MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1129: night market


Of course, this is all Li Yao’s estimate. Li Yao is actually not sure how much he can produce. The production capacity can keep up, and the conversion speed is also okay, but the number of corpses depends on whether the fighting in the next three days is fierce enough. .

It is actually very easy for Li Yao to get the mechanical legion. At night, players have automatically formed a night market.

This is organized by a guild that specializes in virtual business. They are responsible for arranging stalls, setting up lighting street lights, and so on. You can rent a stall with only a little money.

This is also impossible. Now that the mainland is expanding so much, it is troublesome to go to an auction house, especially for those people who are tens of thousands of miles from the main city, where there are many players, they will naturally gather to buy and sell. In fact, this kind of transaction It has never been cut off, but it has become more prosperous because of the increase in distance.

In the war continent, the best hard currency is naturally all kinds of arms. There is now such a trading place on the plain, which Li Yao discovered the next day.

The battle was still fierce the next day. Li Yao looked cheerful. Niu Shanpao and Mengke never understood. Li Yaoming has two sub-heroes. They must be strong, and they must be a dwarf because they are so short. It needs a corps like the Griffin.

But Li Yao just didn't sign up to participate in the competition, but he was still happy, which made them very strange, thinking that Li Yao just liked watching this kind of duel between player corps.

But in fact, Li Yao watched the swelling of his zerg army, and was cheating, but this was not enough for outsiders.

At night, when Li Yao was about to rest, Niu Shan Pao grabbed Li Yao and said to take Li Yao to a good place.

Li Yao and a few people came to the so-called night market nearby, and Li Yao suddenly saw the lively crowds and the stalls on both sides of the temporary street, Li Yao smiled happily.

"I don't need to introduce what this is for. I think everyone has what they need, so they are temporarily dispersed so that it is more efficient and there is no need to gather. Whoever gets tired can go back to the tent and sleep." Niu Shan Pao Proposed.

Li Yao nodded and said, "It's so good."

So when Niu Shanpao and his wife walked away, Li Yao walked a few steps and found that Mengke was still on the same road with him, and asked, "What are you?"

"I don't have anything to buy or sell anyway. Some things are internally digested by ourselves, and we are boring alone, so I will go around with you. Why, it is not convenient for me to follow? If this is the case, then I will avoid it."

Everyone has said that. Where can Li Yao say what is inconvenient, and said: "Where, how can it be inconvenient, it is my honor to have beautiful women with me, I am afraid that others want this opportunity not yet."

Mengke chuckled: "Maybe my game is based on the druid's profession and the characteristics of the elves that make you feel beautiful, but in reality, it may be an ordinary girl."

Li Yao thought in his heart, you are so narcissistic. If you believe this, you will be a fool, but he said: "How is this possible? The temperament is not due to the racial characteristics. Besides, even if you are ordinary in reality But this is in the game. Here you can be pretty. After all, we just know each other, and there is no intersection in reality. What does beauty and ugliness have to do with it?"

"You look quite honest, but I didn't expect to be full of flowers." Mengke chuckled.

Li Yao was speechless, so it was considered a mouthful, but the woman's mind had better not to guess, Li Yao smiled and started to look at the things in each stall.

I have to say that there are more good things for players, such as equipment, medicine, special items, and messy things that some players don't understand. Of course, the most important thing here is the trade of various types of arms.

Due to the large number of players here and from different camps and races, plus alien players from various planets, the troops are also a hodgepodge.

However, most of them are cannon fodder units, and the most are low-level machinery and undead units.

The undead are generally skeletons, ghouls and blood servants, among which skeletons are the cheapest.

There are also many types of mechanical arms, but they are all mechanical birds, mechanical leopards, a small number of battle puppets, and even some powerful artillery, catapults, complex crossbow machines, and various mechanical vehicles.

But compared to the popular undead arms, the purchase and circulation rate of mechanical arms is far too low, and many of them are not cared about.

Mechanical mechanical arms, mechanical birds and mechanical leopards, although they have strong combat effectiveness, they are also quite special. Even junior engineering players can command them, but the problem is that they are expensive. After all, they are made of various metals, even low-end. The units are rough, but they are also reluctant to sell them cheaply.

But if it’s expensive, no one buys it. After all, it’s so expensive. Even if the combat power of a ghoul is worse than the strength of a mechanical leopard, it is not much worse. However, the price of buying a mechanical leopard is enough to buy three ghouls , So the mechanical corps was slightly embarrassed.

Needless to say, those war engineering machinery require engineering proficiency, and Tier 5 engineering machinery is at least advanced or above to be able to exert its power. The lower the engineering, the smaller the strength. Although ordinary people can use it, the basic function is not proportional to the price, and the gain is not worth the loss. After all, these gadgets are also very expensive items.

As for those mechanical cars, there are even more proficiency requirements for engineering, and the lowest-level mechanical cars also require advanced engineering to drive.

So here comes the problem. At this stage, except for Li Yao, advanced engineering is basically a life player who specializes in engineering.

For combat professional players, the engineering is basically stuck in the middle and high stages, and they are still working hard to impact the advanced. Naturally, these low-level mechanical vehicles are not so effective.

"Why do you want to buy these low-level mechanical units?" Mengke asked Li Yao just looking at the mechanical units in each booth, and asked curiously.

"Yes, you can see, one of my sub-heroes happens to be a dwarf, and his specialty is to lead the mechanical units to be effective, so I want to buy some." Li Yao is not short of money now.

"With all due respect, the mechanical legion is indeed powerful, but when it is fully equipped, especially the low-level mechanical arms, it is difficult for players to form a complete mechanical legion. These mechanical birds, mechanical leopards are just as powerful, and they are more expensive. War equipment does not have a corresponding person to control and can not exert its effect. The addition ratio is too low. Another sub-hero of yours is a vampire. I suggest that you arm your vampire more at this stage or buy more vampires. This is the best Quickly increase your strength." Mengke said.

"I understand, and thank you for your reminder, but I still want to build a mechanical army," Li Yao said and continued to look at the next booth.

"Cut, I don't know good people.".........

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