Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 35: Be prepared to snatch monsters!

"Kelly, you said those two people were named Sam and Dean?" Hu Qing suddenly became a little uneasy.

He had made some guesses when he traveled back in time and saw that there were monsters in this world, and a man named Sam Winchester posted information about the monsters on the Internet.

Are there really two people named Sam and Dean showing up now?

Kelly saw Hu Qing's reaction and asked in confusion: "Hu, do you know these two people?"

At this moment, Kelly's cell phone rang.

She answered immediately, and after a moment, she said in surprise: "Really? Those two people have been arrested at the branch?"

After hanging up the phone, Kelly said to Hu Qing: "Hu, it seems you are going to send me to the branch office."

Hu Qing nodded, left the restaurant, and drove Kelly to the police station.

Arrive at the police station.

Hu Qing parked the car and followed Kelly in, so no one stopped him.

When he saw the two handcuffed men, Hu Qing exclaimed: "Fuck..."

Those were two somewhat familiar faces, and they were actually these two brothers.

It's just that these two people now are very young Winchesters. Winchester, a descendant of the bloodline of ancient saints, is also a professional demon-killing family.

It seems that it was many seasons later when Hu Qing watched Supernatural with his ex-girlfriend in his previous life, and the two brothers were already full of weather.

When I watched it at the time, it seemed that a very beautiful female demon was befriending her brother Sam Winchester, and she also taught Sam Winchester how to control those low-level demons.

The two of them are obviously not that old yet, it should be very early.

But he had never seen the previous plot.

He was not with that ex-girlfriend at that time.

And this is not important, because the two of them are Wen's twin evils. The law of Wen's twin evils, wherever something goes wrong, is as effective as Conan's.

In other words, the boy named Rick may have been killed by a monster. The compass left by his second uncle Hu Bayi at the scene yesterday did not give any reaction, indicating that the monster may not be simple.

Brothers Sam and Dean also looked at Hu Qing in surprise.

The two feel very keenly because of their professional reasons.

They could clearly feel the reaction and surprise of the Chinese man in front of them when they saw their brother.

When a police officer saw Kelly, he immediately reported: "Team leader, these two people are Sam and Dean that Laurie mentioned. We found them outside Laurie's house."

"They also had shotguns in their hands, but the bullets were actually made of salt blocks. A large bag of salt was found in the trunk of the car, as well as pepper powder, monkshood, crosses, silver knives and other things."

"These two people seem to be experienced exorcism enthusiasts. They just took the confession and told us that salt blocks can exorcise demons. They are here to exorcise demons. They really think of themselves as exorcists."

These words made Kelly look at the two of them in shock. Could it be that they caught the wrong person?

If these things were written in the report, the director would think that the people in their investigation team are all crazy.

"Kelly, these two brothers should not be the murderers." Hu Qing suddenly said to Kelly. He was the only one who knew that the two brothers were telling the truth. They were two exorcists.

Kelly looked at Hu Qing and thought of his previous reaction: "Hu, do you know them?"

Hu Qing thought of the complaints made by his ex-girlfriend in his previous life and said directly: "Well, we know each other. They are senior cosplay enthusiasts. They play federal agents, members of the Animal Control Bureau, priests, water plumbers, magicians, and works of art everywhere. Salesmen... or something like that, they're obviously playing exorcists this time."

According to the abilities of the two brothers, the FBI headquarters can easily escape. Hu Qing does not want Kelly to lock people up, otherwise when the two brothers go out on their own, some of her team members will definitely have a bruised nose and face.

Kelly still believed in Hu Qing and nodded: "Hu, since you know each other, you can set bail for them. In addition, let them cosplay elsewhere so as not to affect our handling of the case."

"Okay!" Hu Qing nodded.

Sam and Dean looked at Hu Qing even more surprised.

They really don't remember knowing this Chinese guy.

A moment later, Hu Qing helped Wen's Shuangsha get bail. The shotgun was seized without any registration record, and the salt was not even returned.

Walking out of the police station, Sam and Dean looked at each other, obviously communicating with their eyes.

After a while of eye contact, Sam asked Hu Qing: "Hu, do you really know us?"

Hu Qing asked tentatively: "Sam, someone asked you online how to trap ghosts. You replied that you need to use pepper powder mixed with refined salt."

When Sam heard this, he looked at Hu Qing in surprise: "Hu, is that you?"

Hu Qing nodded: "Yes, it's me. The method you taught is very useful. I trapped the ghost in the toilet. However, I sent you several questions later, but I didn't see your reply."

"Hu, stop talking. A very hot female ghost entered our car and all my electronic devices were destroyed." After Sam knew Hu Qing's identity, he seemed a lot more familiar with her.

Dean, who was secretly on guard, also relaxed his vigilance slightly.

But someone was not happy. The girl on the side was staring at Sam fiercely. It turned out that this person was the one who taught Mr. Hu to trap her in the toilet.

This guy is not a good person.

The girl clearly defined Sam as a bad guy.

As Sam was walking, he felt an inexplicable chill on his back and sneezed.

Moreover, just after leaving the police station, an accident happened. When Sam walked down the steps, he suddenly stumbled and rolled down the steps.

"Sam, how are you?" Dean hurried forward to help Sam up.

"I seem to have stepped on something." Sam was a little confused when he fell. After all, he rolled down the steps without paying attention. Fortunately, his ability to withstand falls and beatings is his specialty.

On the steps, the girl smiled proudly with her mouth covered. Such bad guys should be punished by her.

The two brothers had already looked up the steps, but they obviously found nothing.

Hu Qing invited the two brothers to his villa again. He wanted to ask about the murder of the teenager Rick. The two brothers must have found something.

If there is a monster, grab it decisively.

The two brothers did not refuse. After all, it was so late and their car was still detained where they were caught.

When they arrived at the villa, Hu Qing invited the two brothers in.

But when he entered the yard, Sam screamed again, accidentally stepped on a small stone in the yard, and fell directly in a dog-bitten position.

"Sam, what's wrong with you?" Dean helped his brother up again.

Sam shook his head and found a reason for himself in a daze: "Maybe I didn't rest well and couldn't concentrate."

Hu Qing glanced at the proud girl. This time he saw clearly that it was the girl who did it. Needless to say, the police station was also the same.

When did this girl like to play pranks so much? And she has been targeting Sam.

The two of them have no hatred or resentment.

Could it be because Sam taught him how to mix pepper powder into refined salt?

This woman won't hold a grudge like this, right?

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