MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1252: combination

   At this moment, Little King Kong is like a real wild beast, exuding endless tyranny, his fangs extend, his claws are like a crescent moon, and the cold light flickers.

   A row of bone spurs appeared behind him, one by one, shining brightly, very hideous. The hairs on his body were erected and turned dark red like steel needles, and the two eyes had lost their emotional color and were full of cold and tyrannical emotions. A terrifying pressure radiated from him, and the entire stadium was shrouded in his aura, especially ordinary humans and some races, and even felt a sense of suffocation from deep in his heart.

   On the contrary, Li Yao is like a lone boat in the stormy sea.

   But Li Yao stood steadily in the distance, with no peerless aura.

   The light in his eyes has dissipated at this moment, but some caring people have noticed Li Yao's eyes.

   They didn't see fear in Li Yao's eyes, but a burning will to fight, and even saw a trace of disdain.

   Everyone didn't understand why Li Yao was so confident in such a disadvantaged situation, because his arrows could do little harm to the opponent.

   If it is close combat, it is probably even worse. His sickle is very sharp, but the difference in body size between the two sides is too big. His sickle is not as long as the other's steel wool.

It is estimated that even the opponent’s skin cannot be injured. In this contrast, Li Yao has no chance of winning. In their opinion, the wisest choice is to give up while the opponent has not burned the blood. This is the wiser way. .

In the game field, the middle-aged official's complexion changed wildly. He wanted to abstain. In his opinion, Li Yao's life game was too strong. However, it is not always possible to abstain off the court. Basically, his side was hit hard or lost Only when you are conscious.

   Now everyone knows that King Kong wanted to kill Li Yao, but Li Yao was not injured.

   "Li Yao, abstain, you have done your best." The middle-aged official used a loudspeaker. At this moment, the little King Kong has risen to a height of forty meters, which is simply scary.

   Li Yao also heard the sound and smiled: "It seems that I think I can't win. Since you like to play brute force, let's have a good time."

   Li Yao raised his hand to his mouth, followed by a continuous whistle.

   Following the whistle, there were Fire Eagle, Xiao Man, Hydra, Spider Tank, and Reaper 4000, all of them appeared behind Li Yao.

   Since getting the matrix, Li Yao has strengthened the transformation of his pets, especially when he reaches level 50, he has completed the mechanized transformation of all pets.

   is not only their own attributes increased, but also because they enjoy the bonus of the mechanical hunter aura.

  On the spaceship, Li Yao can't be in the game often, and he uses the metal of God to visualize his pets one by one, which can be summoned directly into the real world. The only difficulty is that the Black Dragon and the Dragon Empress cannot be visualized yet, which makes Li Yao very regretful.

   But these pets are enough by themselves. Li Yao thought that his combined combat puppet would appear in the game for the first time, but he did not expect that his first summoning would be in reality.

   Fire eagle, spider tank, and death needless to say that they are mechanized structures. At this moment, Xiaoman has also become a combat form, a mechanical beast with wings spreading more than ten meters and no smaller than Fire Eagle.

   Hydra has also become a mechanical form, but each of their heads is different in color, and their body is extremely huge. The huge body is no smaller than Xiaojingang, and it looks extremely hideous.

   "Combine puppets, combine."

   Following Li Yao's words, Li Yao's body floated directly into the air, and several of Li Yao's pets were directly twisted, flashing with the dazzling light, and the sound of clicking.

   A huge metal monster appeared where Li Yao disappeared.

Everyone exclaimed, not knowing what happened, Li Yao summoned pets enough to surprise them, I didn't want to bring Li Yao together several pets to form a terrifying mecha-like monster .

The head is like a golden royal griffin, and the chest has a muzzle that emits gray light. This is the main gun of the spider tank. One of the arms can be transformed into a huge Gatling and the other can release rockets. This is obviously death. Four thousand changes, two feet are like dragon claws, and the back is a pair of huge flame-burning wings, which is obviously a fire eagle transformation, and the shoulders have extended several snake heads, which is obviously a hyper-snake change.

   Li Yao felt it, as if he had become a little giant, completely mentally controlled, not like the old mecha, as if the puppet was his own body.

   At the same time, a large amount of information came to Li Yao's mind, and it was this combination method that gained ability. Li Yao's powerful mental power instantly understood the ability of this puppet.

   Flame Wings floated a huge combination of puppets in mid-air. Although they were less than forty meters tall, they were similar.

   "Don't you like to play with brute force, then I don't need other abilities today, I just use brute force to play with you and die."

   Li Yao looked at Little King Kong, who had stopped expanding his body below. With a flap of his wings, his body swooped down suddenly.

  The two hands of the combined puppet are staggered together to form a huge fist.

"Good I don't believe that someone can be stronger than me." Although Xiao Jingang was surprised, he was in a state of burning blood at the moment, and he didn't believe that someone could surpass himself, so he simply Don't dodge, the two arms cross over the head.

Everyone's nerves are raised. Two huge monsters are really rare. Little King Kong is already overbearing enough. No one wants to bring Li Yao with such an unbelievable method, but he has also become a giant. Tyrant giant.


   The huge fist hit the opponent's arm, and the whole stadium seemed to collapse.

   The moment the two sides touched, King Kong let out a painful roar. His body collapsed, and his waist was nailed down like a nail. The cracked silence spread crazily, shattering one-tenth of the stadium.

   The dark bristles on Little King Kong's body shattered and flew out like a steel needle.

   And the combined puppet was hit and flew out again, but the puppet's wings shook, and the puppet revolved to release all its strength, and then the original fist fell again like a cannonball.

   Xiaojingang just broke free, but seeing the puppet fall, he had to cross his arms again.


   The two sides collided, and there was another huge roar. Little King Kong's body fell again, and Li Yao was shot again, but Li Yao unloaded his strength again, and then fell again.


  :. :

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