The game resumes.

Kaizune’s ball is still dominated by Ryota Huangse.

“Do you still want singles.”

“Otherwise, if you want to defeat Xiangbei, that blue dye is the mountain that Hai Chang must go through.”

“Damn, isn’t there any other way?”


Of course there is.

Just like this time, the moment the blue dye was pasted, Kasamatsu Yukio of Kasamatsu quickly came over to block it.

Lan Ran just glanced at it, and took a step across to bypass his cover~.

“It’s really not that simple, but I’m not the only one in our sea.”

As soon as the words fell, Lan Ran felt like he had hit a wall.

The fish column on the inside line was raised to the high level at some point.

Another double cover!

With the help of the cover of two people, Huangse accelerated to get rid of the blue dye.

The other members of Xiangbei assisted in the defense, and immediately fell into the mirror.

“So that’s the case, if you can’t beat the blue dyeing, then just bypass it.”

“In this way, Hai Chang’s offensive efficiency is guaranteed again, and there is still a chance to play.”

Kazu Takao was moved.

Giving up two words is not as simple as it reads.

Especially the proud son of heaven like Huangse, his debut is accompanied by countless halos.

Let him give up his personal victory and defeat, only pursue the victory of the team, and the first thing to pass is the level in his heart.


Huangse smashed into the box and challenged the King Kong brothers for a layup.

“Good ball!”

“Nice job!”

“Just fight like this, dry Xiangbei!”

The morale of the sea is like a rainbow.

Huangse was not crushed by the pressure and still led the team forward.

“These guys are really difficult.”

“Isn’t that of course, they are Kanagawa’s Kaitose!”

Takeshi Akagi also gradually understood one thing.

The reason why these basketball giants are giants is not only their high investment in the basketball department, but also the fact that they recruit geniuses every year.

In the baptism of competition after competition, these teams have long honed their tenacious fighting spirit that cannot be defeated.

It’s a quality passed down from generation to generation that no other fishbelly team has.

“Hold this ball!”

Yuzhuchun stretched out his two long arms and guarded the sea forbidden area.


Others followed, and Huangse wanted to imitate Lan Dye’s defensive method again.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes, Lan Ran rolled up a gust of wind and killed him.

“I can’t do it at all!”

Of course, Lan Ran has come to this point, and I don’t know how many times he has been beaten.

In this way, he still can’t do it, like Danzi’s hooligans, switching the game state at will.

Huang Se just glanced at it, how could he catch up with what Lan dyed after thousands of failures?

“It’s really strong, little blue dye.”

“Now is not the time to sigh, fool, give him a ball.”


Huangse turned around and threw himself into the offensive end.

It doesn’t matter who is strong or weak.

He didn’t have a dream, and his only goal was to defeat Lan Ran.

Now, he has found his dream.

It is to fulfill the dreams of our predecessors.

Win anyway.

He broke through again with the ball, and under the double cover of Yukio Kasamatsu and Jun Uzuki, the breakthrough attracted the defensive assist Yutaka Moriyama to score a three-pointer.

Go back.

Lan Ran continued to find Huang Se singles.

“Do you want to break Kaizune’s fighting spirit by defeating Huangse?”

“It doesn’t work anymore, now Haichang, even if there is only one second left in the game, he will not give up.”

Kazu Takao said these words rarely.

Kanagawa’s Kaizuki deserves their respect!

In fact, as Kazunari Takao said, Kazune Takase, no matter how many times Huangse was defeated, they always insisted on playing their own basketball.

If one person can’t do it, then unite more people, and there is always a way to win. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“That guy wouldn’t do such a boring thing.” Shintaro Midorima frowned.

He felt that something was going to happen immediately, but he couldn’t guess it.

Why is Ranja obsessed with one-on-one with Huangse?

“What does Xiao Lan mean when he said at halftime that Xiao Huang can’t win?”

“I don’t know, I probably don’t think I will lose.”

Erno and Little Peach were also curious.

The score has been alternately rising.

It is difficult for both sides to limit the other’s attack.

The only one in northern Xiangbei who could restrain Huangse was Lan Ran, but it was blocked by Hai Chang’s double cover.

0 ask for flowers

And Hai Chang is simply unable to prevent blue dyeing, who comes, how many people come, there is no way.

Both sides are feeling a lot of pressure at the moment.

Especially on the Hai Chang side, they have always been in a state of chasing points, and they have been tensing their nerves.

There are 3 minutes left before the end of the third quarter, but the difference has been hovering between 7~9 points.

Xiangbei attacked.

Lan Ran singles Huangse with the ball as always.

The latter tried his best to defend, but he couldn’t find a way to crack the mirror.

At this moment, his brain has begun to swell and pain, which is the sequelae of excessive brain use.

If a bed appeared in front of him now, he would definitely be able to pounce on it and sleep hard.

It’s a pity that the situation does not allow him to do so.


“Here it is again.”

The moment the visual picture was shattered, Huangse knew that his brain had been deceived again.

His instinctive gambling defense, but the expected shattered picture did not appear, and only darkness remained.

He….. Can’t see anything!

Yukio Kasamatsu thought he was tired and wanted to be lazy, and came over to remind him that it was their turn to attack.

As a result, when he looked up, he found that Huangse’s pupils had completely lost focus.

That look, like a disabled person, blind in both eyes, pupils without focus, has been looking at one place.

After a while, Huangse gasped.

His vision was restored, but Fangcai’s blind state could not be wrong.

He was short-lived, lost his light!

“Has it started to appear.” Lan Ran also noticed the state of Huang Se at this time.

A look like the aftermath of the disaster.

“What did you do to Huangse.” Yukio Kasamatsu’s brows twisted together.

“I didn’t do anything, it’s just the sequelae of being in the mirror for a long time.”

“Don’t worry, just as muscles get tired, his vision won’t be lost forever.”

Lost vision!

Yukio Kasamatsu was struck by lightning.

He just doubted, but he never thought that Huang Se really lost his vision at that moment.

The other party has always insisted on singles Huangse, it turns out that this idea is played!

He wants to completely defeat Huangse…. Thousand..

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