MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1229: Waves

In the spaceship restaurant, Edward watched the picture in the light curtain carefully while dining, and seeing her attentively, he probably didn't even know the taste of the food. ?ranwe?n?????????`

Next to her, there was a blond man who also looked at the light curtain, just like Edward, apparently completely attracted by the picture in the light curtain, just mechanically eating.

"President, don't you guys, Liaoyuan is so good-looking, it's unrealistic to see these things." The woman opposite said.

Edward recovered slightly and said, "Why is it unrealistic."

"You see that his operation is the same as a computer, completely mechanized, without any mistakes. How can this be done. There are also five original blood hunters on the tower in this section.

The main head will be shot, the normal routine is to pass the props obtained in front, detour to the other side to climb the tower one by one, and solve all the hunters to pass here.

But look at him, he didn't use props at all, and he killed a few hunters directly with bombs, which was simply inhuman.

It’s hard enough to bounce one back. What’s more, when you bounce back under the firepower of five hunters, you have to dodge the attacks of other hunters. These hunters are very cooperative. I don’t know how many people have been stuck here for a long time.

But in his hands, one minute passed. I asked myself that I couldn't do it.

Edward looked at the blond man next to him and asked, "What do you think."

"I have deduced it many times, but I can't do it." The blond man smiled bitterly: "If it were an archer, maybe I could play against the opponent, but five, let alone the difficulty of rebounding, just because the five hunters continue It’s difficult to find a chance to rebound under the shooting."

"It is precisely because we can't do it that we continue to study. He is also a human being. He can do it, and we will do it one day. You think you can't do it at the beginning, then you will never do it. You are a top player anyway. , How can this be so, this kind of mentality is not worth it." Edward said slightly dissatisfied.

The blond man put down his knife and fork and said, "I have gained a little bit again. I am full, and then I tried."

The man next to the woman opposite also said: "President, we did not say not to study. The key is that we tried, and the result was more deadly than before. No props, no equipment, no injuries. This is simply this stuff. It's not a good person at all."

"Yeah, it's not a human being. You see there is still this paragraph." The opposite woman pointed to the screen and said: "The mansion boss on the first floor is a monster whose original blood mutated into a werewolf. , The body is big. As a result, there are a few younger brothers around to help."

"At first I didn’t know how many times they died. Later, the players concluded that these werewolves were weak in fire. Someone studied the use of fire oil tanks in the previous level to create a favorable terrain, and then slowly grind them together with the anti-fire charm and slow down charm. Kill a few mobs, then apply a burning effect to the boss, weaken the boss to kill."

"As a result, on his side, he actually used the initial skill points to learn a so-called anti-reverse skill, plus the damage bonus of the stabbing sword to the back, a reverse wave to prevent the opponent’s attack, and then use the skill special effect to reach the back. Kill one with a back blow. Even the boss can't survive the five output of five inverse waves."

"Look, it takes more than half an hour for others to kill a boss, and it only takes less than two minutes to get into his hands. It's not a good thing to play with fur. I really can't learn such a monster."

Edward also sighed and played back the process of Li Yao killing the boss continuously: "You are right. Others' method is to collect a set of heavy armor, fire-resistant equipment, and damage attribute symbols. It can resist the mobs' normal attacks five times, and can also eat two or three attacks from the boss. For this boss, I repeatedly swept the previous level, and I spent a lot of various props before clearing the level. He even has a sharpening stone for the weapon. Finished the level without using it, especially in the face of the siege of the boss and the mobs. He has no equipment, and the mobs will die if they touch it, but even this way they can find opportunities. It is indeed a monster."

The opposite female player sighed and said: "Well, the levels behind are even more difficult. As a result, he has reached the fifth floor, just like a dream. But he also learned a lot of things, such as the third floor, which is simply a dungeon full of traps. , The traps of the countless players who abused the dead and alive came to his hand and became the place where the brush was fulfilled. It can actually lead the blood-resistant monsters in other areas to kill the monsters by walking and using the traps. And then through nuanced observation I found so many hidden doors, alas, because of this, the more I look at it, the more terrible this person becomes, and the more I look at it, the less confident I am, so I don't look at it."

"Look at what you said. Yesterday you saw him himself. He is not even a handsome man. Since he can do it, we can certainly do it. If his skills are not as good as others, we will learn and practice hard. After eating full for a while, continue to practice the rebound of arrows and bullets." Edward said.

"Oh, I'm still practicing." The woman suddenly turned into a bitter face: "Aren't we here on Hey, but he probably won't be proud of it for long." The man next to her said.

Edward raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, have you worked out the results?"

"Ah, no." The man said, "I'm talking about something else. This time I have contact with the magical races of aliens. You also know that the virtues of those savages must be compared to something. Although Liaoyuan is lucky Became the captain of the new mech team. He must be the first to bear the brunt. In the game, he didn’t say so much, but in reality, I’m afraid it’s going to be shameful this time..."

Edward frowned: "Enough, as human beings, he played on behalf of the entire human race. If you lose, you are very glorious. I don't want to hear such words again, we are opponents, but not enemies. If we have the ability, we will Train well, try to suppress him with technology, slander others in this way, so narrow-minded, this time you go back, you can make up for it after entering the second group. If you don’t repent of your skills, it will end here."

Edward left without paying attention to the man's apology.

"Idiot you, say this in front of the chairman, this time it's okay." The woman also left slowly.

Edward had just walked not far when he saw Li Yao and Xinghuo's people walk into the restaurant together, and he said, "President Liaoyuan."

Li Yao was taken aback: "President Edward, what a coincidence, are you full?"

"No, don't you know what to eat, why don't you go together?" Edward glanced at everyone at Xinghuo: "I won't disturb you."

Sister Li smiled and said, "How come, let's be together."

Edward immediately returned happily, chatting and laughing with everyone in Xinghuo, and even asked some technical questions from time to time. Li Yao didn't hide his own personalities, and answered all questions.

The two of the Edward Guild who were just about to leave the house looked at each other immediately...

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