MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1232: pressure

Named by the people of the earth as the magic star field, that is, in the galaxy similar to the Milky Way to which the bridgehead planet belongs, it seems to be really affected by some kind of power. This galaxy is distributed with many planets that can allow magical creatures to survive.

   There are magical creatures living on these planets, and even the so-called bridgehead once had the remains of a magical civilization based on the exploration, but for unknown reasons, the planet has undergone tremendous changes, which made the magical creatures of this planet disappear.

   With so many planets, there is more than one intelligent race on each planet. Even planets with only one race are divided into different camps and have their own interests.

Therefore, it is divided into many factions and factions, and the earth side is happy to see this situation, because only in this way can more people stand on the earth side. Although the earth people do not know why they have no magical attributes, the earth’s Technology is the focus of interstellar communication, and it is also the dominant position. Even if the earth does nothing, there are races that will wave the flag for the earth.

  Most races are indeed deterred by the powerful weapons of the earth, but in this single-soldier competition, everyone is full of energy. They must show their value and show the tyranny of their race.

   Whether it is a race that repels the earth or a race that is friendly to the earth, they all want to show their strength and value. Only in this way can they have the right to speak.

   So in the game, the players on the earth are almost isolated, as long as other races encounter it, they will unite and besiege.

   The earthlings are so easy to recognize, metal armor or streamlined armor that mimics magical creatures.

   Hundreds of people are scattered on the same battlefield, and they always have to meet each other, so no matter how old or new mechs appear on the earth, it is basically the fate of being besieged.

   The audience has already seen that the new mecha really has no combat effectiveness, and they do not have any illusions about the new mecha, but the old mech is really very effective.

  Especially the ten players are the latest titled Gods of War. Both the technology and the firepower of the mecha itself are already very powerful.

   However, each of these magic races from different races has its own special abilities, and some are very strange. These abilities sometimes play an extraordinary role in the wind.

  Mecha is very strong, especially against the race of meat shield and pure warrior type. After all, whether it is a powerful mecha artillery, Gatling or pulse gun, they are all very powerful.

   But no matter how powerful it is, the ammunition and energy are not unlimited. The bottleneck of the old mecha lies in the supply, which is similar to the old fighters long ago. It needs to rely on the aircraft carrier to play a real role and cannot be a long-term war of attrition.

   This is also the reason why some people are optimistic about the new mecha, because the endurance of the new mecha is far from comparable to the old mecha, and the potential is unlimited.

   But now the new mecha is very immature, at best it can be regarded as a half-hearted magic creature, and it's a bit stretched when facing real magic creatures. And to face the targeted siege of those magic creatures.

   Actually, the audience can accept that they can’t win. After all, the situation being targeted can be seen by anyone. Even the titled God of War of those old mechas are not eliminated.

   But the problem is that even if the titled God of War of the old mech loses, it does not lose its momentum. Before being eliminated, he has been fighting bravely. Even if he is seriously injured, he is unwilling to admit defeat. It is still the official confession to rescue in time.

   The record of the new mecha was so bad that they were even scared, crying and overwhelmed. What made Li Yao angry was that in the 25th game, a player gave up directly without playing.

   makes all the people on the earth feel dull, especially the representatives attending the conference, listening to the boos all around, everyone on the earth is hot.

   "I knew that the new mech team was unreliable, but I didn't expect it to be so embarrassing..." An official was pale.

   "It is also a mistake in our decision-making. At the beginning, we should not recruit people with outstanding talents from the society. They should be militaryized. Those who have not experienced training are not considered soldiers." A general said seriously.

"This is no way. Soldiers have too few mental strengths, and progress is relatively slow. However, this incident also exposed the shortcomings of these so-called geniuses. It is correct to select geniuses with spiritual talents, but join the new mecha team. Prior to this, at least one year of military training should be carried out.” Another general said.

   "Shen Lao has always been very optimistic about the captain of this new mecha team, and he is also very famous in the ancient gods, even we know his name." The middle-aged official in the lead looked at Li Yao who was in a distant state of anger.

   "He is not from the army either, I'm afraid."

   Everyone is not optimistic about Li Yao, after all, there is a precedent.

   The middle-aged official shook his head slightly: "He is the first time he will play."

The young secretary beside    quickly said: "Sixty-second scene."

   Sea Qualifiers went on one after another, and the entire stadium burst into cheers from time to time, and only the human side was in a downturn.

   Twenty people appeared in the human race, the most of all races, but few advanced.

   When there were only forty-two games, a female soldier in Scorpio won the qualifier by virtue of the ability of special mecha. Her mecha was good at stealth and assassination. Her selection also made the human face look better.

   But some tyrannical races even have three or four qualified. Compared with them, the human side is bleak.

   In the 53rd game, Qinglong also advanced with the mecha almost scrapped. At this time, the old mecha had no players, and everyone else was eliminated.

There were only two new mechas left. As a result, in the 58th game, because the previous game was too tragic, several people died in the battle. This female new mecha manipulator didn’t listen to her legs directly. Unable to play, directly admit defeat.

The minds of the Earthlings of the new mecha have fallen again by several They have no hope for the new mecha. Now they just hope that the blue dragon and the Scorpio of the mecha can get a better ranking. There is no expectation for the last earthman Li Yao to play.

"It's up to you, the so-called captain, to play at the end. You won't be scared to pee." Tengshe returned to the scene with a bandage on his arm. When he returned to the scene, he saw Li Yao, who looked very unsightly. Ridiculed.

   Hitomi Hitomi suddenly glared at him: "You seem to have won, but you haven't lost."

Teng Snake sneered: "The kid knows what, although I was defeated, I personally wounded thirty-two barbarians. Facing the siege, I ran out of energy to lose. If it were not a general, I would rather die than fight. Say two words to admit defeat."

   Xuanwu was also injured: "The new mecha team is understandable for its weak combat effectiveness, but they are scared to play. You are not worthy of being a soldier, and you are not worthy of badges."

   Li Yao took a deep breath and stood up and said, "It's time for me to play. I won't argue with you. Let's use facts."

Qinglong is a handsome young man. He is indistinguishable from being a mecha wargod with strong combat effectiveness. He said in a deep voice, "Don't pay attention to them, be careful, don't be reckless, and don't do irrational things because of their rudeness. Survival is the most important thing."

   Li Yao was taken aback, nodded, and slowly walked off the arena.

   The people around Li Yao looked at Li Yao worriedly, but at this moment, no one persuaded Li Yao to admit defeat. Li's mother and Li Jia even had tears in their eyes, but they turned their heads to prevent Li Yao from seeing...

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