MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1226: set sail

Facing Hitomi’s question, Yao Ji said lazily: “The big events are all over. It will take a while for the guild to upgrade. It is a period of steady development and there are no major competitions. It is a relatively leisurely time. Have fun with this kind of copy.?ranwe?n?????????`"

Hitomi thought for a while and then said: "Have fun, the fun of constantly hanging up? The experience can only reach the record point to increase the level inside. If you hang up once, you have to run the corpse to retrieve it, otherwise the experience will disappear. The monster is super It's powerful, of course it's fragile. The environment is too dangerous, and it may hang up at any time. Various organ traps or monsters ambush. Boss, the copy has been open for almost an hour, I have only seen a small gatekeeper boss, oss has not seen it yet , Hangs every tens of seconds on average, this kind of fun is really..."

Just as Hitomi said, the master anchor in the screen was once again killed by a trap and monster combination. As a result, the last time the body was not taken back, and the experience was wasted.

"Experience rewards are very generous, and then it seems that upgrading can increase attribute points." Sister Li also looked up from various guild reports: "I feel it is another way to improve."

"Big brother, what are the matrices?" Hitomi asked Li Yao.

Only then did Li Yao come back to his senses and said, "It's a supplement, you know, the gameplay is changing now. With the addition of the war mode, many people's levels will fall. This mode can quickly gain experience. Moreover, the higher the level, the more attribute points, and the higher the level, many attributes can be improved. It is also a copy of spelling skills and skills."

"It turned out to be like this. If it weren't for so many days of war, I would be too tired. I would have to rush to the ladder." Hitomi took out a cushion and found a comfortable position near the fireplace, looking at the picture: "Just one week away. I've traveled to aliens, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Well, let's meet on the spacecraft at that time. Our team is just in charge of the security of the passenger spacecraft." Li Yao finished studying the matrix again.

The room was quiet again, watching the live broadcast and watching the live broadcast, busy and busy, the room was only left with the sound of the live broadcast and the fire burning in the fireplace for a while, and the picture looked extremely warm and harmonious.

Time flies, and a week has passed quickly.

This week, the game is also very lively, and Li Yao has almost become a national idol, and not only a player of China, this event has made Li Yao truly famous in the entire game industry.

Players who are keen on the war mode are quickly digesting the military merits of this battle, thereby transforming them into their own strength.

One of the most lively is the new endless space, which has become a gathering place for technology streamers.

And because there is no team glory involved, many retired players who don't fight for fame and fortune have also joined. With the addition of alien players, the ladder list can be described as turbulent.

The ladder list is not calculated based on level, but based on the number of layers.

Each record point is a mini-level, guarding the record points are the little bosses that guard the gate and the more powerful bosses, and then each floor has an official boss, and there are even hidden levels and bosses with rewards and rich experience.

This dungeon can be regarded as abusive to the players. It took a week for the player to reach the third level of the ranking list.

And it has been more than a day stuck in the boss of the third floor of the official residence.

After exploration, the players also discovered that each layer has an initial level,

Among them, if the level process is not hurt, the experience gained by the record point doubles.

In addition to weapons and accessories, the experience reward is also doubled if the armor is not equipped.

If you complete the level without upgrading at the initial level, the rewarded experience will be doubled again. (For example, the initial level of the first level is level 1, complete all the record points without upgrading, and kill the final boss of the first level, the experience gained on this level is doubled. The experience is internal upgrade experience on the one hand, and on the other hand External upgrade experience. The practical level of the second layer is ten.)

Under several conditions, do not use any auxiliary props to double again.

The experience gained by fulfilling one condition is doubled, while fulfilling two conditions at the same time is four times, three conditions are eight times, and four conditions are sixteen times. The so-called platinum trophy, the platinum ladder.

You know, the monster's experience in itself is much higher than the external experience, and you can imagine the considerable degree of experience.

But the reality is cruel. Now top players are constantly improving their level attributes, equipment, weapons and props in them to find ways to pass. Even so, they are constantly dying, and they are still stuck in the third level.

Needless to say, ordinary players, the usual way is to constantly clear low-level record points, so as to accumulate enough equipment and props to prepare for the next level.

It is not that no players tried, but the result was tragic.

So up to now, the platinum ranking list is still blank.

During the period, many people hope that Li Yao will give them strategies, and now many top masters are issuing various strategies for clearance.

Various genres have also formed, such as agility flow, power flow, spell flow, item flow, etc. but each genre is not easy, especially for ordinary players.

So many players expect Li Yao to give them a simple way, but Li Yao went back to the guild to start making and researching combined puppets. How could he have time to manage these things. He doesn't care even if someone catches up with him.

So there are some things on the Internet that say that Liaoyuan is actually nothing more than this.

In the end, Li Yao still ignored him. He had spent a week forgetting food and sleep to complete the combination of puppets. Hitomi and the others would not see Li Yao, so he would watch any forums wherever he went.

Overall, Li Yao is very satisfied with the combination of combat puppets.

When the old professor awakened Li Yao from the game warehouse, Li Yao suddenly realized that the day to start had arrived.

The old professor sighed and said, "This time it's a hurdle. Your players are training hard, but you are really addicted to the game. Really, let me say what is good about you."

Li Yao was taken aback, and said, "Ham, what a hurdle."

Li Yao is still in a state of confusion, now his mind is full of combination puppets.

"Do you think that the first real contact with those barbaric races this time will be really unwavering? The two sides will definitely have to compete. The old mecha is better to say, the new mecha does not have the ability to really fight. "The old professor paused: "Of course, except for you little monster. So, I hope you must perform well this time, otherwise, someone will have an excuse to limit the research funding of the new mecha."

"What happened to me at the time, that's it, what do you worry about with me." Li Yao suddenly relaxed, he was not worried at all.

"I hope so." The old professor is still very worried: "Go, take your crew aboard. It is not easy to be responsible for the security of this ship, after all, it takes almost a few days to reach the designated planet."

"Don't worry." Li Yao waved his hand...

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