MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1186: Legion of Terror

(twenty one-)

Li Yao and the others are so large that they can't hide it from the scout.

It's just that they knew it was the dark camp team, and Li Yao and the others successfully reached the open space, and they were considered to have taken a place.

"Is there no one in the dark camp? How to let a recruit lead the army is really ridiculous." Li Yao and the others were ridiculed before they were fully settled.

At this moment, Li Yao brought two army commanders and a few big guild leaders to the place where several camp leaders gathered.

Li Yao saw that it was a lion man who was talking, and he sneered: "A barbarian is a barbarian, and he still can't get rid of the barbaric temper of the barren little plane."

A druid among the ancient elves frowned and said, "Mistwalker, in fact, these people of the sub-planes are right. I didn't expect you to have your turn to obey the orders of a recruit, both as a druid. You can come to me."

The Mistwalker is a racial-level leader druid who leads ten thousand druids.

"Your mouth still smells so bad. This is especially against the natural way. No wonder you have been stuck in the junior race leader and can't move forward." The Mistwalker smiled gently: "Although our general is a recruit, he has created a record and brilliant. There are a few people who can compare it to conquer the challenge field. I'm afraid your recruits stole lessons from our general."

A trace of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the Old Elf Druid. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was embarrassed to open his eyes and deny it nonsense.

"It turns out that you used tricks to challenge the field, but compared with our recruits, you are too far behind. With this kind of quality and combat effectiveness, you dare to look down on us. It's really ridiculous." The lion man looked at Li coldly. Shining.

The guild leaders of those alien players stared at Li Yao intently, and wanted to try Li Yao.

Li Yao stepped on their sub-level masters to achieve prestige, in their opinion, those who dealt with Li Yao were just useless.

"Okay, okay, I conquered the canyon, not watching you fight." A wild and wild Amazonian beauty sneered: "If you want to fight, wait for it to win here, and follow your battle song Up."

"Also, this time it's our turn to attack. Amazon failed to attack. It's time to rest. Let's take a look at our methods." Old Elf Druid smiled.

Li Yao waved his hand, leading everyone to occupy one side, and several powerful leaders all looked at the battlefield.

"This canyon is known as the Canyon of Despair. It has never been breached. If you join forces, there is still some hope, now it seems." A magic horn guide with magic horns sighed.

Li Yao smiled slightly, it was a lot of cooperation for several camps to meet without fighting, and it was really difficult to fight together.

With an order from the player, the Falcon Legion divided up tens of thousands of Falcons and swooped down, and the battle was about to start.

A large number of falcons flew down, but at the same time, the soldiers on the cliff also moved, and a group of them bowed their arrows.

Then everyone saw a wave of arrows, and those arrows in Li Yao's shocked eyes pierced the Falcon at an incredible speed, if so.

But Li Yao mobilized the Eye of Titan and saw that an arrow penetrated at least five or six falcons before its strength weakened, and the wound that penetrated was extremely smooth, obviously the strength was extremely strong.

You know, for an average archer, at such a distance, it would be good if the arrow could not penetrate into the body of a falcon. It is basically impossible to penetrate a falcon, let alone penetrate several falcons.

If it was a soldier, it was enough, but so many soldiers were like this, the scene seemed shocking, just a few rounds of shooting, the 100,000 Falcon Legion had been wiped out.

Not only Li Yao, but the other camps and players were shocked.

"This power is too overbearing, something is wrong, is this the power of the magic circle." Peerless Demon Fairy was surprised.

"It's horrible, how to play this, any legion is dead." Hitomi was also shocked. The war of one hundred thousand legions is not impossible, but it would be horrible to eliminate one hundred thousand legions within a few minutes.

"Desperate Canyon? Is it that place? This situation is very similar." Li Yao looked at the distant gorge and his mind suddenly roared, and groups of groups flashed quickly.

"This is what you let us see, but I have really seen it." The Amazon female player sneered. They were the first to come here, but the attack failed and was mocked.

"You guys on the main plane are simply vulnerable. It seems that we have to go out. Of course, this recruit wants to save some face, and I can let you jump in the line first." The Lion General looked at Li Yao.

But Li Yao was already immersed in the picture in his mind at this moment, and he didn't even hear what he said.

"Are you pretending to be deaf? Okay, let's end here, what desperate canyon, but some powerful archers." The lion-man general smiled: "Wild bear, take your legion across the canyon, from Kill these archers after death."

"Look at it, General."

A bear alien player began to summon the army continuously, and more than 50,000 armored war bears appeared.

The armored war bear is actually wearing armor specially made for giant bears. It can be said that it is a heavy army. These war bears are all silver and British warcraft equivalent to the ordinary leader level, plus He was wearing heavy armor and equipment. Although he hadn't experienced the power of the Armored War Bear Corps, an expert could judge the strength of this kind of army.



Those war bears ran like thunder, but they were truly powerful.

"My armored war bear has never failed on land..."

The vanguard of the war bear has entered the canyon, and the corpses of the abnormal change are directly shattered by the impact, and it is impossible to stop the war bear at all. It is directly crushed, crushed, and crushed.

The corpses planted in the canyon were crushed into fleshy sludge. If Li Yao clearly saw this step, he would be distressed to death. They were all corpses that could be transformed into energy.

But in the eyes of others, it was extremely shocking. It was too powerful. The armored war bear was not only covered by heavy armor, but a layer of golden rock armor attached to them as they rushed and fought, and it was so fast and inertial. It has been terrible to the extreme.

This kind of armored war bear is simply a nightmare for the general army. Such a powerful army will cost 50,000 per shot, which is incredible. Many players have the same envy, jealousy and hatred, Nima, why do you have such a good army to participate in activities and compete with these hard-pressed people, it is simply not a way to survive.

But the legions on both sides of the canyon did not respond, but when all the war bears almost entered the valley, the hunters of the original blood tribe finally moved.

However, people in several camps have complex complexions, and they obviously think that the ending is doomed. Now the archer attack on the cliff is useless. Waiting for the war bears to find their way up the cliff from the other side, it is estimated that it will be a crazy round of killing.

But, is it really so...


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