MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1176: Hero Skill


Back in Griffon City, Li Yao asked about the situation. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. After a brief inspection, Li Yao continued to be the shopkeeper. Then he entered the training ground and studied hero-related matters on the one hand. On the one hand, it is to practice secret skills. m..

The composition of the hero is relatively complicated, but Li Yao doesn't need to bother, it's just choice and luck.

The influence of heroes on the Legion is actually three aspects, namely attributes, aura, and skills.

The attributes are more general. On the one hand, it blesses a small amount of health, defense, etc., as well as special passive attribute skills for being a hero, such as leadership, luck, and marching skills. These effects on the army are relatively small and not decisive. The strength of the army can not make the legion qualitatively change, it can only be said to be icing on the cake. These skill points will be obtained through constant warfare, everyone is the same.

Aura and active skills can often determine the life and death of a legion, and a good aura skill can often make a qualitative change in the legion.

Aura skills are also divided into selectable and non-selectable. After becoming a hero, the non-selectable aura will receive a racial aura and a professional aura, which are all fixed.

Li Yao is more glamorous in this regard, because the system judges him to be of three races, high elves, ancient elves and blood.

The halo of the high elves is called Arcane Echo, which is mainly aimed at the French Legion, which can increase the mana and the speed of the mana of the Legion, as well as increase the corresponding magic damage.

The aura of the ancient elves is called the melody of nature, which can increase the natural resistance of the legion, increase a certain amount of blood and march speed, if it is a beast or a natural creature, it can increase the combat effectiveness in the forest.

The aura of the blood family is called blood boiling, which is a combat skill. With the splash of blood from killing the enemy, it superimposes bloodsucking and attack power.

The level of the aura is determined by the level. The primary boss is the lowest level, and the blessing is basically between 2%-5%. The higher the level of the boss, the more the attributes of the aura will be blessed.

Then there is the professional aura. Li Yao chose the Beastmaster Hunter. The aura is called the power of the king. The effect is that if his beast is led by a Beastmaster-level sub-hero, then the beast will never collapse and the morale will be like a rainbow.

Don't look down on increasing attacks, but the Beast Legion has a shortcoming, that is, it is unorganized, undisciplined, and easily collapsed, but with the Beastmaster, it becomes an iron army.

There was a saying in the last life that a certain beast army with a beast king can easily defeat five times the same kind of beast army without the beast king.

And this is the aura exclusive to Beastmaster Hunting, and it is also the main reason why Beastmaster Hunter has a place in the Legion Battle. It can definitely be ranked in the top three among all professional talent auras. The only limitation is that Beastmaster is hard to find. You know, only Only the beasts above the race-level leader of the high bloodline can be regarded as the Beastmaster, not the ordinary leader.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to conquer a tribe with beast kings and beasts and harvest them as pets.

The rest is the focus, one is the random elite halo of the elite profession, and the other is the active skill selection.

Both are a turntable that appears randomly after becoming heroes.

Especially the elite professional aura is particularly important. After all, the active skill means that the lottery is not good, but it is not too bad, and you can learn some active skills to make up for the shortcomings in the future.

However, the elite professional aura only has one chance to draw a lottery. If you want to get the second one, you will only get a chance to draw a lottery when you become a faction-level leader or a world-class leader. Then you will also get it when you become a demigod, but that is already a god-level aura .

Li Yao knows very well that many so-called waste firewood are turned around by the halo lottery, and they have a super army by virtue of their awesome halo.

There have been too many examples of this in the previous life. At the beginning, a player who was addicted to the war mode had no ambitions in the early stage, and was obsessed with losing his fortune by buying in game currency to buy the army, but the result was still annihilation of the regiment again and again.

This lasted for a year or two, and he finally became the leader level, and during the lottery draw, he got a skill called Six Ways of Reincarnation.

This passive skill is very simple. It can resurrect the dead Legionnaires three times in the same war.

Although there is no attack or defense attached, this attribute is much stronger than the attack. It can be resurrected three times, which is equivalent to four lives, which can be imagined to be against the sky.

And with this halo, many NPC heroes and legions are willing to follow him, why, who wouldn't want to follow the main hero who can be resurrected after death.

"I don't want any god-level aura, but don't give me **** aura, just normal."

Li Yao looked at the turntable nervously, his luck was always bad.

"Okay, borrow Hitomi's little red hand and start."

Li Yao directly turned the turntable, and the turntable revolved wildly. Li Yao activated the Eye of Titan and saw many exciting god-level auras.

Finally, the turntable stopped slowly.

"Could it be that the character broke out because of iron and developed, developed."

Li Yao was so excited that he turned around a few times, hardly believing his eyes.

Iron and blood, the army under his team possesses the will of steel and will never disintegrate. The will to fight will always be violent and vigorous. Moreover, when the blood volume is below 80%, every 10% reduction will increase its attack power by 15%.

This halo was acquired by a player in the previous life, and he is one of the strongest war players, known as the Jagged Lord.

"System: Congratulations on your passive aura, the geese pass by and leave their hair."

What the hell, Li Yao was dumbfounded when he saw the system prompt. Isn't it iron and blood? What the **** is the geese passing by and leaving hair.

Li Yao looked at it carefully. It turned out that the turntable had turned a little bit before it really stopped. Li Yao wanted to cry without tears.

"I know it."

When the geese pass and leave their hair, the luck of the regiment under their command is increased by 5 points. After the soldiers and regiments are destroyed, the search can be strengthened.

Increasing luck is Li Yao’s least favorite blessing. Unlike other games, the ancient gods have a fixed lock mode. Increasing luck can increase crit and skill triggering. However, the ancient gods increase luck. It is said that the higher the value, the better the luck. In his last life, Li Yao devoted himself to a lot of luck. As a result, it was just as miserable. As far as the benefits of other attributes are concerned, luck would never be seen.

There is also enhanced search, passive search or skill Li Yao has seen, that is, you can search the armor and equipment or even hidden things on soldiers. It is a way to make money, but it is useful to search for a standard equipment. He is not bad for money. .

Naturally, Li Yao didn't know how much advantage he had taken because of this halo, and how many people were envious, jealous, but he didn't know it yet.

"Hey, there is another chance to draw active skill legion skills, don't cheat anymore."...

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