Hu Qing invited the two Wen family demons into the hall and asked: "Sam, Dean, is there something wrong with the murder of the young Rick?"

This is what he is most concerned about.

After all, he plans to steal the monster.

Sam nodded and said: "There is indeed a problem. We have been to the scene. There is a very special ozone smell there. It must be a ghost."

He did not want to hide this from Hu Qing. After all, everyone knew that Hu Qing had seen a ghost and trapped a ghost in the toilet.

"Ghosts have ozone smell?" Hu Qing asked in confusion. The girl was always by his side, but he could not smell anything at all.

Dean explained: "Only the vengeful spirits who have killed people will have this smell, and we have been trained since childhood and can easily smell this smell."

"It's just that this vengeful spirit is a bit strange. We went to Laurie and the crime scene to explore, and the ghost detector didn't find it at all."

"Ghost detector!" Hu Qing was surprised.

It was a thing made by the Winchester family that can explore special fluctuations. .

Where ghosts appear, a special wave will be generated, which can be detected by the detector. The closer you are, the stronger the signal will be.

This thing has a similar effect to the compass left by his second uncle Hu Bayi, but the compass left by his second uncle Hu Bayi is obviously more powerful and can detect any monster.

Dean took out a small handheld game console-sized instrument from his pocket and explained: "It's this thing. With this thing, ghosts can be detected no matter where they are. Now there is no reaction, which means there are no ghosts here."

"Really?" Hu Qing subconsciously looked at the girl next to him.

Dean said very confidently: "That's natural, no ghost can be an exception."

"Mr. Hu, he is lying!" The girl looked at Dean who was lying with his eyes open in astonishment: "I am so old and I didn't find it here. Are they liars?"

"Sam, Dean, do you have any other discoveries?" Hu Qing naturally would not regard this brother as a liar.

After all, the girl is somewhat exceptional. Because the system has changed, she can follow him around even during the day, so it is not surprising that the ghost detectors of the two brothers cannot detect her.

Dean shook his head and said, "Not yet. We plan to go to Laurie's house tomorrow to check again."

"Okay, I'll drive you there tomorrow." Hu Qing said proactively.

Then he arranged a room for his brothers, and then went into his room to practice basic combat methods.

On the other side, in a house, a black shadow condensed next to the sleeping woman, and the sharp hook in his hand hooked down to the woman's belly.

The severe pain woke the woman up, but she found that she couldn't make a sound. Her eyes widened and finally her eyes were blurred.

After one night, Hu Qing finally practiced the basic combat method to level 1. To upgrade to level 2, he also needed to reach level 11.

After the basic combat method was upgraded to level 1, the second style could be performed. Hu Qing attacked the practitioner. The second style also had 5 moves, but it was stronger and more fierce than the first style.

The basic combat method at level 0 can make Hu Qing's melee combat ability very different. The second method after level 1 plus his current attack and agility can make him a super melee master in modern society.

Go downstairs.

Hu Qing drove his two brothers to the home of the girl Laurie early in the morning.

Laurie's father is a church pastor, so his home is also next to the church in this area, and the location is very eye-catching.

The three of them were surprised to see two police cars whizzing in as soon as they arrived.

Kelly got out of the car and rushed into Laurie's home with several team members.

"It seems something happened." Hu Qing got out of the car and walked into Laurie's home with his two brothers.

In the hall, the girl Laurie was trembling in her father's arms, and a police officer was taking her statement.

"I really don't know. Daisy is my best friend. She came to accompany me because of Rick's matter."

"We talked for a long time last night, but then I fell asleep. I don't know why it was like this when I woke up. I really don't know anything..."

Laurie's voice was a little trembling, and her expression seemed dazed. She seemed to have a mental breakdown after encountering such things continuously.

Hu Qing and the two brothers went up to the second floor and smelled a pungent smell of blood in the air.

Kelly was leading the team to investigate the scene in a room.

