MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1234: Chaos

Many people have been completely disappointed with the new mecha. Not only the power of the new mecha is poor, but also because the performance of the new mecha players is so bad that everyone feels ashamed.

   and the soldiers of the old mech who would rather be seriously injured or even killed than surrender, the new mech members really make many people look down on them.

   The coward who surrendered without being on the court will not talk about it. Those who were on the court were even crying in fright. Everyone sighed.

   Compared with two who were rescued and sacrificed the title of God of War because of their injuries, the deaths of some new mech players are not worthy of sympathy at all.

Li Yao was in the same sadness and indignation. Although he had the experience of his previous life and knew the result for a long time, Li Yao felt an inexplicable shame. Although he is the so-called captain, he only has the right to train his mental power. He once said Military training, but because of slow progress in mental power, his proposal was denied. That's why he doesn't care at all about the so-called new mecha team.

   But when he became one of them, when he was despised and spurned by all the audience, and even by all the human beings who watched the live broadcast, Li Yao's mood was completely blocked.

   He is a small person, he can't change much, but he can change himself.

   And Li Yao's outburst, almost blasted the little giant in an almost violent way, and completely ignited the blood. This is a real battle, not a game.

   The audience did not expect that the new mecha would have such a power. After exclaiming, it was more of an expectation.

   "It's really interesting." The middle-aged official led a smile: "The new mecha really has unlimited potential. With the same manufacturing materials and technology, the ability displayed is just like cloud mud."

   "It's just a bit mad. There are three alien races in the direction he is going to oppose. If he appears rashly, he will be besieged." The generals were not still crumpled together.

   As the general said, the audience also saw this situation. As soon as the earthlings appeared, the opponents who were fighting would work hand in hand against the earth players.

   This is caused. Many players avoid facing multiple opponents and want to rush forward directly like Li Yao. Everyone is not optimistic, thinking that Li Yao is stunned.

   Li Yao’s family and Xinghuo’s people are more worried, but they are fighting for their lives. Winning or losing in the game is not only honor, but also represents life and death.

   Three races, an ogre, a thin female warlock who doesn't know what race, and a strong half-orc, all three of them stared at each other, and no one attacked first.

   The half-orc has a big sword in his hand, and the ogre is two gloves full of spikes, and the warlock in the robe is obviously a powerful spellcaster.

Da da da……

   Li Yaohuan appeared, and walked towards the three of them, and the eyes of the three of them immediately fell on Li Yao.

   "Stupid earthlings, is this so silly that they are so stupid?" Two pairs of ogres looked at Li Yao with red eyes.

   "How about our cooperation for the time being, we will get rid of him first." The female spellcaster said in a hoarse voice.

   "Just for this purpose, first solve this weak chicken, and then we will divide life and death." The half-orc also faced Li Yao.

   "No one should rob me, I will squeeze his armor and taste the delicious blood." The ogre said directly and launched a charge.

   The ogres are huge, they are one of the three overlords of a magical planet, on that chaotic planet.

   Apes and ogres still have a kind of violent zerg to survive. Under the worm nest, the two races develop and grow, which shows their fighting instinct and will to fight.

   "Damn it, the life of this earth ape is mine." The expressions of the orc and the caster changed, but after all they took a step behind.

   The ogre charged at a speed that didn't match his huge body. That's right, the charge in the game skill.

   The ogre is like a human-shaped tank, and although Li Yao is covered with equipment made up of mecha, it is also slim.

   "Good job."

   Li Yao flashed a light in his hand, and a huge two-handed giant sickle appeared.

   The eyes of the ogres are full of bloodthirsty rays, and many viewers can't bear to look directly. The battles of ogres are often violent, and the death rate of ogres' opponents is as high as 90%.


   Everyone saw that Li Yao's sickle swung open the opponent's glove, and then he appeared behind the ogre in an erratic figure, and the huge sickle blade suddenly pierced the ogre's back.

   With blood splashing, the huge body of the ogre fell heavily to the ground with huge inertia.

   Many masters who play ancient gods exclaimed: "General anti-reverse·inverse wave."

   That's right, this trick is a basic melee skill that can be learned with skill points to enter the infinite dungeon. Li Yao is on the platinum ladder with anti-counterfeiting.

   "The skills of the ancient gods can really be fully displayed with the new mecha, this..." Edward stood up suddenly, does this mean that they are not only playing games, but training. Although the ancient gods have always had such propaganda, they are at best a slogan.

   Counter wave, a posture of anti-revolution. It can be used at certain times. With the help of the opponent's strength, you can stagger your body from the opponent's body, go to the opponent's back, and then use the strength to hit the strength. This is a very ingenious technique.

   Inverse wave is more difficult than ordinary anti-reverse and it is very important to distinguish whether it cannot be used successfully. Not all forces can be transferred in two ways.

   However, Li Yao is not only proficient in the application of the game, but also useful in reality. This shock is absolutely impossible to express in words.

   Li Yao turned into two sickles in his hand and held them in his hands, and said lightly: "Is it true that I am a vegetable? You still grab it. But it doesn't matter, you two will be the same as him later."

   The half-orcs and the caster looked at the ogre struggling in the dust, and there was a chill in their hearts. The ogre was notoriously strong in vitality, and was knocked down without a single move.


   The sirens on the ogre sounded, which means that if it is not treated, it will be dead. Although magical creatures have strong vitality, they are not immortal if they are not treated.

   The people in the ogre outfield announced their abandonment, and were immediately teleported to the spaceship above the battlefield.

   "Flame·Ring Smoke." A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the female spellcaster, and then a fire light suddenly gathered following the spell.

   The endless flames suddenly raged, forming a torrent of flames that impacted Li Yao from all directions.

  The call of the wind!

   "It's too slow." Li Yao's figure flashed and appeared out of the spell's coverage just like a breeze.

   "You're too early to be happy." The half-orc suddenly rushed towards Li Yao, and the big sword in his hand slashed towards Li Yao.

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