MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1225: Endless

The rest of the battle Li Yao has completely lost interest, although the next battle is still fierce, in order to compete for military merit, players are very enthusiastic. ?? Huo Ran? Text??????`

And the original blood tribe also broke out extraordinary fighting power when it was alive and dead, especially at the last moment.

But the number of players is really too much, the legions they summoned are too many to kill.

At the last moment, the remaining original blood tribe caused evil blood, and the entire city fell into a sea of ​​monsters.

All the original blood people have undergone abnormal changes, but with the passage of time, the number has also decreased.

In the end, the patriarch of the original blood tribe became a monster with countless eyes. I don't know how many legions attacked together, and it took a day to finally kill the mutant patriarch.

And Li Yao sent some legions to the enchantress to command. Although he himself was still on the scene, he had been immersed in the analysis and research of the combined puppet matrix.

Moreover, he finally converged the corpse to the point where his hands were soft, and the energy unit was accumulating expansively, but Li Yao did not continue to produce new insects.

In his opinion, at this stage, his legions are enough, and there is no point in reproducing low-level legions.

And after consuming huge energy units as a substitute for rare materials, the female worms finally evolved again, and as long as they wake up again, they will become Tier 3.

In addition to the new skills and abilities and the growth of his own attributes, there will be more new units, Li Yao is really looking forward to it.

But even so, he still has a lot of energy units.

When Li Yao continued to be immersed in the matrix research, he suddenly received a system prompt.

"System: Congratulations to the player Liaoyuan for participating in the final battle. They dispatched their own army to kill the patriarch of the original blood tribe, rewarded 2 glorious points, 300 faction reputation, obtained the title of Out of Print, Blood Pioneer."

"System: Pioneer of Blood, life +200, life recovery increased by 15 points per second, blood-sucking ability increased by 2%, affinity for blood-line creatures, easy to recruit to their own subordinates."

As long as you participate in the final battle and fight with the patriarch, you can get such a generous reward, which really surprises the players.

Especially the title, the attributes are not mentioned, it is very good, and more importantly, you can recruit some special units, such as vampires, which makes many players overjoyed.

"System: The ten teams with the highest evaluation in this final battle have appeared. They are Xinghuo...Waiting for a team to get the qualification to travel to the magical planet. The two lucky teams are randomly selected..."

The efficiency of the system is too fast, and the results have just been announced. And Xinghuo undoubtedly among the ten teams, the people of Xinghuo suddenly boiled, this is not only a question of qualifications, but also represents strength.

You should know that the number of guilds owned by the ancient gods is like the number of Ganges sands, that is, there are a lot of top guilds participating in this final battle. The ability of Xinghuo to qualify for a team explains many problems in itself. How can you not be excited, and this time Li Yao was a commentator for seven days, and then the most amazing performance was an advertisement for Xinghuo. Xinghuo's players are full of pride and confidence.

There are three more excited because of Li Yao's, and that is Li Yao's family.

In the school, Xiao Yudi said to Li Jia with envy: "Oh, if I have such a great brother, I really envy you, I can travel to the magic planet."

Li Jia is also very excited. This is a journey to remember for a lifetime, and there is a sacred feeling of participating in the development of history: "Unfortunately, I can only take my family, otherwise I will definitely be with you."

"Oh, the competition is too fierce, and my sister's team is just a bit close. It's a pity." The envy in Xiao Yudi's eyes couldn't be concealed.

The class knew that Li Jia's brother Li Yao was not a minority, and he was also very envious. The number of places was too limited, and this kind of qualification could not be bought with money.

At Li Yao's house, Li's mother saw the system broadcast, and hurriedly went to the relevant website to inquire, and suddenly said excitedly: "Look, you see, our family's name really appeared on the list."

"Why are you excited? Isn't it just going out to travel?" Father Li concealed his excitement.

"You will die with a hard mouth. I don't know who talked all day long ago. If it is worth a lifetime to travel to the magic planet, now Xiao Yao has helped us get the qualifications, and you have begun to put on airs." Li Mu silk did not give him. Face: "Also I often hear you talk about it. After arriving at the magic planet planetary zone on the pioneer ship, Lao Zhao brags for half his life, now..."

Father Li nodded his head, and quietly logged on to the website to check...

The battle is finally over, this place has been occupied by four camps, and the four camps have occupied a quarter of the area to discuss the distribution of benefits.

And the players are carrying a lot of military exploits in exchange for what they need, or equipment, materials, of course, the main ones are all kinds of The four camps finally identified the original blood tribe priests and The whereabouts of some mutant tribes turned out to be a broken space underground in the city. According to the survey, this is a broken space group with many monsters and various relics living in it. The four camps call on the vast number of adventurers to explore the world together. "

"System: Personal challenge copy, endless space opens."

"System: The endless space is divided into many layers, and the monsters on each layer are more difficult than the previous one, waiting for players to challenge."

"System: The basic rules of Endless Space are as follows."

1. The attributes of players who enter the endless space will be adjusted. Enter the initial state of the race. For the time being, they can only use the basic skills of each weapon. All equipment and props are invalid. The items and equipment that can only be obtained in the endless space can be used in the endless space.

2. There are many recording points in the endless space. Every time the recording point is reached, the monsters will be cleared and killed. The first layer is twice as large as the outside world.

3. Open the endless space ladder list, calculate the ladder points according to the player's level and the number of recorded points, and reward a lot of experience and precious items according to the ranking every month.


The rules were introduced in detail, and Hitomi said excitedly: "Speaking for a long time, that is to say, this is an infinite chain of challenge copies, the kind that depends entirely on technology?"

Li Yao nodded: "In the initial state of the character, you can't use external props. What you fight is technology. Watching the monster attack, it's basically a second, so miserable..."

Everyone in Xinghuo is watching other people open up the endless space, but in just a quarter of an hour, the anchor with not bad technology actually died more than a dozen times, and on average, it was hanging up once in less than a minute.

The monster attack is too high, it is a real one-shot, especially at the beginning it is really the initial state, with bare hands. And there are various terrain kills, a hundred ways to die...

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