MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1235: High point

Li Yao's violent counterattack completely aroused the emotions of the people on earth. Seeing that the half-orcs chose to attack with tricky opportunities and angles, his heart suddenly raised his throat.

   "You are waiting." The sickle in Li Yao's hand turned over, and his eyes turned blue. This was the first time he had used Titan Eye in reality, and a huge amount of information came into his mind. The physical condition of the orc, and even the comparison of various parts with himself, appeared in his mind.

   Li Yao's mental strength kept deducing and calculating, and in an instant he found the best and simplest solution.

The half-orc's eyes shone cunningly. He saw the ogre being brought down by the reverse wave and directly chose the trick that could not be reversed. He is an veteran warrior who has experienced countless real fights and has extremely rich combat experience. If Li Yao uses the inverse wave again, he will surely change his trick to kill Li Yao.

  Although Li Yao only showed a move, he knew that if it were a normal battle, he would not be able to solve the opponent in a short time, and he had to use strategy.

However, Li Yao thinks the same way. In the face of such an experienced veteran, he must not be entangled with the opponent. Not only is there a spellcaster next to him, but also because he cannot be delayed, otherwise he will be in trouble if he is truly besieged. Big, it must be a quick decision.


   Li Yao's two one-handed sickles once again combined into a giant sickle.

"It's now."

   Li Yao's body has become translucent, and the wind and thunder shining on his body, he suddenly stepped forward, and suddenly blocked the opponent's sword.


   The timing of the sickle's choice is really too clever. At the weak point of the opponent's force, with the shock, the opponent's tricks did not stop, but paused, and the body became stiff for an instant.

   Then the long handle of the sickle suddenly turned, and the end of the long handle had reached the opponent's leg, Li Yao suddenly used force, and the long handle directly swept the half-orc down.


  The game masters familiar with the ancient gods suddenly stood up again.

  The anti-counterfeiting skills of long-handled weapons, killing power!

The same is the skill point learning in infinite dungeons. The anti-reverse skills of long-handled weapons are different from inverse waves. This kind of anti-reverse is to grasp the weakest point of the opponent's moves, and use the long handle to temporarily block the opponent's attack. , And then took advantage of the moment when the opponent was stiff, a long-handled lightning attack hit the road, tripping the opponent.

   "Is this a game or reality?"

   They suddenly felt unreal. Many viewers didn't know the so-called skills, but they saw Li Yao's relatively thin figure actually put it neatly on the opponent twice in a row.


   Without the slightest accident, Li Yao's sickle sank into the opponent's back again.


   Just when Li Yao brought down the half orc, a meteorite suddenly fell along with the sound of obscure spells.


   There has been a crater where Li Yao originally stood, and the figure of the orc has long since disappeared, leaving only the fiery red sword still inserted in the magma stone.

   "It's really a killer heart." Li Yao's figure appeared from behind the caster, and the sickle was already placed on the caster's neck.

   "It's just useless waste. If you die, you die." The caster said lightly.

   Stadium, a group of people from a tribe of half-orcs stood up and roared, but there was no way, this was a battle of life and death, and the attacker's attack was too fierce.

   Obviously, he wanted to kill the Orcs and Li Yao at once, but Li Yao had nothing to do, and the Orcs who had lost their fighting capacity could not even escape, and they had no time to surrender, and the Orcs were already dead.

   "Then say your choice now, you also have three seconds." Li Yao said.

   "I really thought you won." The caster's body suddenly disappeared.

   "Stubbornly stubborn." Li Yao suddenly threw the sickle in his hand.


   The figure of the caster had just appeared from another place and was penetrated by a sickle, and it was directly nailed to a big tree.

  The spell shield on the caster didn't play any blocking role at all. She spewed a mouthful of blood, and said grimly: "I surrendered."

   "Why bother." Li Yao stepped forward and grabbed the sickle and pulled it out.

   The caster fell on the ground and poured himself a bottle of green potion. At this time, the transmitted light also appeared: "You are called Liaoyuan in the ancient gods, right? I will remember you."

   Li Yao nodded inconspicuously, put a sickle on his back, and quickly left here on his toes.

   Next, Li Yao encountered several waves of people, or one person, or two or three in a row. Li Yao killed all the way, he didn't kill him, but severely injured the other party.

   However, Li Yao naturally did not know that he had completely detonated the stadium and detonated the people on earth.

   You must know that the Earthling contestants are all targeted, and they are basically eliminated tragically.

   Scorpio relies on its powerful concealment ability, and waits until others are fighting for almost the opportunity she finds before deciding the outcome.

   Qinglong is constantly being chased down. After being hit hard, the mecha also finds a favorable terrain, and then uses powerful firepower at the critical moment to determine the universe, but the mecha is also on the verge of scrapping. If there are enemies, he will lose. Although it was promoted, the people on Earth felt extremely aggrieved.

It was the first time that Li Yao took the initiative to hunt, and every time it was clean and tidy. There has never been an alien who can do more than three moves in his Less than a quarter of an hour. More than ten people were eliminated by him.

"He's really in trouble this time. A thief has insight into his fight just now and exposed his position. Now everyone is gathering in his direction." The general watching the battle frowned: "He was too arrogant, facing two or three. His skills can handle this opponent, but he faces more."

   The middle-aged man shook his head slightly: "Looking at his eyes, they are always cold as water. Obviously, they are confident, and there may be surprises."

   "It turns out that his goal is this huge ancient tree, could it be..."

   Everyone saw Li Yao approaching a huge tree. This ancient tree was extremely tall and definitely one of the commanding heights in the rocky forest.

   "Although it is not the best position, it is barely enough." Li Yao took a deep breath. The mecha can fly, but it consumes energy. If the fierce battle is added, it can't be supplied. And the wings in Li Yao's game can only fly for a while.

   The wings of justice spread out behind Li Yao, and the touch of darkness firmly fixed Li Yao on the top of the tree.

   Li Yao nodded in satisfaction, at least one third of the stone forest battlefield can be overlooked here.

No one knows what Li Yao is going to do. If he wants to see, his fire eagle is the best scout. There is no need to climb the tree by himself. The problem now is that Li Yao himself is completely exposed in the tree. .

   As long as you can see the top of the tree, you can see his obvious target, which is surrounded by black air. Isn't this being besieged by yourself...

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