Hu Qing frowned and looked into the room. There was a woman's body lying on the bed, covered in blood. The sheets were completely stained red, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

The walls around were also scratched like the previous car. This was done by the vengeful spirit with a hook.

Moreover, the opponent's ability was different from Liu Qingqing's. The damage caused was actually in the form of physical damage.

"How could the two murders be so far apart?" Dean muttered to himself, frowning more and more deeply.

The range of ghosts is limited, and they can only move around the source, but the range of this vengeful spirit is too large.

"Hu, Dean, look at the sign on the wall." Sam suddenly whispered.

Hu Qing looked and saw a different scratch on the wall, a bloody pattern of crosses, which seemed to be left by the vengeful spirit after killing people.

"Hu, why are you here?" Kelly saw Hu Qing. Another person died in the case she was in charge of, and she was obviously in a heavy mood.

Hu Qing made up a reason: "Sam and Dean's car is still here, I brought them here to pick up the car, who knew that something happened here again."

Kelly believed in Hu Qing and said, "Hu, then take them out. We are going to put this house under martial law."

Hu Qing nodded, went downstairs and left the house with Sam and Dean.

"Hu, it seems we have to go to the nearby library. Since the mark of the resentful spirit has been left, there will be a clue." Sam said as soon as he left the villa.

"What is the mark of the resentful spirit?" Hu Qing asked curiously.

Sam explained: "Hu, any vengeful spirit has a source, and some vengeful spirits will unconsciously leave marks that point directly to their source, such as the pattern on the wall just now."

"And this resentful spirit mark must represent something, so as long as we find information about the pattern, we might be able to know the identity of this ghost."

Hu Qing understood: "If this ghost kills people in this Boskan area, then it is very likely that it left a message in this Boskan area during its lifetime. As long as the message is found, it is possible to find out its origin and burn it."

"That's right." Sam nodded and said, "Hu, it seems you have the talent to be an exorcist."

The three of them went outside and drove directly to the library in Boskan District to borrow materials such as historical anecdotes and murder cases in Boskan District in recent hundreds of years.

There was a lot of information, and the librarian brought it over and piled it into a hill on the table in front of the three of them.

"Hey, it seems that some of them are busy." Dean sighed deeply while looking at the pile of information.

"Let's get started!" Sam said helplessly.

The three of them wasted no time and began to search through the information page by page.

Their luck didn't seem to be good either. As the day passed, the three of them had turned their heads into paste and found nothing. It wasn't until the three of them were about to give up that Sam's surprised voice rang out: "Hey, come and take a look at this."

Hu Qing and Dean walked over and saw Sam taking out a file of strange stories about the case.

Sam pointed to a passage and read: "In 1962, a church pastor, Jeb Carey, was arrested for murder. Because he was very angry with the special yellow professionals in the town, he killed 13 pick-ups in a row in one night. of special professions.”

"One of the women was found on their bed, with blood staining the sheets red. The bodies of two men were hung upside down and bled to death. The bodies of other women were kneeling in the church to express repentance. "

The three of them glanced at each other subconsciously. Does the bloody cross pattern mean that the resentful spirit was a priest during his lifetime?

Dean pointed at the murder weapon below and said, "Look at this murder weapon. This Jabber lost his right hand in an accident, so he replaced it with a silver hook."

"Look at the address of this church. The church on Route 9. This location is the one next to Laurie's house. Her father is the pastor of the church."

This seems to be right.

The three of them understood that because their father was a church pastor, Laurie must often go to church. For some unknown reason, Jiebo was entangled with the spirit of resentment, so Jiebo kept killing people around her.

"It's terrible." Sam suddenly thought of something and said: "The bed was stained with sheets, hanging upside down, and kneeling in the church to confess. It seems that Jeb is repeating the killing methods he used in his life. Now the two deceased people have met two of them, and now there are still The last one is to kneel in the church and confess.”

Dean frowned and said, "That's really bad. It's already dark. If someone goes to church, maybe Jeb will seize the opportunity and complete a round of killing in the way he was alive, and it will be stronger."

