Five senses and six senses, no one can control freely, even indigo dyeing can’t do it.

However, after the badge was upgraded to Mirror Flower Water Moon, aware of its ability, Lan Ran consciously strengthened his five senses and six senses.

This is actually a skill that many supergiants have mastered.

People often say that players can adjust quickly, but that’s what they mean.

Jordan, Magic, Larry Bird, Olajuwon and other league supergiants.

You can always see them erupt for no reason at some point in the game, killing the game in one fell swoop.

It’s not that the opponent has weakened, it’s that these hooligans have improved their competitive status.

Maybe you can’t reach your 100% potential like ZONE.

But when these superstars raise their five senses and six senses to the extreme.

Their state is actually infinitely close to ZONE.

Not everyone can do such a thing, only the real king can control his game at will.

Lan Ran can’t either, he can’t do it to the same extent as Danzi.

It’s just that thanks to the tempering in the endless trial, he has already stepped on this road in 607.

When your physical talent, including basketball skills, is done to the extreme.

Then basketball, the competition is actually five senses and six senses.

This will help you improve your competitive level and increase your reaction speed and brain thinking speed.

It’s a very difficult thing, and throughout the history of basketball, there are only a few champions who can do this.

The arena, which was quiet for a moment, boiled again after three seconds like a volcanic eruption.

They were all shocked by the power of blue dyeing.

Ryota Huangse gritted his teeth and was unwilling to stop there.

Kaizuki attacked, and the ball fell into Huangse’s hands.

He insisted on going to singles indig.

Not admitting defeat is just one of them, more because he knows that if he doesn’t defeat Lan Ran, Hai Chang has no chance of winning.

His brain raced again.

Take a step forward, step back, cross dribble, accelerate the breakthrough,..

A set of actions came down and flowed, as if he was a blue dye.

But it didn’t work.

Again (adcj) closed his eyes in front of everyone.

Everyone in Haichang sank for no reason!

At this moment, his hearing was maximized, abandoning the noise of the stadium and catching the opponent’s action.


He heard the sound of the left basketball bouncing against the floor.


His skin felt a gust of wind blowing by, which was caused by Huangse’s accelerated breakthrough.

Finally, he drives the body to act by perception.

Extremely quickly taking a step back, he blocked Huangse’s path, and his raised right hand swung down like lightning.

Under the astonished gaze of the audience, Huangse’s dribbling was cut off again.

It all happened in an instant.

“How’s it going, Teppei?”

“It’s no accident, Lan Ran closed his eyes again and cut off Huangse’s dribbling.”

Muji Teppei took a deep breath.

He kind of knows why his team was beaten by Lan Ran, and his heart is almost dispersed.

Such a player is simply not as strong as words.

On the court, Lan Ran had already snatched the basketball and ran wildly.

Almost the fastest speed in the country, it was like a whirlwind sweeping through the streets when he rushed up.

“Give it back to me!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Huangse followed and jumped up at the last moment, firmly blocking the basketball’s path with one hand.

The corner of Lan Ran’s eyes was aimed at the bottom corner of the three-point line at this time.

Huang Se noticed that he gritted his teeth and did not look, and focused all his attention on Lan Ran in front of him.

He guessed correctly, there was indeed no voice from Mitsui Shou on the three-point line.

Behind Lan Ran, there is a cherry blossom road…….


With a loud bang, Lan Ran gracefully lifted the ball into the air, and Sakuragi jumped high, caught the basketball and smashed it into the basket.

“Don’t get me wrong, Huangse, you don’t need to overcome yourself at all.”

“Because you never became me.”

Dropping this sentence, Lan Ran Zhuan walked towards the bench.

After Xiangbei scored the goal, Hai Chang urgently called a timeout.

Takeuchi Gentai is keenly aware that the team’s momentum is now a little low.

It’s no wonder that it was hard to insist until Huangse finished imitating, thinking that hope had appeared, but it was extinguished in the blink of an eye.

Whoever comes will be frustrated.

“Huha, huha…”

Huang Se gasped for air, and Lan Ran’s words before he left the field, “You never became me”, hit him hard.

It was clear that it had long been known that it would not be so simple to defeat the blue dye.

But what is this feeling of suffocation at the end of the day?

Unlike the training match with Makoto, this is an official match, a life-and-death battle, and it is related to whether Haichang can enter the national competition.

It is also about whether Kasamatsu seniors and Uyuju seniors can draw a perfect end to their high school basketball career.

For the first time in his life, he felt endless pressure as the heart of the team.

In the past, he always played next to Lan Ran and others, and winning was just a matter of course.

He never thought about what it would be like to lose, nor did he think about what he was going to take on.

Because those guys in the team have already done everything for him.

But….. He remembers, he remembers why he liked basketball and why he wanted to be like Lan Ran.

It all started with the first match against Kirisaki.

In which battle, Diguang was made to death by the first living master of Kirisaki.

At the time of the team’s crisis, it was Lan Ran who stepped forward and fought for the first group of bastards in Kirisaki.

“I really haven’t been you, little blue dye. Because my basketball is not where you are. ”

Looking at several teammates around him, he felt sincerely.

It’s nice to be able to come to HaiChang.

“Senior, please come next.”

“You found a way to beat that blue dye?”

“No, but we are a team, it doesn’t matter if we can’t beat Little Blue Ran, I still give you back.”

Giving up personal wins and losses.

Then come and don’t give up until the end.

Yukio Kasamatsu has this intention and wants to slay the dragon!.

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