Five senses are confused!

Lan Dye found very early that for a long time in the mirror flower, the five senses and six senses will be damaged to varying degrees.

This damage is not permanent, just like people need to rest when they are tired, and once they sleep, they will be refreshed.

The five senses and six senses of the mirror flower water moon energy opponent fell into this “exhaustion”.

However, in the heat of the game, there is no such thing as rest.

“It’s a pity, Huangse, but the game is over.”

Lan Dye declared his victory in advance.

When Huangse falls into insensibility, Haizune’s chances of victory disappear completely.

“It’s not over yet.” Huangse gritted his teeth and insisted.

Since joining HaiChang, his view of basketball has changed a lot.

For the first time, I realized that victory was not so taken for granted.

Many people, even if they do their best, may not be able to succeed.

But it is precisely because of this that Yukio Kasamasu, Jun Uoju, and the seniors of the basketball department are so worthy of his respect.

“There is a break after the game, I just want to beat you now, little blue ran.”

Huangse’s blood was still hot.

Abandoning his personal wins and losses, he just wanted to change teams for a chance without regrets.

But fighting spirit can’t save the current Haichang.

With a “bang”, Yukio Kasamatsu dribbled the ball halfway and then distributed the ball to Huangse.

However, when Huangse touched the basketball, the feeling of touching the basketball in his memory was not at all.

The basketball was like air, and he grabbed it hard but didn’t feel the slightest touch.

Instead, due to excessive force, the basketball broke away from his hand.

“What happened?”

“That Huang Se would actually make such a low-level mistake at such a time.”

“No, it’s not Huangse’s mistake, it’s his sense of touch, I’m afraid he also fell into fatigue.”

Shintaro Midorima could no longer maintain a calm face.

During the Diguang period, when the blue dye could wake up, they had guessed.

If you stay in the mirror for a long time, something unimaginable may happen.

At the time, they guessed that the brain and body would be out of order.

But they are all wrong, and being in the mirror for a long time will make the player temporarily lose his five senses and six senses.

Or simply deprived, there is no problem!

How long this state will last, no one knows.

The only thing Midorima knew was that Huangse continued to stay on the field, and the rest of the Sanjue might be in a similar situation.

He, because he can’t continue to fight with Lan Dye.

On the court, Lan Ran once again held the ball and met Huangse’s defense.

“Tell you, Huangse, I won’t stay where you are.”

But you didn’t tell me that this would be the result.

Huang Se stared at Lan Ran without saying a word, and his hands spread out to firmly block Lan Ran’s way, like Xiaoqiang who couldn’t die.

But what effect can it have?

His vision was soon deprived again with the action of indigo dyeing.

What’s even more terrifying is that he can’t even feel the wind brought by the blue dyeing operation.

Temporary loss of visual and tactile communication.

Even perception disappeared at this time.

He forgot what he was supposed to do, even his instincts were lost.

Maintaining a defensive posture with his hands outstretched, his eyes were blank, and he stayed motionless.


“Get moving, Huangse!”

“Ryota, cheer me up!”

The members of the Haichang team shouted one after another, but it didn’t help.

Huangse knew that he should move, otherwise Lan Ran would continue to score.

But he didn’t know how to act, and he didn’t have a sense of touch, vision, or perception, just like a walking corpse on the field.

The only sense of hearing that existed made him act tenaciously.

Who knew that after taking a step, the whole person fell to the floor in embarrassment.

“What Xiao Lan said, Xiao Huang can’t win anymore, does that mean.” Little Peach covered her mouth, a little unbearable to look.

The true face of the mirror flowers and moons, they all saw today.

But it is precisely because of seeing that the heavy heart cannot be calmed for a long time.

Who can beat such indigo dyeing?

Huangse’s posture of lying on the ground, not even knowing how to get up, was deeply imprinted in everyone’s mind.

“Don’t be too persistent, learn to accept failure, it’s not a kind of growth.”

Lan Ran jumped in place and hit a three-pointer.

At this point, the single-digit point difference that Hai Chang worked so hard to recover was once again pulled to double digits.

Genta Takeuchi once again asked for a suspension. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, Huangse, with the help of his teammates, has returned to the bench 0…

His sense of touch and vision has been restored.

But everyone in Kaizuki knew that this was only a temporary recovery, and continued to keep Huangse on the field.

The same thing just now will continue to happen!

He will also be brought into the mirror by the blue dye, depriving him of three sleeps or more.

He can no longer help the team, and even staying on the field will only become a liability.

“Huangse, let’s rest first.”

Simple words, but like an iron hammer, hit Huangse’s heart hard.

He clenched his fists hard, and the expression on his face was covered by a towel, so that no one could see it.


It is clear that he wants to help his predecessors realize their dreams.

For the first time in history, the official competition lost miserably.

It was a hundred times stronger than the pain when he lost to Makoto.


“Ah, that Huangse, it’s been replaced.”

Muji Teppei sighed silently.

Huang Se’s mood, he can probably understand.

“Yes, then you hurry back, after the round robin, but it’s the national competition, we are all waiting for you to come back.”

After speaking, Reiko Aida hung up the phone.

Kaito, who has lost Huangse, cannot defeat Shonbei.

This life and death battle between Xiangbei and Haichang can already be concluded in advance!

And so it is.

Huangse never came up again.

Imitating indigo dyeing itself gave him 4.8 a lot of pressure.

At the beginning of the third quarter, he just gritted his teeth to persevere.

After the result, the tense nerves were directly disconnected, and the brain seemed to be stuffed into a stone, which was extremely heavy.

Even his body may have hidden dangers, imitating blue dyeing, which has caused a great burden on his body.

He needs to pay a lot to make up for the lack of attributes.

Gentai Takeuchi thought about it again and again, and never let him appear again.

Huangse sat on the bench and watched the entire fourth quarter without saying a word.

Leave only drops of water on the floor.

He couldn’t tell if it was sweat or tears, because he never pulled down the towel that covered his head.

In this way, the first civil war of the miracle generation came to an end with the victory of indigo.

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