Soon, a person came to Li Yao and asked if Li Yao needed treatment to recover. Li Yao himself was not injured, so he refused.

"It seems that our side also attaches great importance to this game. This is the treatment of those old mechas and several titled war gods." Hitomi looked at the pile of items placed on Li Yao's side, many of them were Supplementary military items.

   Sister Li said, "Now there is only one chairman left on our side. Naturally, we should pay more attention to it."

   "As long as the president can win the championship, it seems that the rank will be improved again." Yaoji also teased.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "It's not that easy to win the championship. The rest of the people are basically very characters, and I have no interest in military ranks. I don't have so much time to deal with the affairs of our guild, but I don't want to be tied to the game. Outside."

"Look, this lizardman is also very strong. He can actually use spells similar to those in the game like any other person in the game, and the attack is sharp and violent. It is not a good stubble, and his opponents are basically cruel and bloodthirsty. He tore it to pieces." Qin Fengyi opened the light curtain and zoomed in to watch the game.

   In the game field, the lizardman's opponent was an ogre, but the lizardman changed into a dragon form, and directly shredded the opponent with sharp claws, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"It's horrible. His claws can break such a heavy leather armor. It's also unlucky for this ogre. He is a spellcaster. As a result, there is nothing wrong with this lizardman with spells. Instead, he was dismembered." Hitomi said with a pale face.

   Many viewers on the earth screamed and vomited. The scene is a bit chaotic.

   Soon it was Li Yao's turn to play and he was teleported to the field. Li Yao immediately activated the mecha.

The opposite is still the shadow clan in the cloak. She tore off the cloak, her body quickly became transparent, and she made a wiping movement at Li Yao, and the whole body merged into the air, except for one The cloak indicated her existence, as if she did not exist at all.

   The countdown ended, Li Yao immediately activated the Eye of the Titans. As his eyes turned blue, a large amount of data was transmitted to Li Yao's eyes. However, no enemy was found at all.

   Li Yao made a mistake with his hands, the two-handed sickles in his hands turned into two one-handed sickles, and many illusory tentacles appeared on his body.

   Li Yao constantly glanced, carefully observed the surroundings, but there was no movement around him.

   Then Li Yao quickly put away the sickle, bent the bow and set the arrow, and began to use the sonic arrow in reality.

   But the sound waves keep fluctuating, and the opponent's figure still does not appear.

   "Good perception skills, it can actually control sound waves, but unfortunately, it's useless for me." The shadow of the shadow clan's voice is very ethereal, and it is not clear from which direction it came.

   "Sneak instinct better than thieves? It's really a bit tricky." Li Yao put away his bow and arrow, and didn't know where his opponent was. Using bow and arrow was really useless.

   But Li Yao didn't mean to panic at all. In the previous life, he didn't have such a powerful support as the Touch of Darkness, and he didn't have the eyes of Titan Eyes, and he couldn't even control the sonic arrows.

   Fighting against thieves also cannot detect where the opponent is, and has too much experience against invisible occupations, so there is no tension at all.

   What's more, he now has the Eye of Titan and the assistance of the touch of darkness. Even if he can't see his opponent, he can always find clues with the assistance of two mysterious things.

   The audience yawned. In the first fifteen minutes, Li Yao did not move for fifteen minutes. He looked like a statue, like a sculpture.

   And that shadow did not even attack, the audience naturally looked extremely bored.

   "You are very strong, so I can't find the vulnerability of the attack, but how long can you hold on? Now I am watching a movie somewhere." The shadow of the shadow clan came from all directions again.

"Do you want me to show my flaws? Your wishful thinking was wrong. I will definitely not lose to you when I compete patiently." Li Yao finally took his steps: "But this is a game, it's not early, everyone. It’s also very boring, so I give you a chance."


   Suddenly Li Yao disappeared and flashed to the back. At the same time, the sickle suddenly stood in the void: "You are much weaker than I thought. You should wait for a better opportunity."

   The audience was inexplicable, they didn't know what Li Yao was doing, but then they finally saw clearly that a ghost slowly appeared, and Li Yao's sickle had hooked the ghost's neck. It was the ghost clan.

   "I surrendered." The eyes of the Youying Race were full of surprise: "But can you tell me that we are instinctively void, and you can't find it with any instrument, how did you find it."

Li Yao retracted the sickle: "Your instincts are indeed very weird, and my detection methods are useless at all. Your state of emptiness can't even be detected by sound, and even my mental lock disappears after you disappear, let me I can't even grasp the air machine. I even feel the flow of air flow through the touch of darkness, and analyze the data of air flow with my divine eyes, but I still can't find you."

   "I just want to know how you found me." You Ying said impatiently.

   Li Yao smiled and said, "Guess."

After    finished, his figure was directly teleported You Ying's eyes flashed with a dim light, she picked up the cloak and put it on her body again and was teleported out.

   "Big brother, you actually sold Guanzi, how did you find out?" Hitomi asked curiously.

   "Is it possible to have different talents?" Li Yao smiled.

   At this time, the middle-aged officials and the generals arrived at Li Yao's side, and Li Yao all got up quickly.

   "I'm also curious about how you discovered the Shadow Clan. Of course, if it is not convenient for you, you can leave it alone." The middle-aged official sat down and said.

The general    also said: "I hope you will not hesitate to enlighten me. This is very important to us. Now we are still helpless against the Shadow Clan, and there are no restrictions."

   Li Yao nodded: "I was just playing around with them. Actually, it's not a secret. In fact, it was a fluke to discover the other party. I used the other party's murderous intent to determine the other party's position."

   "Killing?" The middle-aged official's eyes lit up.

Li Yao glanced at the middle-aged official: "My lord, your mental strength should be about to break through ten thousand chiefs. I think you can also feel stronger fluctuations. Even if you don't need to see with your eyes, you can know the direction. This is the spirit. A keen perception after being strong to a certain degree."

"The moment she shot, whether it was a murderous intent or an unrelenting mind, in short, at that moment, her mental power exploded and fluctuated. I captured her position based on this moment and made a post. It's that simple, nothing great."...


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