitsui Shouko knows the power of indigo dyeing too well.

Because he is the only player in the entire basketball department who is more diligent and self-disciplined than himself.

He didn’t believe that someone only needed two periods of game time to make up for Lan Ran’s diligence in arriving early every day.

“Huangse is not a fake, imitation itself is a learning process, which is called growth.”

Yukio Kasamatsu retorted loudly and shouted in his heart.

Defeat him, Huangse, prove to them, you are not a fake!


As if he could hear the cry in Kasamatsu Yukio’s heart, Ryota Huangse’s eyes became sharp.

“Standing in front of you now, it is not Ryota Huangse of the Miracle Generation.”

“It’s Ryota Huangse of Kaizune!”

03As soon as the words fell, the stillless Huangse moved.

With a “bang”, the basketball slammed into the floor, making a dull sound.

In an instant, Shintaro Midorima, Little Momoko, and Nino included the members of the Shonobi team.

All of them showed expressions of amazement, as if they had seen something incredible.

“Exactly the same, the momentum and frequency caused by dribbling are all exactly the same as Lan dye’s dribbling!”

The picture seems to freeze the frame.

At this moment, the entire arena fell into an eerie silence, and even the flow of time slowed down.

After three dribbles, Ryota Huangse started without warning, leaned over and rushed to the left side of the super blue dye.


“That Ryota Huangse, finally passed the blue dye!”

The scene suddenly boiled.

The entire miracle generation civil war that was expected was finally staged at this moment.

And in a way that no one expected.

“Exactly the same!”

“So strong, that Huangse of Kaito!”


The adrenaline of the audience was aroused, and in a trance, Huangse’s body flashed with golden light.

Between Lan Ran’s stunned, Ryota Huangse had already entered the Xiangbei forbidden area all the way.

Facing the double ghost shot of Akagi and Sakuragi, Huangse did not flinch and smashed the ball in the direction of the rebound.


The basketball bounced vigorously, and the fish column jumped up and dunked the ball into the basket with both hands.

“Isn’t this the passing method that Xiaolan used, how could it be…”

Ernai’s pupils shook, as if he saw two blue dyes playing on the field.

“But what is the point of such imitation? Blue dye knows his fake movements better than anyone, right? ”

Takao and Nari were equally surprised, but thought a little more.

“What if you think backwards?”

“What do you mean?”

“If the opponent plays the same way as you, what do you do as a defender?”

“You should think and act with your head, right?”

Takao Kazunari thought for a moment, and suddenly he was shocked.

“Are you saying that he can imitate others while incorporating unexpected movements?”

“That’s right, for Xiangbei now, that unexpected action is the most perfect fake action!”

Between conversations.

Something even more amazing happened again.


The world in the blue-stained pupils suddenly shattered.

He, like Huangse, has no way to control his instincts.

When Huangse made an unexpected move, he didn’t expect it at all.

I was deceived fiercely!

“So strong, Hai Chang began to counterattack.”

“Sure enough, the guys of the miracle generation are all monsters.”

“The difference has been chased to 10 points, and the game is not over!”

Genta Takeuchi was also fiery.

That’s why he chose Ryota Huangse. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He firmly believes that Huangse will one day be above everyone.

He is the most gifted of all the Miracle Generations.

“It turns out that the scenery you saw before is like this.”

First time since I came into contact with basketball.

For the first time, Ryota Huangse became the unquestionable focus of the audience.

Every cheer of the audience seemed to have magic, stimulating his brain, making him more and more excited, and he couldn’t stop.

Now he really stands on the same level as Lan Ran and has the qualifications to compete with them.

“Two people, it’s not a problem at all!”

Ryota Huangse kills wildly with the ball.

Peng Peng~

After Lan Dye’s signature cross dribbling, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Hanamichi collided with each other.

Huangse, on the other hand, sped in and crossed between the two.

“Mirror Flower Water Moon…..”

“Even our style of play is completely imitated?”

Takeshi Akagi couldn’t believe that a player’s learning ability could be so strong.

In just half time, Huangse imitated the style of all the people in Xiangbei.

In fact, imitating Akagi and them, Huangse didn’t spend much time at all, and basically looked at it.

The difficulty is indigo dyeing, and his average attributes are not as good as indigo dyeing, and he needs to spend a lot of effort to make up for this gap, so as to achieve perfect imitation.


The ball went in, 027 Huangse tricked Akagi with his eyes and scored 2 points after picking a basket, helping Kaijo chase the difference to only 8 points!

Once again, the score was back in single digits.

“It’s like Lan Ran playing opposite.”

This feeling, it sucks.

For the first time, the gorillas understood how torturous it was for the opponents in Xiangbei to play with them.

Jingle bell ~

At this time, Muji Teppei’s phone ringing, which had mixed into the audience.

It was Riko Aida who came to tell Kiyoshi Teppei the good news that the team had successfully reached the round-robin tournament.

“Huh? Tieping, why are you so noisy over there. ”

“Ah, this ah, I’m at the match site in Kanagawa.”

“Kanagawa? How did you run to where … No, today seems to be a match between Hai Chang and Xiangbei, right? ”

Miracle Generation Civil War.

Reiko Aida had already received the news, but there was a competition and could not be present in person.

She hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

“Very anxious, to be honest, I’m curious ah Lizi, how did you defeat Hai Chang?”

Muji Teppei informed them of the situation at the scene.

When Riko Aida heard this, the whole person was dumbfounded in place.

Ryota Huangse, actually imitated the blue dye?

How could this be:

That’s blue dyeing, the blue dyeing that beats them to the point of almost falling apart! .

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