MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1233: unyielding

The contestants of Game 62 have already assembled in the stadium and saw Li Yao slowly appearing.

   An ogre chuckled and said, "Yo, it looks fresh and delicious at first glance. If you are weak like this, you can be a good food. Fighting is not suitable for weak humans like you."

   A half-orc also sneered: "It looks like they are useless new mecha, or the captain."

"That kind of iron bump is very powerful, we admit it, but what about the so-called new mecha? You shouldn't laugh at this guy if he doesn't dare to play without being scared." A leopard girl looked at Li with a dangerous light in her eyes. Shining.

"Liaoyuan, it's you. I checked your information specially." A lizardman suddenly said, "I heard that you defeated my useless brother in the game. My brother said that I should be careful of you. It is really unreasonable. You also broke our lizardmen’s plans in the game and affected our strength growth. No matter how vulnerable you are, I will kill you."

"I don't know which green onion your brother." Li Yao stopped and looked at the lizard man coldly: "But I want to kill me, okay, I'll wait, but it won't be easy to say who will live or die by then. Lizardman, right, you are also my hunting target."

  At this time, at the end of the 61st game, the host began to let Li Yao and the others choose their own venue. Li Yao didn't even look at it, so he picked one randomly. To him, all terrains are the same.

   The earth audiences are extremely disappointed. Although there are people from the earth participating in the competition, most of them are not optimistic. Only those who know that Li Yao is a prairie fire are more concerned.

   Now the audience is most concerned about whether Scorpio and Qinglong can win the championship. As for Li Yao, the new mecha has completely disappointed them.

   "The venue is selected. There are thirty-eight people to choose from the Stone Forest. The number is the largest. The target is Stone Forest. Please board the ship."

   Then, everyone directly logged into a small flying plane.

   Li Yao looked at the chaotic stone forest that appeared in his field of vision and began to record the deduction scene.

   An individual was directly teleported to a different location by the teleporter. Li Yao suddenly felt his body lighten, and then suddenly appeared on a boulder.

   Li Yao reacted immediately, his body was immediately covered by the new mecha. At this moment, the new mecha was just like the equipment Li Yao wore in the game, even the weapons were the same.

   Li Yao directly jumped off the boulder. At this moment, he was extremely serious. This is a real contest between life and death. The previous games have caused hundreds of deaths, including the people on earth.

   He wanted iron and blood to prove the role of the new mecha, not as useless as they thought.

   With a whistle, the fire eagle suddenly appeared, and then flew directly into the sky.

   Li Yao can almost overlook the entire battlefield through the fire eagle. A power grid enchantment covers an area. The site is full of ancient trees and chaotic rocks. It is a very complex terrain.

   A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yao's mouth, and he quickly drove out, with the blessing of the new mecha, he moved as fast as a phantom.

   "You deserve to be the captain, but you have two sons." The middle-aged man smiled: "They can actually visualize the pets in the game. No wonder Mr. Shen and the others tried to protect this young man."

   "It does seem to make do with it, and the speed is fast, but what is he going to do?" another official asked.

   General frowned: "Not far from him is the little giant of the Rock Race. Is he going to die? Damn, he can't use any strategy."

   "He's dead, the new mecha is too weak, the Rock Clan is famous for being powerful, and ordinary bullets can't break the defense at all." Another soldier frowned.

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Don’t jump to conclusions so early, Mr. Shen said. The strength of the new mecha’s weapon is closely related to the strength and weakness of the game and mental power. This young man is not weak in the game. Such a stupid look for death must have reliance."

   The others smiled bitterly and shook their heads slightly.

   Although the people on the earth all watched Li Yao's picture, they didn't actually watch it. They all discussed the two Mecha War Gods.

"Hahaha, weak earthling, my luck is really good. I finally met." The little giant is just like his name. He is at least six or seven meters tall. He looks like a rock, plus his body. Weird armor, like a human-shaped tank, the huge stone stick in his hand is bigger than a human.

   "Li Wei will start with you." Li Yao's face was cold, and he ignored him at all. Two small hand cannons appeared in his hands, and then they suddenly joined together.

This hand cannon belongs to Kul in the game. No one became a strong man who could hold up for a minute in a week. After being killed by Li Yao, he dropped the hand cannon and bow. The bow Li Yao didn’t need it, but the combined hand cannon was his hand. , And has become concrete.

   Numerous misty tentacles appeared, and then fixed on the surrounding rocks. At this moment, it seemed that the Liaoyuan in the game and Li Yao in reality had truly become one.

   "You actually despise me, then you go to death, your shells are useless to me, hehehe." The little giant ran to Li Yao quickly, and the stone stick in his hand was ready to sweep at Li Yao at any time.

Li Yao’s parents and Xinghuo people are very worried. Li Yao is great in the game, and they are confident, but this is reality. Can Li Yao be like in the game, although it seems that Li Yao and Liaoyuan in the game today No different.

   Many female earthlings have closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look again. Although they did not agree with the new mecha, Li Yao's courage moved some people.


   Charge up the power of Dragon Father!

  The hand cannons combined to form a thick barrel, the barrel is dark red, like coagulated blood.

   Following Li Yao's launch, a red cannonball shot out.

   The little giant didn’t care at all, and rushed towards Li

   The shells directly bombarded the little giant, and accompanied by a huge explosion, the little giant let out a roar full of pain in the horrified eyes of everyone.

   The rock armor on his body shattered, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball.


   His huge body directly hit a large tree in the distance, and the tree was directly broken.


   The misty tentacles in front of Li Yao kept breaking, which was broken by the huge recoil, but Li Yao was not affected at all.

   Li Yao had a little bit of his feet, and appeared in front of the little giant who fell on the ground like a phantom. At this moment, the little giant was extremely miserable, and there were a lot of cracks in front of him, as if it was about to shatter at any time.

   Li Yao stepped directly on him, the huge hand cannon pointed at the head of the little giant, and said faintly: "You have three seconds to choose whether to die or surrender."

   The little giant’s eyes were full of disbelief, but it was more of fear. He did not dare to move at this moment. He could feel the cracks spreading, and his body seemed to be turned into gravel at any time.

   "I, I surrender." The little giant finally said unwillingly facing the muzzle.

   "A wise choice." The hand cannon in Li Yao's hand disappeared, and his figure disappeared like lightning in a flash. He already had his next goal at this moment.

   And after the stadium was deadly silent, the people on Earth burst into cheers...

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