MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1230: problem

Four days later, the spacecraft completed a space jump and appeared directly from the wormhole, finally seeing the normal starry sky. ?? Burning novel???`

Tourists admire the beautiful starry sky that is completely different from the outside world and the solar system, and use the telescope of the battleship to explore the solar system from here to the extreme. Looking at home from the distant cosmic starry sky is also unique. Tourists are crazy about taking pictures.

It can be said that this trip is definitely worth remembering for a lifetime for ordinary people.

In the next period of time, the warship will take travelers to visit the five most special magic planets.

Then the earth-like planets in another starry sky converge with other alien races. In fact, many alien races even the powerful creatures (gods) they believe in do not have the power of interstellar navigation.

On the other hand, the earthlings used their own spacecraft to carry their representatives into the planet to participate in the first joint conference.

And this terrestrial planet has been transformed by the current technology of the Earth to allow humans to move freely, forming a new administrative star that can be developed. This planet is also known as the bridgehead, which is a testimony and bridge for human beings to integrate into the cosmic civilization.

Everyone was an eye-opener, witnessing the strange scenery of several magical planets. I have also seen a food chain that is different from the earth, but more magical and cruel, and has almost entered the magical world.

All kinds of magic creatures and magic plants are even more dizzying. Unfortunately, humans can only use these peculiar resources under the cover of peculiar metal armor, that is, new mecha.

This is also the reason why the new mecha is temporarily weak in combat effectiveness, but why mankind made the determination to study it.

Humans seem to be innately repelling these things, even if their spiritual power is strong, they cannot release magic, and can only be done through the metal of the gods.

Among them, they were most amazed by the strange planet named Hell Star by the people of the earth. This planet is too close to the star, and the surface of the earth is covered by various volcanoes and magma.

It is full of various magic gems, but unfortunately it cannot be used by human beings. At that time, it was considered an abandoned planet.

Later, it was discovered that there is a cave and sky underground on this planet. The underground is divided into several layers of worlds, just like the legendary hell.

The underground world has strange plants as light sources, underground rivers, mountains and amber, and even a huge underground sea. This planet is also the world of lizard people. According to detection, there is still a species of flame lizardmen living on the surface and underground lizardmen are deadly enemies, but the lizardmen on the ground are too violent, and they are covered with flames, and they cannot communicate at all.

They even saw the dragon **** they worshipped. According to the lizard people, their dragon **** has existed for tens of thousands of years. This is a typical Western dragon with only one head.

However, according to the analysis of the instrument, the life span of this magical creature is only a few thousand years, but the lizardman's civilization is relatively backward, and there is no paper to record history. Tens of thousands of years are just exaggerated words.

During the period, something shocked everyone. When they saw the real dragon, many people naturally wanted to take pictures, but no matter what equipment, the image of the dragon **** could not be saved at all, which made everyone feel very regretful.

After nearly a month of browsing the various planets, the warship finally reached the bridgehead planet.

A huge city full of fantasy colors has appeared on this planet. According to the introduction of the flight attendant, preferential policies will appear in the next 20 years to recruit immigrants to live on this planet.

The people on the battleship have a feeling that they are still unfinished, and the communicator contains a huge amount of photos.

And the various magical races that are connected have basically arrived, and the real exchange meeting will also start.

The so-called exchanges, in fact, the general phalanx and policies, the senior leaders of all races have basically reached a consensus, and only some details are still being negotiated.

And the exchange meeting this time bluntly, on the one hand, is to allow civilians to come into contact for the first time, to make an attempt and test for future interstellar communication, and another important purpose is to declare force.

After all, except for human beings, many planets do not have independent interstellar navigation capabilities. Although some of the gods they believe in can do it, how can they become a means of transportation as a superior god.

The transportation station of nature must be built by humans, and humans, as the leading ones, have become the overlord of the racial union meeting.

However, although the various races were forced to admit it reluctantly, after all, they were unwilling to believe that the people on earth were too weak.

Although many races support mankind, many are repulsive. Many races are elites. Love is a secret alliance. They want to humiliate mankind in the final exchange meeting. Although it won’t change anything, at least they don’t want it. Humans are too proud.

The humans who came to travel have also seen the magical intelligence races that can release magic and skills, but the human mech warriors, the fighters that constantly patrol the air and even the higher-altitude space warships have completely deterred those alien races~www.wuxiaspot .com~Although there are contradictions and frictions, there are no major incidents.

Soon, the conference began, and countless people gathered in a huge stadium built by humans.

Through the light curtain, various races began to show their military strength. The first was the display of space battleships and warship weapons. A single shot from outer space razed a barren mountain to the ground, and even directly destroyed a planet in another small galaxy.

Coupled with the display of fighter planes and the maritime aircraft carrier formation, not only the strong aliens, but also their elites looked at them with trepidation. The weak human beings possess power beyond gods, which is really a great deterrent.

Therefore, the personal display of force on the last day has not yet begun to rub the sparks, and all races want to frustrate the spirit of the people on earth in this link.

The beautiful captain arrived in front of Li Yao with a dignified look, and sighed and said: "According to the high-level intentions, this time will not let your new mecha team play. After all, the technical application of the new mecha is still immature, but each The races know that we use the metal of the gods, so they are united, so your new mecha must send at least ten people to play."

Li Yao's expression changed: "Ten people, so many. They have just mastered the new mecha. They have limited skills. How can they win against real magic races with magic and skills? My original expectation was two or three. One, plus mine, won’t be too bad."

"No way. This is an order. We are soldiers. We can only execute it." The captain directly shared a piece of information with Li Yao: "You take a good look. These are the rules of the game. You must do your best. This game will be The real live broadcast can be seen not only by the people on earth, but also by the big tribes of the main magic planets, which has a great influence."...

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