MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1228: platinum

Said it is to maintain safety, but in fact there is no danger, and there is nothing to do with Li Yao. Burning Wen Xiao?? Say??????????`

Li Yao checked the newsletter and his sister said that they had already boarded the ship.

The people of Xinghuo have already arranged it, and they are also bringing their families with them.

Of course, Sister Li and Hitomi are together, no one else. The guardian angel and the fruit knight are the couple.

Needless to say, Qin Fengyi fell out with her family, and even if it didn't fall out, her parents would not come.

Hearing that Li Yao's parents and younger sister had arrived, Qin Fengyi said: "It's been a long time since I saw my uncle, aunt, and Jiajia. I will meet you with you."

Li Yao was taken aback and said, "Okay."

Qin Fengyi naturally took Li Yao's arm and left together amidst the voices of everyone.

Of course, seeing Li Yao and Qin Fengyi appear together, Li Yao’s parents’ eyes were pleasantly surprised, and Li Jia said happily, “I’m going, Fengyi’s sister-in-law, you are there.”

Several people were very happy. When Li Yao saw his parents, he was suddenly gone, but he quickly cleared up his mood. Since there was a chance for a while, how could he not cherish and grasp it well.

"Xiao Yao, Feng Yi, come and I will introduce you to you. This is a friend we know at the port. Just call it Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen." Mother Li happily introduced the two people next to her.

When the two middle-aged couples saw Li Yao and the elegant Qin Fengyi next to them, there was a glimmer of envy in their eyes, and they said quickly: "Old Li, you are really lucky. What your son does, this daughter-in-law is really beautiful."

Li Yao said with a smile: "There is no job, just playing games."

Aunt Chen was taken aback, and a smile suddenly appeared: "Oh, you can't do this. How can such a beautiful daughter-in-law be supported by games alone? We and your parents also hit it off. My son is the captain of the new mecha team, I It seems that Xiaoyao is not very young, but he can find a guy in the new mecha team."

Uncle Chen pulled Aunt Chen a bit and whispered: "You are crazy, how can our son have this right."

Aunt Chen glared at Uncle Chen. Uncle Chen didn't dare to speak anymore. She said that you want to show off your son and don't bring it like this. How many times have you shown off, why not enough.

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that it was the parents of the players in his team, and said, "Thank you for the two elders, but I'm loose and used, so forget it."

"I'm telling you, young people must be ambitious, how can they play games all day long..." Aunt Chen wanted to continue, when she saw another group of people came.

"Parents, you can count on coming." A young guy ran over quickly, and there were Sister Li and the others behind him.

"Come, come, son, this is your Uncle Li, Aunt Li, hurry up and call someone." Aunt Chen grabbed her son and said, "This is my son. He is now a captain."

Li Yao saw Chen Fang who was controlling the wizard's mecha. Chen Fang immediately saluted Li Yao's parents politely, and then saw Li Yao who was in the wrong position.

Suddenly stammered and said: "Captain, me, me, I have changed positions with someone else, not sneaking out."

Li Yao nodded and smiled: "It's okay, what can be done in Hong Kong, I didn't expect it, you still have a deep secret, and you are actually qualified in the game."

Chen Fang suddenly said embarrassedly: "I'm a team that was lucky enough to be drawn randomly. How come you came with your strength as the captain.

Chen's father and Chen's mother were stunned: "Xiao Fang, do you know each other?"

Chen Fang said: "This is what I have been telling you. Our new mecha team has been training our captain."

Mother Chen suddenly said in disbelief: "He is the big colonel, how can he be so young. Old Li, you are really hidden."

Li Yao's parents also looked at Li Yao in surprise. Although they knew that Li Yao was near the army, they didn't know the details at all.

"Brother, what you hid is too deep, even I don't know. Okay, sister-in-law, you also kept it from me." Li Jia said suddenly dissatisfied.

Qin Fengyi smiled bitterly: "I forgot it for a while."

Her family background, the colonel is really nothing, and Li Yao didn't care too much, so naturally he didn't bother to talk about it.

At this time, Sister Li and others also came out, and one after another they bowed with Li Yao's parents to the younger generation.

Li Yao quickly introduced that after just a few words, Li Yao's parents liked Tongtong very much, and Tongtong Xiaotianzui immediately coaxed the two of them very happily.

"Mr. Li, it's you, why are you here." Mother Chen looked at Sister Li, who was usually like an iceberg in surprise.

"I am also a member of Spark." Sister Li said lightly.

Oh oh...

The two suddenly became messy...

Li Yao’s parents were also unhappy. What was happy was not that there was such a big show to support them, but because the son they had been worried about finally embarked on the right path, and the future was settled.

Along the way, both the flight attendants and the patrol team members saluted Li This made Li Yao's parents feel at ease.

In fact, their idea is very simple. They don't want Li Yao to have a lot of prospects, as long as he can truly stand in this society, they are satisfied.

Now that Li Yao has far exceeded their expectations, what are they dissatisfied with, and are not pleased.

On the spaceship, a party was held, and then everyone was in place.

It took four days to sail smoothly. During this period, Li Yao gave special training to the players and once again taught some experience in controlling the new mecha.

Of course, Li Yao also met many old friends in the game. All came from the top guilds, including Edward.

Taking time, Li Yao also played the game, but he couldn't stay long. In order not to drop the level, Li Yao also started to play the infinite space.

And for the sake of efficiency, it is also the platinum mode of play, that is to say, the initial level, no damage, no armor equipment except weapons and accessories, and no props to pass.

When Li Yao's level passed the fifth level, his level finally broke through to level 50, and then Li Yao began to upgrade and evolve the pet again. In short, he was very busy.

However, Li Yao didn't touch the ground at all, and his strong entry into the platinum ladder caused an uproar.

You know, this dungeon has been open for so many days, and there is at most only the first level of clearance records on the platinum ladder list.

This is because they have experienced it for a long time, familiar with all the scenes and modes, and then went back to suppress the attributes, not knowing how many failures it took to complete.

However, Li Yao did it all the way, from one floor to the fifth floor, just one attempt.

With Li Yao's technique, if he passes the customs normally, everyone may not be too surprised. But it is too shocking to pass the level in Platinum mode in one attempt.

For a time, countless people used the ladder points to view Li Yao's clearance video...

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