MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1254: End of War

   You can know the power of Li Yao's long-range attack in his current state without introducing it. The energy cannon is not to be mentioned. The audience does not have a very intuitive feeling. After all, it almost offsets the other's roar cannon.

   But the wounds on Xiaojingang's body are real now. You must know that Xiaojingang has not been uninjured along the way, but they are basically minor injuries, not even minor injuries.

   The form of disarming the armor can't even hurt the dragon's breath, at least the dragon's flame transformed from the lizardman does not harm the opponent at all. Although the meteorites are strong, they are scattered by the opponent.

   When fighting against Li Yao, Li Yao’s arrows had limited effects, and could only injure places like the eyes. At most, they were burrs, and they didn’t matter.

   After the blood burned, King Kong's eyes recovered, and his aura soared. Obviously, his defense has soared another level, but that's it, the rocket launcher and Gatlin that bear the combined puppet are still injured.

   The entire stadium reverberated with Gatling's frantic roar, and this was not an ordinary Gatling, the bullet shell was much bigger than an ordinary Gatling.


   Little King Kong suddenly jumped out of the pit madly and slammed on the ground against Ghat.

   A huge boulder flew up with him, Xiao Jingang grabbed it and threw the huge boulder over five or six meters in diameter at Li Yao.

   A trace of contempt flashed in Li Yao's eyes. The internal energy of the opponent's body could not escape his eyes, not to mention such movements that can be seen by the naked eye, his wings were not fake.

   Flame Wings dodged the boulder thrown by the opponent with a slight shake, but his attack never stopped.

Little King Kong continued to run, but countless bullets followed him. Although he avoided a lot, more bullets fell on him. Even though he could not cause serious injuries, as the number of bullets accumulated, the wounds on his body increased rapidly. , Even if he bleeds like this, no matter how big he is, no amount of blood is enough.

   So in the course of his galloping, he kept throwing stones into the sky, trying to throw Li Yao down, and even wanted to learn from the last time and use his jumping ability to suppress the opponent.

   However, with the lessons learned from the lizardman, Li Yao would not give him this kind of opportunity at all. In addition, he couldn't stand the stone thrown by Li Yao in just two minutes. He knew that he would be finished sooner or later if he continued like this.


   Little King Kong was furious and frantically raised a boulder over ten meters long and threw it out, and at the same time a beam of light gushed out of his mouth again.

   Two combos. Under the cover of the boulder, he thought he could use the roaring cannon to blast the opponent down.

   However, things were counterproductive. There was nothing wrong with the boulder being able to block Li Yao's sight, but he had already exposed his purpose by mobilizing energy to his mouth in advance.

   While Li Yao dodges the boulder, the main gun of the spider tank is also lit up, but Xiao Jingang's eyes flashed with a trace of hideousness, and Li Yao still wants to activate the energy cannon and his roar cannon to counteract it is too late.


The red beam of    Roaring Cannon directly bombarded the barrier, and Li Yao was penetrated like a transparent person.

  The enchantment trembles crazily, but already has experience, the enchantment has already greatly increased its power. There was a hint of surprise in Xiaojingang's eyes.


   "I am here."

   Li Yao's voice came from another direction, followed by an energy cannon.

  The gray energy directly bombarded Xiao Jingang's back. Xiao Jingang felt the fatal threat and let out a stern roar.

   The bone spurs behind him shattered, like a blood-colored light shield blocking the energy beam, but at the same time, Little King Kong's body quickly shrank, and it soon reached 30 meters. His aura also dropped rapidly.

   At this moment, the little King Kong has become extremely miserable, his whole body is charred and full of bullet holes, not to mention, a huge wound has appeared on his back, and the blood is really rushing without money.

   The flame wings behind Li Yao suddenly disappeared, and then flowed directly to his arms, which turned into eagle claws burning with flames.

Landed directly next to Little King Kong. Little King Kong has not recovered from the powerful blow just now. It is really to save his life that he has almost exhausted the energy of the blood-burning state. After all, the consumption of two roaring cannons is not small. Yes, the damage of the self-explosive bone spurs and the blow of energy made him feel heartbroken.

   Li Yao's two flaming eagle claws directly clasped each other's two calves, as if he was turning the neck of a giant dragon back and forth.

   The entire stadium was full of King Kong’s body and the strong ground of the stadium made a huge noise. Every time the stadium vibrated.

Even though his body is hard, after all, there is a huge wound of nearly ten meters in his back, plus bullet holes all over his body. The scene is extremely **** for a time. Xiao Jin just started roaring wildly, but after only a few strokes he even roared. Without his strength, his body has almost shrunk to 25 meters.

   "We abstained in this game." The representative of the giant clan gritted his teeth.

   The moment the opponent abstained, Li Yao let go, and King Kong was flung out directly. King Kong's eyes were blood-red and full of humiliation and unwillingness. He looked at Li Yao as if he was going to choose someone.

   Little King Kong tried to get but eventually fell down again, and the teleporting beam also fell to send Little King Kong out.

   The stadium was dead, and everyone felt like a dream. Little King Kong was defeated in this way, and that was his method to disintegrate the dragon.

   Click, click...

   Li Yao's pets disappeared one by one, and Li Yao, who was less than two meters away, also reappeared, quietly standing in a messy stadium.

   "Tell down next, I want to challenge the young priest." Li Yao's voice was like a stone plunged into the calm lake.

   Everyone suddenly realized that Li Yao, who seemed impossible to win the first place in their opinion, had actually come to this point. It had reached the final showdown. As long as Li Yao could defeat the mysterious and strange high priest, then Li Yao could win the championship.

It turned out that they didn’t think that Li Yao could win, but the battle just happened. Obviously no one was sure if Li Yao had any other means, and the weird little priest was never defeated and basically didn’t know how to lose. Two weird people are in a duel, who can come to the end. Can Li Yao kill all the way to end the mysterious and invincible veil of the young priest.

   "You have half an hour of rest and treatment time." The middle-aged official said.

   Li Yao shook his head slightly: "It was just a joke, just to make my body exercise, go on, there is no need to waste time."

   The young priest has been teleported out, her eyes are still indifferent...

  :. :

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