MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1177: Natural Selection


Becoming a leader and becoming a hero can be said to be as important as creating and choosing a character. If you are lucky, you will be able to change your course in the game.

Therefore, the players later called the second choice of fate, which means that fate can be changed, and many players also succeeded.

In ancient gods, the rarer passive auras are, the fewer, and even god-level auras can only be possessed by one player.

Li Yao's original plan was to have a slightly popular passive hero halo that was neither too strong nor too weak, and he was satisfied, but in this way he still did not meet his psychological expectations.

Moreover, in the previous life, he has seen many auras with looting attributes, but the problem is that people’s auras all increase attack, blood volume, or powerful passive talent attributes, which can enhance the legion to several levels, and plunder. You can get a little bit more loot, but at least you have to win before you can plunder. You can't win, plunder asshole.

Li Yao really wanted to cry without tears, but there was nothing wrong, and he had to move on to the next step with an aggrieved mood.

"Your sister, can't you get lucky, if your active skills are also bad, you won't be confused in the future."

Li Yao took a deep breath again and the bracket turned the turntable. Finally, in Li Yao's fierce heartbeat, the turntable stopped. This time, Li Yao waited for a while, making sure to stop before watching it seriously.

"System: The hero's active skills are successfully drawn, blessed spells are obtained, and natural selection is made."

Li Yao frowned slightly. He had never heard of this legion skill in his previous life, but as long as it was a legion skill, it should not be bad, even if it is a blood booster, it has a great effect. Any kind of legion blessing skills can play an extraordinary role at the right time.

Natural selection of things: natural selection of things, survival of the fittest, this is the eternal truth. After the start of the battle, choose a legion to get enchanted promotion, and the Warcraft legion will advance to a rank, but not all creatures have evolved to higher ranks, so a small part of the enchanted legion will die. The number is determined based on the type of creatures of the Legion, and after the battle, half of the deaths of the Legion’s demonization will remain demonized. It is itself a monster that will not die, but after the end, there is only a small chance to retain the grade.

Li Yao looked at a Legion skill without speaking for a long time, and after a long time he muttered to himself: "Is it really very peaceful? This kind of heaven-defying Legion skill can be obtained by me, it is a magical skill."

The direct explanation of this skill is that when fighting against other legions, Li Yao can choose a legion to launch this skill, and if the selected legion is not a beast, it will become a beast in this battle, and itself If it is a Warcraft, it can be promoted to a rank. The downside is that some soldiers will die because they cannot withstand this demonized power.

Of course, half of the soldiers who died will remain demonized and become real monsters, while those that are monsters themselves will be upgraded, but they will basically not die or retain evolution.

There are many quantifiers in ancient gods, such as large probability, large probability, basic probability, small probability, small probability, and small probability. This small probability should be one in a million by statistics, which is almost negligible.

But this is also very dangerous, and Li Yao's current main combat power is Zerg, this skill is simply designed for Zerg.

What made Li Yao regret was that the Legion War could only be launched after the start of the Legion War, otherwise Li Yao would be demonized if nothing happened, and gradually he would have a group of demonized steel zerg.

Moreover, Griffins are basically Silver-British monsters, and they are very powerful. If they are promoted to one rank, their 110,000 boss-level Griffins are simply the overlord of the sky.

But now there is no fighting, and Li Yao cannot do without Griffin Plain. He needs to monitor the construction.

So Li Yao began to study the Profound meaning. Li Yao discovered that the Profound meaning is divided into several parts like the Sonic Arrow. It is not a mere skill, but based on the understanding of Profound meaning to extend his skills and skills.

Li Yao was a little bit sleepy and forgetting food, as if he had returned to the state where he had been training in the valley for several months in his previous life.

Except for a regular round of inspections every morning, and then continue to practice familiarity with the meaning in the driving range.

After half a month of research, Li Yao finally had some experience with this profound meaning and developed some applications.

The most practical thing is that with the study of Upanishad, his sensitivity has increased again.

In terms of application, one is that Uranus Scattering replaced his arrow rain skill. He can empty his blue volume and shoot countless arrows in two seconds. Through experiments, his current blue volume can make him at most within two seconds. Three thousand arrows poured out. Moreover, the arrow has the attribute of wind and thunder, it is a real squally rain, sweeping everything. But the shortcomings are also obvious. After this move, his blue volume is empty.

The second application is to rely on mental power to separate the remnants of the wind and thunder, which is actually equivalent to the shadow Yao is strong in spirit and can be used for multiple purposes. It can separate many shadow warriors, but it is different from the first kind. Similarly, not only does the separation of the wind and thunder shadow consume mana, but the wind and thunder shadow attack also consumes its own mana. Although the afterimage is basically the same as his strength, it is a duplicate, but it will disappear if it is exhausted.

"Does this want me to be blue, or is it that I have gone astray, it seems that the Queen's Upanishad and I understand completely two paths." Li Yao has nothing to do, but he can't think of other research directions.

"Hey, big brother, will you come back? This event is very good. I have won a lot of powerful legions, and you won't be able to get anything if you don't come again."

With the sound of Dididi, Li Yao opened it and heard Tongtong's voice mail. Li Yao saw that the time should have been sent one day ago.

Li Yao suddenly felt that there was indeed such an activity in his impression.

Li Yao quickly opened the official website, and what he saw was a large image of Devil's Dragon. Devil's dragon was huge and terrifying. A huge mammoth elephant was trampled by the Devil's dragon like a baby chicken. The scene was bloody. With a strong visual impact.

Activity: Four camps besieged the blood sacrifice field.

The Blood Sacrifice Domain is a very ancient barbaric sub-plane. The ruler of this domain was originally a huge Devilsaur. The Demon Horn tribe and the original blood tribe shivered under the powerful rule of the Demon Tyrannosaurus.

The two tribes have become the favorites of the Devilosaurus, and the dark age has gone through thousands of years.

Until three thousand years ago, the old Demon Tyrannosaurus King died of life, and the new generation of Devil Tyrannosaurus Kings was pending.

Taking advantage of this time, the two young patriarchs of the two clans united and moved their clansmen separately, and launched a surprise attack while the Devilsaur was fighting for the throne......

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