MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1253: Abuse

The stadium fell into a weird silence. It was not that there was no sound. The loud roar of the two giants colliding with each other kept trembling through their eardrums, but they were completely unaware of it, and stared blankly at this terrifying scene. .

   They never thought that Li Yao could hide so deeply. They thought that Li Yao could not win even if he had hidden means, but they did not expect that Li Yao would be so violent when he went so fast.

   They thought that Li Yaohai had summoned pets when he chose. Although the fire eagle took fewer shots, his limited tentacles would kill him with one blow, and his combat power was sturdy, and Li Yao could summon several pets at the same time.

   Among them, Hydra and Spider Tank are the most deterrent, obviously more powerful, but Li Yao never let them take action along the way.

   They used to think that Li Yao was a means of hiding, but now they don’t need it. Li Yao is not trying to hide any means, but is extremely confident in himself.

   It was this battle. If it hadn't been for the sudden burning of Xiaojingang's blood, I'm afraid it would have caused Li Yao to come back, also without the assistance of pets.

The middle-aged officials and several representatives also stood up in shock. Not only that, even the professors and important high-level officials who watched the live broadcast were also in a state of complete shock. They did not want to bring Li Yao to the new Mecha is applied to this extent.

   They know that the goal of the new mecha is to make the new mecha have the same character abilities as the characters in the game, but looking at Li Yao, it has completely exceeded their expectations. Even this is their top pursuit. They didn't expect Li Yao to have reached it now, so they were not surprised.

   More importantly, if it is a separate interception of the video, people cannot tell whether it is a game or reality.

   "This guy, the hiding is too deep." The middle-aged official smiled bitterly, but he was more of a joy that could not be concealed. He saw the hope of winning the championship.

   And the control of those old mechas was even more stunned. Looking at this violent posture, it just didn't show long-range strike ability, but looking at the arms and the muzzle in the middle, you can know that it is absolutely extraordinary.

  A few titled war gods have their eyes shining. At this moment, they finally realized the power of the new mecha.

   If Li Yao used technology to make them a little unconvinced before, but this intuitive comparison of strength has made them clearly aware of the gap between the two sides.

   It might be good if the old mech bursts out in a single round, but the new mech Li Yao has been applied to the present point. Needless to say, the combat power, the endurance and growth are something anyone can imagine.

   "I know when my elder brother has been bullied by others, hum, but a gorilla, I really think he is so good."

   The Xinghuo people who were worried about Li Yao's safety and Li Yao's family also breathed a sigh of relief.

   At this time, more than half of Xiaojingang's body has fallen into the solid ground solidified by a special method in the stadium, but this is how much stronger the ground than ordinary rock is, it is as fragile as tofu under the bombardment of two monsters.

   "Ah, die for me!"

   Little King Kong is going crazy. It's not that he hasn't met opponents, such as the dark elves, but the dark elves are mental power, too weird. Although he didn't have the courage to fight again, he didn't think so.

   But in the power competition, I have never encountered an opponent among my peers. I have always crushed others by myself. When have I been so aggrieved.

What kind of human mecha has not been pinched by myself, but when I met this guy, it started to be slippery, and I was almost played to death. I tried to burn my blood and exploded and said such big words. A joke.

   His arms were **** and bloody, and a large area of ​​the ground was stained red. However, seeing Li Yao who was blasted up by him, his arms were still extremely clean and there were no traces of impact.

   He raised his head vigorously and suddenly opened his mouth, a blood-red beam of light ejected from his mouth. At the same time, the violent breath of his body weakened a bit, and his body shrank a few meters.

   Li Yao's Eye of Titans had already analyzed the opponent's tactics when he mobilized his energy. There was no evasion in the slightest, and the main gun of the spider tank suddenly flashed a gray light.

The dark red and gray beams of light collided together without any sound, but with the smiles of the two beams, a shock wave of mixed colors rippled, the barrier of the stadium unfolded, and the barrier suddenly rippled with endless ripples, and even appeared Crack, the person in charge of the enchantment suddenly increased the energy of the enchantment.

   A young operator who was in charge of looking at the data said with a pale face: "The power of the two energy beams has reached the normal power of the T-type super battleship's secondary gun. Is this still a human? The new mecha is so strong."

The steward next to him also quickly checked various data: "It's terrible, the super mech is not unable to fire this powerful energy cannon, but the mech is out of energy when it is fired, but the new mech seems to have no energy at all. What's the impact? This battery life is simply terrible. It seems that the replacement of the old mecha by the new mecha is irreversible. Seeing the data sent back to the research institute, it is simply terrible."

Li Yao’s arms have become two muzzles, and three consecutive rockets roar They have different trajectories from different directions, but the goal is to try to break out of the shackles. King Kong.

   Little King Kong roared wildly and hugged his head directly with his hands, directly on the spot: "Damn, don't you want to compare strength, unfair."


   Three shells directly submerged Xiao Jingang. At the same time, Li Yao's other arm Gatling also opened fire frantically.

Countless bullets impacted on Little King Kong’s body, and blossoming blood blossoms. This time the bullets directly penetrated into the opponent’s body. Although it was far from hurting the inner palace, it was already uncomfortable. Now, his body is bleeding.

"It's a matter of strength, but you broke the rules first, and actually wanted to kill me with your roaring cannon. In that case, why should I restrain myself? It's your own death, so don't blame me." When Li Yao spoke Gatlin didn't stop, and the rockets were released in one shot: "Actually, my current strength is surpassed, and your skills are far behind. No matter how you lose, I don't have the mind to play with you anymore."

   After the smoke and dust, everyone has seen the state of King Kong, most of the dark golden bristles of King Kong have disappeared, and the whole body is charred, and there are a lot of bullet holes, which looks miserable.

   When have everyone seen Xiaojingang suffered such a loss, when has he been so embarrassed, then look at Li Yao, floating in the air under the wings of flame, Xiaojingang can't touch it...

   First set a small goal for yourself: such as collection: . Mobile version URL: m.

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