Ding ding ding ding ding...

Li Yao's gusty arrows could only be bounced off the blood-colored armor, splashing only the sparks at the starting point. Burning novels??????????`

"It's useless, the Evil Blood Armor is not a defense you can break." Kurt glanced at the **** longbow of his hand directly behind his back, and took out two **** long swords in his hand: "You are very strong. , Although your attributes are weak, but the technology is the best I have encountered in my life. I, Kuhl, has never encountered an opponent of the same level, and I did not expect to be compared to you. However, this does not mean that I will fail, remote I can't kill it, but I don't believe how strong you can be in close combat. It doesn't matter if you are strong, you can't break my armor."

"Then try it."

Two one-handed sickles appeared in Li Yao's hands, his complexion dignified, and his figure disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Ruthless blade!

Li Yao's figure suddenly appeared from Kuer's side, and the sickle in his hand severely slashed the opponent's body.

A smile appeared at the corner of Kuer's mouth, not evasive, not moving.


Li Yao's figure appeared, disappeared, and disappeared again, six consecutive times, but he couldn't break the opponent's defense at all.

"Sure enough, the defense is high enough." Li Yao smiled: "Reaper's sickle, it seems that the grade is still a little lower. It's time to collect the remaining pieces."

The audience is going to curse, this Nima boss is too shameless, it doesn't matter if the attack is so fierce, the result is that the blood has this kind of invincible defense, and this is playing with your sister.

"I said, it's useless, you can't break my armor defense." Kuer slowly walked towards Li Yao, his eyes full of ferociousness, the original calmness and calmness had completely disappeared, it was Li Yaotai that shocked him. No, he had no power to fight back. The taste of technology being completely crushed made him crazy. He had always crushed others with technology, and he had never thought that he would have such a day.

Everyone saw Li Yao standing still on the spot, thinking that Li Yao had given up. Faced with such an incomprehensible existence, no one could do anything to break the defense and play with your sister.

And under normal circumstances, even if the defense is not broken, a drop of blood will be dropped, but the opponent will not drop a drop of blood, and it will not kill at all.

"Sure enough, he is a wise man. He gave up the needless struggle." Kuer suddenly raised his weapon and slashed towards Li Yao with a **** light.

"Slag, Liaoyuan is nothing more than that..."

"Idiot, also teaching, teaching Nima, garbage technology."

"Spicy chicken, pretending to fail, so embarrassed."

The enemies of Li Yao who have been suppressed have expressed their indignation.

Many viewers were angry. It was normal to fail to challenge the senior boss. Even if Liaoyuan failed this time, many people benefited a lot from what he showed and taught everyone.

It's just that these people don't appreciate it, and they speak badly, which really makes most people angry. You can have hatred with others, you can hate and hate them, but after learning their skills, at least you should have a little respect now.

Everyone was about to fight back, but they saw an unbelievable scene.

Seeing that the original boss was still motionless, everyone thought that Li Yao had given up waiting to die and suddenly raised his weapon.

Thousand Chance Bow's imaginary big sword and the opponent's blood-colored double swords slammed together, and the two weapons collided and made an unpleasant metal sound.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, Li Yao suddenly pushed the weapon, and Kuer was knocked down in shocked eyes.

Li Yao slowly walked to the other side and said lightly: "I originally wanted to keep a hand, but I didn't expect you to have such a shameless armor. But it doesn't matter, let you know today that besides breaking the move, you can still do it after level 40. Anti-reverse."

Li Yao said that he swung his weapon suddenly and slashed at the fallen Ku Er, and Ku Er's blood volume suddenly dropped.

"As the name suggests, after successful countermeasures, it can reduce the opponent's defense, which is similar to breaking moves, but the application situation is different. Breaking moves is a technique, and countermeasures need sufficient strength to support, and the strength cannot be crushed by the opponent, otherwise it will fall. It's me."

Those who still scolded Li Yao stopped abruptly. Is this Nima still a human?

The rise and fall of life is so fast that Li Yao, who they think is bound to die, has revealed a new technique.

"I don't give people a way to survive at all. Big brother is really bad." Hitomi suddenly turned anger into joy.

Everyone in Sister Li's heart is also in the mood. If Li Yao hangs up, it will inevitably affect the effect of propaganda to the guild. I didn't expect this kind of reversal plot.

"It's really a little monster." The big guy in the bright camp said sourly.

Kane said triumphantly: "Don't look at whose inheritor it is, his mentor is the glorious generation, and there are successors in our camp."

The bosses of several other camps suddenly rolled their eyes. They are not your inheritors. You are so proud of you.

"You monster, you have mastered the melee defense, who are you?" Kuer got up and looked at Li Yao full of surprise.

"Melee anti-revolution, I am considered half a close combat. What can't be mastered? Besides, is it difficult to prevent counter-revolution? Your actions are too slow." Li Yao said lightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Damn you. "Koul's body turned into an afterimage like lightning and slammed towards Li Yao.

Blood Shadow Kill!

"Too slow." Li Yao said and raised his weapon again.

The weapons of the two slammed together again, no surprise, Kuhl's body fell to the ground again.

"The principle of anti-reverse is very simple to put it bluntly. In fact, it is similar to a broken move, but there are also differences. The broken move is to find the physical flaws of the opponent when the move is made, which results in the effect of the attack. But the anti-reverse is different. In some cases, the opponent The flaws in his body are hidden. For example, this Kuer, even if his armor is flawed, but the body is firmly protected, it is not impossible to break the move, but the chance of failure is too great."

"This is the time for anti-counterfeiting. No matter how well his body is protected, his body must move in the process of making a move. It is to seize every move when the body moves or loses balance easily. Li Yao weapon Knock the opponent down."

Everyone was speechless, it was simple to say, there are so many ancient gods, it is not easy to study them thoroughly.

"Some people may think that the moves are too complicated, and they can’t study every move. In fact, it’s not always true. As long as you have a strong mental power, you can seize fleeting opportunities, and you’ll never be separated from its sect. Anti-counterfeiting of commonly used moves can draw inferences from one another. If you use it multiple times, you can naturally master it slowly."

While speaking, Li Yao threw the opponent to the ground for the third time.

"Oh, sorry, I wanted to play a few more times, but you run out of blood, so let's send you on the road."

Li Yao said that he swung his sickle abruptly and broke Kuer's head. Kur's eyes were full of humiliation and unwillingness.

With Chur's death in battle, the field of the field burst into pieces.

"The field is broken, kill!"


The legions of several camps madly killed the capital...

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