
The archers on both sides of the cliff finally started to move, still bending their bows and shooting arrows.

With the continuous whistling, heads of war bears fell to the ground.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically. In front of such a terrifying arrow, the earth armor and armor on the armored war bear, even their tough fur was as paper.

The armored war bears were nailed to the ground. It was extremely miserable. It was still a few minutes. Most of the war bears died in battle. If the players didn't quickly retrieve some of them, the whole army might be wiped out.

Everyone’s complexion is unsightly. There is no doubt that the war bear is tough. Those corpses that stand in the canyon are proof of the crushed powder, but for such a strong war bear, let’s not talk about the armor and the defense of the earth armor. , The defense of their own fur is no small thing.

But even so, it was still ruthlessly penetrated by arrows.

However, something even more frightening happened. Most of the armored war bears that fell on the ground wobbled to their feet again.

Roots of blood-colored crystals grew in decibels from their wounds, which completely stopped the wound, and their eyes were already blood-colored.

Now everyone is even more confused, just these archers are enough trouble, now there are so many war bears and so many flying eagles in the sky.

Moreover, after continuous attacks, the archer has controlled at least over half a million air forces. This is still abnormal, and no one knows if there are other defenses against the sky at this level.

"It's so powerful, but it's actually not the same on the street." Someone couldn't help but sarcastically, it was really too arrogant in the sub-plane.

The lion general looked ugly. Although he was a recruit, he had been with him for more than a month. The Bear Army had always been invincible and looked forward to it. He thought he could humiliate people from the three major camps. Still failed.

"It seems that people from the dark camp let a recruit lead the team. I don't know what you have to do." Other people looked at Li Yao.

But everyone found that Li Yao had been in a daze, his eyes straightened.

Everyone thought that Li Yao was scared and stupid, so they ignored a few ridicules. Tongtong and the others quickly called Li Yao, but Li Yao didn't respond at all.

The Mistwalker looked at Li Yao's eyes and frowned and said, "The adult's soul seems to have left the body, just like when entering the dream state. There must be something. As for this level, it is too difficult to attack. If no one wants to try, we Just adapt to the circumstances. Because the difficulty of this level is too high, the military merit gained is increased by 30%."

The players immediately felt relieved that as long as they did not make party affairs, they would not care about Li Yao's life or death.

The leaders discussed and decided to make a fierce attack. Everyone tried and didn't want to try their best. Moreover, this level is so important that no one wants to fall behind, especially with so many players in several camps.

This event can exchange not only the Legion but also many rare and precious items. The temptation is really too great.

After scheduling, the players were divided into two groups. One side had the air force and launched a violent overwhelming attack. On the other hand, the army launched a powerful melee army to pass through the canyon as soon as possible, and to the end, smash the large sentry in the middle of the canyon.

However, in this case, some crispy skins such as the Mage Corps are not available, and many players are very disappointed.

The battle was extremely tragic. The arrows of those archers were so terrible that no one could withstand the blow of the arrows.

Although players from several camps launched an extremely violent offensive, they still couldn't pass this hurdle. And as the battle progressed, although the archers lost some, the creatures that were infected and killed in battle changed. Instead, the level is getting stronger and stronger, and the soldiers are also increasing with the killing of the archers.

The generals of several factions want to stop, but where the players will be, the rewards for breaking a level are too tempting. How can players who taste the sweetness give up?

What's more, many people have already lost a lot. If they still can't get their military merits, wouldn't it be because they lost their madam and broke down.

The battle could no longer stop, and with the increase in the strength of the original blood tribe, the two sides even launched a duel, and the mage legion that had the opportunity to take action also happily joined the battlefield.

You should know that these infected legions are also military merits. Players are instead used as a place to brush their military merits. Let this be for the players with strength. If the quality of the legion is not good, they will be sent to death. It turned out to be much stronger.

It can be said that the archers on the cliff have exerted their lethality to the limit, and the horror is extreme. If it were not for the support of the player’s legion, if it were the NPC legion, the people from several camps would be killed in half an hour. I don’t know in the horror. With the blessing of the magic circle, the combat effectiveness of these archers has been infinitely improved.

Even Xinghuo sent troops to do military merits, and Tongtong and the others were guarding Li Yao's side.

Li Yao was also caught in endless battles and fights. The moment he saw the stone wall, Li Yao activated the Eye of the Titans and then he heard a thunderous dragon roar.

Numerous picture information was integrated into Li Yao's mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Yao's consciousness was projected into the picture.

Li Yao found out that he had become an ancestor young dragon, which was a young Yuan dragon.

He knew that this was an illusion, but he couldn't return to reality at all. Only then did Li Yao understand that this was a test, or his own special conditions triggered the prohibition here. Li Yao was slightly happy now, because this kind of opportunity is really too difficult.

As far as Li Yao knows, there were less than a thousand people who had this kind of opportunity in the previous life. Maybe there were hidden ones, but at most no more than 10,000 people. You must know that the 20 billion people who played this game were triggered by such a small number of people. The pathetic.

But every time the player who triggers this prohibition can get the corresponding benefits, or equipment, or skills, etc., but no matter what it is, it is absolutely infinite.

The reason why this kind of opportunity is rare is that every kind of prohibition requires special conditions to trigger it.

The pitfall is that no one knows where these prohibitions are, and even if you meet this condition, you don't know where to find such prohibitions. This is the worst.

Therefore, there is no such prohibition plan in Li Yao's plan, and although he knows many other methods and locations for opening the prohibition, it is difficult to achieve that condition, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally triggered one.

After understanding the matter, Li Yao was relieved. Li Yao recovered and found his weak body in a piece of snow. The surrounding cold wind howled, and you can see small peaks in the distance.

Obviously, Li Yao was in a mountain full of white snow, and there were three demon wolves opposite him. The demon wolves stared at him with scarlet eyes, obviously wanting to use his young dragon as food...

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