MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1244: Terrible ability

   Sixteen people draw numbers again and decide their opponents by luck.

   Li Yao took a look, his number plate is number 12, which is the sixth game.

"This time the opponent is not easy to deal with, it is the Shadow Clan." Yao Ji frowned: "These people claim to be the undead in the dark, and don't regard themselves as creatures, hunting in the dark, natural assassins. The front In the game, as long as you encounter this ghost clan called Shishui, it will end in battle."

Qin Fengyi clicked a few times and said, "The Shadow Race is a special kind of race. They live on a planet not a planet, but a satellite. Of course, the area of ​​this satellite is not smaller than our earth. Too few and far from the star. So more than half of the planet is covered by snow and ice, and the planet is shrouded in darkness most of the time."

"The satellite was discovered at first, but it didn't attract much attention at first. However, after detection, it was discovered that there were a lot of ice crystal ore. The pioneer company quickly transmitted the news back to the earth and obtained the mining rights. But the company was responsible for the mining. People have lost any news within a week."

"And the news from the people over there was that there were ghosts on this planet. Even if they sent a fleet to explore and conquer, they couldn't see the shadow of the enemy at all. Various optical and thermal sound wave detectors did not show the results. Any information about advanced intelligent creatures or that kind of ghosts."

"It was later that the spaceship came, and the Affinities of the Shadow Race took the initiative to learn that there are such magical creatures that are similar to humans, but can intuitively and feel invisible. The two sides are stuck because we have nothing to do with this race. There is no way, but it is also because of a race that feels tough."

"It was only by chance that they learned that they needed a special mineral, and this mineral was basically of no value to humans. This established a good relationship. Both sides take what they need, because the ice crystal mine is great for the shadows. It is also useless for the family."

Hearing Qin Fengyi’s introduction, everyone’s expressions became heavy, because until now no one has really seen this true face called Shishui. She always wore a black cloak when she played, and the game would disappear. Each appearance means death.

   "Don't worry, I have a way." Although Li Yao didn't know how to start, he still comforted everyone.

   When everyone heard that Li Yao had a way, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed. After all, Li Yao kept creating miracles, and they were all used to it.

   "Qinglong is not lucky this time. The opponent is the dark elf little priest. This time it is really unpredictable." Qin Fengyi sighed.

   Everyone looked on the field. The Azure Dragon was already on the field. Compared to the Azure Dragon, the Dark Elf Priest looked extremely delicate, like a straw.

   She stood quietly across from Qinglong, with no waves in her eyes, as if nothing could cause emotional fluctuations.

   In fact, this is also true. No one has seen her real shots all the way to the present. It has always been the case, as if being on the court is just a cutscene, but her opponents have failed without exception, and they have lost inexplicably.

   All the humans became nervous, and they also saw that the two representatives of humans were not very lucky, and they encountered the favorites to win the championship.

   The countdown to the game is over, and the dark elf priestess is motionless.

   But Qinglong moved, he directly turned on Gatling, as if he had aimed at his opponent's crazy cathartic firepower.

   However, the fact is that his Gatling staggered the dark elf priest, and the priestess remained motionless, despite countless fire-lit bullets whizzing past.

   Qinglong started again, this time directly turned on the magnetic cannon, running and bombing wildly, almost full of firepower, watching his dodge movements and even close combat, as if fighting some terrifying enemy.

   However, in the eyes of the audience, he is just a person, there is no enemy.

   Qinglong’s firepower was very fierce, and the entire game field was battered by his powerful firepower with pits and pits everywhere.

   Many alien races looked pale, but what scared them even more was the dark elf priestess. The only intact place in the competition field was where she stood.

   As if she was a transparent person in Qinglong's eyes, or that she completely ignored the priestess.

   Qinglong's toughness is undoubted, but the next scene that made everyone sweat, Qinglong actually stepped on the impulse mine he bought, and the entire mecha was blown out.

   He didn't use the new mecha. Because of the god's metal, the new mecha basically didn't do much harm to him.

   But the thunder buried by Qinglong is equally effective for him, but this is not the end. Everyone saw Qinglong continuously slashing his mecha with a titanium knife.

   Soon the mecha was in tatters and smoke was everywhere. The middle-aged official said in a deep voice, "Telled it out. We abstained in this one."

   The Qinglong who was teleported out was completely blank: "Why should I give up, I will defeat the enemy..."

   A staff member smiled bitterly: "Captain Qinglong, you have slashed your mecha. You have always beaten yourself. There is no enemy."

Qinglong looked at the game His mecha was in tatters, and the field was in a mess. He knew it was caused by his mecha, and the priestess who he thought was about to be defeated was like the beginning of the game. Same time, still standing in place.

"This, how is this possible, I know she is good at essence and mystery, but I have been careful enough, and there is no problem with mecha detection, how can it..." Qinglong said, holding his head in pain, and then directly fainted. Past.

   An elderly alien race sighed: "This girl's mental power is too strong. This young man's spirit is completely suppressed. Fortunately, there is no direct impact, otherwise...he needs a good rest."

   The game field and the people watching the live broadcast were all silent. Everyone felt chilly and the enemy was strong and not terrible. But neither the players nor the audience knew what was going on, and they looked inexplicable.

  The explanation of the commentary is that the opponent's mental power is strong, but how strong it is is still half-understanding, and it is not clear at all.

   The dark elf is still unwavering, as if she doesn't care about the outcome of the game, and is still teleported out calmly, just like she was teleported to the game field.

   "It's terrible, what kind of ability is this? Sister Fengyi, do you have any detailed information, or wouldn't it be dangerous for the big brother to meet him?" Hitomi asked worriedly.

   Qin Fengyi smiled bitterly: "What I can get is absolutely the most complete information we have at present, but the dark elf's priest hall is too closed, we have no way to start, just know the approximate."...


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