Sam read the last paragraph of the record and said, "It says here that Jeb's body was buried in an abandoned cemetery in the woods behind the church. The tombstone is a cross."

The three of them almost stood up and rushed out of the library.

It was completely dark outside.

Dean immediately said: "We need gasoline and digging tools."

"I have spares." Hu Qing understood instantly. He had spares in his inventory, but he didn't want to expose these secrets. He pretended to open the trunk of the car and instantly took out the gasoline and digging tools for the two brothers to see. He also took out a few bags by the way. Salt and set aside.

Then, Hu Qing drove as fast as possible to the abandoned cemetery in the woods behind the church.

Dean said as soon as he got out of the car: "Sam, I'll take care of the body. You go to the church. Don't let anyone enter the church until we finish taking care of the body to avoid accidents."

"Dean, I'll dispose of the body with you." Hu Qing wanted to grab the monster. He opened the trunk and immediately picked up the bucket of gasoline inside, and then threw the digging tools to Dean.

He didn't even give Dean a chance to refuse, and turned around and entered the abandoned cemetery.

To grab monsters, you must have the consciousness to grab them.

With gasoline in hand, you can take the initiative in grabbing monsters.

Seeing this, Dean had no choice but to follow Hu Qing with the digging tools.

Sam also rushed out of the forest and headed straight for the church.

What is left in the abandoned cemetery are some unattended tombs, and there are not many left.

Hu Qing and Dean soon found the cross tombstone.

Dean started digging expertly right away. In an instant, he dug out a pit, revealing a decaying coffin and bones inside. The speed was amazing!

"Hu, it's okay!" Dean climbed out of the pit and said.

Hu Qing poured the gasoline in his hand into the pit and lit it on fire. The pit was instantly engulfed in flames.

Looking at the flames, his face was filled with joy of successfully snatching monsters. It felt great to be able to defeat the enemy and gain experience before even seeing what the wraith looked like.

The body was burned quickly and the flames were slowly extinguished.

"Phew!~" Dean breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's not right." Hu Qing frowned suddenly.

Because he did not gain experience.

The ghost was not eliminated, and the corpse was not the source of the other party.

At the same time, on the other side, Sam ran out of the woods and went to the church as soon as possible, but found that the lights in the church were on.

There were already people inside.

He hurried into the church and saw Laurie praying, and the beautiful police officer named Kelly and a police officer were guarding beside her.

Kelly looked at Laurie who was praying helplessly at this time, because this case was no longer under the jurisdiction of her investigation team. Two people died in succession, and her investigation team had no clues. The case had been transferred to the serious crime team, and their investigation team cooperated.

Now the branch office is fully committed to solving this case, otherwise if more people die, the entire branch office will be held accountable. Laurie, as a key figure in this case, was by the side of the deceased twice. She was sent to protect and monitor. Who knows what will happen this night.

Hearing the movement at the door of the church, Kelly immediately raised her gun and pointed it at the door, shouting: "Who?"

The police officer next to him also pointed his gun at Sam.

"Officer, it's me." Sam raised his hands and walked into the church.

Kelly frowned and said, "Is it you? I seem to have told you brothers to stay away from here. Hu bailed you out, don't implicate him."

Sam hurriedly explained, "Officer, listen to me, you must leave this church. It's very dangerous here now."

Kelly frowned.

The police officer next to him scolded, "Boy, are you playing exorcism games? We don't have time to play this kind of game with you now, leave quickly."

"Officer, listen to me..." Sam started again, but he stopped before he finished his sentence because a strange sound rang out.

"Kacha!... Kacha!..."

It seemed that something sharp was scratching the wall.

For a moment, Sam, Kelly, Laurie, and the police officer all looked towards the sound, and saw a scratch on the wall that appeared out of thin air and became longer and longer.

"What's going on?" Kelly was shocked when she saw this scene. The next moment, she widened her eyes in horror. A black shadow suddenly condensed in front of her, and suddenly raised the hook of his right hand and slashed it towards her fiercely.

Dedicated to the big chapter.

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