MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1128: Leap forward


? When Li Yao returned to the field, the couple had already fought. When Li Yao came back, he just saw Lan Yan leading a thousand dark spear hunters to hunt and kill the enemy army, and he also saw more than five thousand soldiers with him. The Buffalo entangled the Niu Shan Cannon of the other Undead Legion.

The other pair of men and women had a large number of corps, but on the one hand, they couldn't break through the line of the yawns. They were also held back. They were relentlessly harvested by the highly mobile dark spear hunters and finally chose to surrender.

This time, the couple received nearly a hundred griffon choices. Although the harvest was not as good as Mengke, it was not bad. At least the husband and wife are very satisfied. After all, Griffin is a Warcraft, no matter how much cannon fodder there is, there is a way to get it, but the elite Warcraft Legion can't get it casually.

"I have a good harvest today. I will continue to register tomorrow. It is estimated that there will be a few days left. I hope I can continue to be favored by Griffins." Niu Shanpao said beamingly.

Li Yao stunned: "Can I register again?"

"Of course you can. Anyone who fails can re-register as long as the reorganized army is reorganized. As long as the two castles have money to get it, they don’t care about it. Moreover, they are all bad luck. "Lan Yan explained.

"That's true." Li Yao suddenly, the rest of the time Li Yao chatted with the three of them and paid attention to the situation of the architectural space. The embarrassing misunderstanding with Mengke also passed. Li Yao found out that this little aunt was colder, but actually also Not bad.

In the evening, the event didn't end until midnight. After the end, the players still wanted to get more. Those who got the Griffin wanted to get more, while those who failed wanted to regroup.

On the beautiful plain, there are many stars and dots, countless tents have been set up, some fighting small pets, some playing Gwent cards, and some singing and dancing, it is very lively.

Until four people set up three tents around the bonfire and Nicholas brought his wine and food to Li Yao, the other three discovered that these two people were followers of Li Yao. And they are not ordinary followers, they all carry the badge of heroes.

"Brother, you are not righteous, it makes me hard to hide, so you are the deepest one among us." Niu Shan Pao snatched the wine in Li Yao's hand and was amazed.

"It's actually the best red wine that vampires like to drink. On Scarlet Night, don't just use your mouth to the mouth of the bottle. It's a waste of wine." Mengke snatched the bottle, and a glass appeared in his hand. I poured a glass myself and tasted it slowly.

"It is said that a bottle of ten-year cellars can now buy a bottle of 5,000 gold coins. This time, since my brother is so good, I'm not welcome." Lan Yan also took out a wine glass.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "It seems that the big guys are people who can live. This wine is really pure and very beautiful."

Li Yao flipped through a bottle again, poured himself a glass, and tasted it with everyone.

Nicholas' cellar still contains bad wines, plus that lord's private library, Li Yao has a lot of fine wines in his hands. Whether it is a dwarf or a dwarf, it is a race that prefers fine wines than vampires.

In the framework of the space, Li Yao's soldiers are still busy, constantly throwing their bodies into the transformation pool, and Li Yao is too lazy to calculate.

The legion in his hand also continued to expand. After a few days of fighting, the number of corpses in the cracks was extremely large. The joy of this kind of pie falling from the sky cannot be said. Li Yao can only steal it by himself. .

Moreover, in view of the low-level strength of the mechanical corps, Li Yao also basically figured it out. The short-term development route is to use the auxiliary stream for the mechanical corps.

Those fighters were basically of little use before they became the real leaders and gained the title of hero, but those Gatling could be used, and at that time, they could find a class that could use Gatling.

Moreover, battle puppets are really a good combat tool. Although the cost is more expensive than fighter jets, it is very practical. When Li Yao and others become heroes, he must gradually equip his highly intelligent followers with one. Taiwan, this way the chances of life-saving will be greatly increased, and only after the accumulation of battle can you become a higher level. Among your own dark rangers, after you become the leader and obtain the title of hero, there will be one or two heroes. Li Yao is very Satisfied.

If you decide your own development route, then it's easy to talk about strengthening. The second-tier female worm has two strengthening points to use, allowing Li Yao to determine the early development direction of the female worm and the swarm.

There are also new options in the second stage. In the first stage, Li Yao strengthened the female worm’s physical strength and productivity. After strengthening, the conversion rate of the conversion pool was significantly increased by 30%, and the production speed of the arms was also increased by three times. To strengthen this point, although the arms have only increased physical strength and a little more blood, the efficiency of the engineers has also soared. Although the strength of the corps has not improved much, the efficiency of the internal affairs and logistics has increased geometrically~www.wuxiaspot .com~The second point, Li Yao also did not choose to strengthen the armor and attack, so that the Zerg had some good mutations, but strengthened the endurance. The endurance here is very general, in fact, it includes strength, recovery ability and continuous combat. Ability, these items were definitely tasteless in the past. After all, the current Legion basically sees the victory and defeat quickly, and the Zerg endurance and strength are already huge, and it is obviously tasteless to strengthen these.

But Li Yao still did this. As a result, the combat effectiveness was not improved on the surface, but Li Yao knew that if he got the mechanical core and the auxiliary capabilities of the machine, the Zerg Legion would truly be reborn and become The real elite main battle corps.

Of course, in fact, if the female worm is advanced, it will increase some attributes of all the Zerg. In fact, the combat power of the Zerg Legion has increased by more than 20%, and the structure space has also doubled, which is also very exciting. Things.

The female worms are now overloaded, soldiers are busy carrying countless corpses, the transformation pool is constantly transforming energy units, and the nests are constantly producing soldiers.

If it weren't for the number of engineers after Tier 2 that could be increased to 10,000, plus Li Yao's choice of strengthening direction, the female worm would not even meet Li Yao's requirements.

In Li Yao's outline, within three days, his mantis legion would expand to 100,000, and the lawbreakers and hunters would be 30,000 respectively. This is an assessment made by Li Yao based on the number of corpses available.

But this alone is not enough. In Li Yao's sketch, he still needs to obtain some low-level mechanical units so that he can implement his plan.

Without the mechanical army, his plan would not be realized, but Li Yao soon discovered the way...

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