MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1188: cosplay


The two demon wolves are not too big, the Snow Mountain Demon Wolf is the most brutal beast, controlling the power of wind and snow.

An adult Yuanlong would naturally not put the magic wolf in his eyes, and Li Yao had too much experience, coupled with strong mental power, it was not the first time to control a dragon's body.

Although Yuanlong is different from the five dragons of today, they also return by different paths. Even if they are somewhat stagnant, they can easily defeat a demon wolf that is about to reach adulthood.

But there are two here, and Li Yao can tell at a glance, the two demon wolves obviously know how to cooperate.

The two demon wolves stared at him, and the two sides faced each other for a while. The demon wolf finally couldn't help attacking the young Yuanlong controlled by Li Yao before and after.

They were well-founded and cooperated with an incomparable tacit understanding. The Yuanlong controlled by Li Yao was very weak and had no magical ability at all. The only instinct of dragon breath was Frost Breath, which was of no use to the devil wolf. Li Yao suddenly fell into trouble. Fight hard.

There were continuous wounds on Li Yao's body, and the heart-wrenching feeling made Li Yao extremely unhappy.

After fighting for more than a quarter of an hour, the snowy area was already full of blood. Li Yao paid a heavy price and finally killed the two demon wolves.

Li Yao even turned his senses into Yuanlong's senses, full of desire for blood food.

At this moment, Li Yao was also a juvenile Yuanlong, with one of his wings almost torn off, and his whole body was bleeding.

Li Yao bit the devil wolf’s neck and groaned and drank the hot wolf blood. As the wolf’s blood fell on his stomach, the wound on Li Yao’s body quickly healed and the scales grew again.

When Li Yao finished eating the half-headed demon wolf, his body was obviously bigger, and he discovered that he had entered the leader level from the Silver Ying level. At the same time comprehend two instinctive skills.


Li Yao heard the wolf roar in the distance, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly left.

He was basically able to fly, relying on his short-term flying ability, Li Yao kept fleeing, and the magic wolves were also keeping track of him.

As for Li Yao, he found a hidden cave hidden on the cliff, which gave him a chance to breathe.

"System: Congratulations to the players for completing the trial mission, Yuanlong Chuming!"

Li Yao heard a prompt, and his heart was indeed a test.

"System: The score appears courage s, fighting will s, skill a, comprehensive evaluation s level. The upper limit of the dragon source is increased by 100%."

"System: S-level comprehensive evaluation, which meets the conditions for continuing challenge. Do you continue to challenge?"


Li Yao didn't have to hesitate at all. Longyuan was the basic energy of the Dragon Roar skill. In the first level, his own dragon source was doubled. One can imagine the rewards behind.

Li Yao found himself back in the cave again, but the difference was that his strength had improved a lot again, and he was already the pinnacle of a senior leader.

After Li Yao got acquainted for a while, he heard a terrifying roar. Li Yao saw that the group of magic wolves already knew where he was going. Looking at the brief introduction, Yuan Long went to the cave and became home.

At first, he killed the falcon that returned to the lair, and then took the wolf pack as his prey.

The wolves were completely consumed by him, and they were endlessly dying. This time the mission was to hunt down the wolf king.

Li Yao racked his brains and finally killed the Wolf King to pass the level.

After the third level, Yuanlong had become a race-level leader, and he was close to adulthood, and his body was already very huge. Those magic wolves had long been afraid of him.

There is no need for him to hunt, every day the magic wolves will contribute enough prey to Yuanlong.

But the flying Yuanlong was no longer satisfied here, he decided to find his own race.

After half a year, he found the ethnic group, but other Yuanlongs are very repulsive to him as a foreigner. The next level is to meet the challenge of Yuanlong. Only when he defeats the challenge of five Yuanlongs in a row and finally survives can he stay. Ethnic group.

One-on-one, even though it was a wheel fight, Li Yao didn't even persuade him, he was still rated as s.

In this way, along with Yuanlong's growth, Li Yao constantly challenged his destiny.

After experiencing many challenges, Yuanlong has become the patriarch of this Yuanlong tribe.

Then came the challenges of various tribes, and step by step, the body became bigger and bigger. Yuanlong had become the king of various Yuanlong tribes, and his body was so huge that it could not be increased.

Li Yao accepted the final challenge. If the challenge fails, all rewards will disappear. If the challenge succeeds, he can get better rewards.

Li Yao did not hesitate to choose the challenge, and Li Yao had already known that the Yuanlong he controlled was originally the so-called Dragon Father, the absolute overlord of the northern world.

His size can span a map at most, conceivably how huge, and the ultimate goal is that a deity fell in love with Dragon Father and wanted to use Dragon Father as a mount.

This deity is no one else, but the beast god, he controls various powerful beasts and beasts.

Li Yaosi was not afraid to start a war with the Beast God. The Beast God was not alone in the fight, and his partners were extremely numerous, and each of them was very powerful.

It was another **** Li Yao finally defeated the Beast God and swallowed the Beast God in one bite.

Li Yao's consciousness has been separated from the dragon father, but the shock is beyond the limit. Today's beast **** does not have a flesh and soul attached to each beast. Li Yao always thought it was his magical powers. Now he finally knows that the beast **** wants to tame the dragon father. The result was counter-killed by Dragon Father.

He swallowed the body of the beast **** and became a **** against the heavens and became the true father of Yuanlong. Under his deterrence, the Northern Continent shivered, and all races were terrified, and even the gods were reluctant to go to this place.

"System: Congratulations to the players for completing all the relevant cards, comprehensive evaluation s, synchronization level 95.69%, and obtaining the Dragon Father talent Dragon Roar supernatural power, Dragon Father power."

Suddenly, following the system's prompt, he finally returned to his body in the game and opened his eyes.

There was still a frantic fight in the distance, and the sky was already dark.

"Big brother, you finally woke up, you are too powerful, you can fall asleep while standing, and you can sleep day and night." Hitomi pretended to despise.

"A day and a night, haven't you won the level yet?" Li Yao was also scared, and it took such a long time.

"No, the generals of several camps have thought of various methods. The elite strategy is not good, and the crowded tactics are not good. At first, I was happy to be able to continue to make military achievements. As a result, I heard that there have been several teams that are about to attack the original blood. The capital is over, we are still stuck here." Qin Fengyi explained.

"Just right, try my new ability." Li Yao said confidently, he already knew the origin of this gorge.

It turns out that this so-called Desperate Canyon and the so-called mountains were originally a plain. It was the crazy battle between the dragon father and the beast **** that made it riddled with holes and eventually formed a complex mountain terrain, and those archers were affected The Dragon Father’s influence......

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