MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1212: suppress

Countless people have been completely silly, just as Mofei sighs, they feel that it is not a game to play. Burning novel?????????`

Obviously, the boss that others can't hold on for even a minute, when in Li Yao's hands, it is just like playing, playing with the boss casually.

They all saw that even the boss hesitated to make a move, and was looking for a suitable world to shoot the gun, but no matter how the boss calculated, Li Yao would never be hit, and most of them were rebounded back. They really didn’t know. How to say it.

"It's always like this every time. When everyone, the super masters, just noticed certain techniques, is he already so mature." Edward sighed.

"His technology is indeed at its peak, you don't know it, in the Rift Valley..." The blood lion quickly said Li Yao's incident in the canyon.

"Whenever I thought I could see him through, when he ends here, he can always bring surprises. He is really a mystery man." Edwards did not expect Li Yao to hide so deep, like a bottomless pit, that nothing can test him. The bottom line.

"I regret provoke this kind of people now."

The blood lion looked gloomy, but he was more admired. Although he hated Li Yao, he was frustrated by Li Yao and others not long ago, but the technology belongs to the technology, and he will not deny a person just because he hates one person.

Because in his opinion, this is a very stupid thing. Only by fully understanding and acknowledging a person's abilities can he find his flaws, and blindly denying it can only make his own judgment wrong. Only by acknowledging the strength of the opponent can the situation be clearly understood.

"Why are you? Our two family friends have grown up together since childhood. I have always regarded you as a elder brother. How could I have other feelings in the face of my elder brother." Edward said to play and said directly behind him: "Notice He, there is no need to retreat for training, let him watch the live broadcast."

The man behind him nodded unwillingly. In fact, the super masters have already noticed the reversal, and many technical houses are studying. The technical king of their guild has already seen the way. Although it is not as easy as Li Yao, the hand is slow, but it is slow. Slow to master.

However, if the Liaoyuan masters this level, what is the point of sullen practice?

Many super guilds have issued such orders, and it is not just one person who is studying impeachment.

"It's really boring, we thought we discovered a new technology, and the guy in Shadow Dance was practicing crazy, but I didn't expect the big brother to play so well." Hitomi said disappointedly.

The enchantress is also the main force in practicing rebounding: "I originally mastered a little, and I said that next time I will play against him, now it seems..."

Everyone smiled bitterly, but they didn't know it, let alone others.

In the field, Kuhl finally started to move. He used to stand still, but now he is moving fast, shooting at Li Yao while moving.

Li Yao's bullet-back bullets could not all hit the opponent, but Li Yao did not have a Chinese shot.

"Damn it." Kuhl had completely changed a lot of tactics, but facing Li Yao, although his attributes completely crushed the opponent, he felt a period of weakness now.

Even his own bursts couldn't hit the opponent, and his range of attacks was even more nonsense.

The hand cannon is his assassin, and it can often have the final effect, but the opponent can even bounce fast bullets, let alone cannonballs.

Moreover, the reversal shells hurt too much, which is also a huge disaster for him, and because the power of the hand cannon is too great, the recoil is serious, and he has a long time of stiffness after release, facing the rebounding shells. Inability to dodge.

After being blown up by three shells, he learned to behave and temporarily gave up the use of artillery.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, die and burn my blood." As he roared, Kur's body became bloody, and his pores gushed out a lot of blood, forming A weird circle. His blood volume dropped suddenly by one tenth.

Bloody shooting!

A continuous **** arrow suddenly appeared from mid-air, and then continuously screamed towards Li Yao.

"Aren't you able to reverse it, then come, I see how you reverse it."

Seeing Li Yao dodge under the **** arrows that kept appearing, Kuer smiled, and the shotgun was replaced with a **** bow.

Staring at Li Yao, catching Li Yao's flaws.

When Li Yaogang dodges a wave of **** arrows, the opponent suddenly shot an arrow.

The hearts of the players have already mentioned their throats, because the arrow almost must hit, and at this angle Li Yao simply can't rebound.


The two arrows collided directly.

A Qianji Bow appeared in Li Yao's hand and smiled: "Don't forget that I am also a hunter, shooting is my strongest."

"It's impossible." Kuer has also been practising the technique of pinpoints against Maimang, but his arrows are too fast, and it is too difficult to play this way. He thought it was a technique that a **** can possess. The force response requirements are too high. And archery also needs to reach the highest level. It really means where to hit, no one can control the However, he saw this technology, but it was in this situation. under.

Ding Ding Ding Ding...

The two of them all turned on the blessings, shooting frantically, and Li Yao's agility was no longer weaker than the other, even surpassing each other, so he was able to deal with it easily.

But what the audience watched was enthusiastic, it was incredible.

"This trick is an old trick, I won't introduce it too much. After so long, it's time to end."

Following Li Yao's words, a phantom of Li Yao appeared in front of Li Yao, and it was Li Yao who used the storm to split and appeared.

Two Li Yao attacked at the same time, immediately disrupting Kuer's rhythm and hitting arrows continuously.

The two Li Yao constantly changed their bodies, and as the phantom became solid, Kur and the audience could no longer tell which Li Yao was the real one.

The violent storm's clone attack also consumes his blue energy, exactly the same as Li Yao, and the two Li Yao seem to be really two people, and their respective actions are completely different. They are real clouds and flowing water, without a trace of stagnation.

"This is the perfect one-hearted two-purpose. If you cover your face, you won't think that it is a person controlling it at all, it is perfect." Mo Fei sighed.

"He is a master of Beastmaster, one mind and two uses are too simple for him. He is really a monster, doesn't he have any shortcomings." Ozawa also said.

Anyway, the audience was dumbfounded. They also couldn't tell which was the real Li Yao and which was the fake.

Accompanied by the two figures to make a peace, they beat Kul in a panic, fleeing frantically, and his blood volume continued to drop, and it soon reached a third.

"Damn it, not only you can fight melee." Kuer roared, his body gushing out a lot of blood again, and his blood volume dropped at the same time, his body suddenly rose up, as if covered with a layer of blood armor: "Blood God Change ."...

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