MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1267: Double line

   Sister Li stood on a high place in the quay area, facing the warm sea breeze, and said: "Well, is our fleet within the radiation range of the magic lighthouse?"

The guard nodded and said: "According to the itinerary, the fleet should return to the port in less than an hour. Our lighthouse covers a half-day voyage, and it should be able to be contacted now. If the administrator contact now, let the fleet speed up, a quarter of an hour. You should be able to come back later."

   Sister Li nodded, and picked up the communication stone: "The main base contacted the No. 2 Fleet, and ask your chief to get the communication."

   Sister Li yelled three times in a row, and finally a female voice came over there: "Your Majesty Administrator, I am the commander of the No. 2 Fleet. What can I do if you contact me."

   "Our territory will go to war in half an hour. The enemy will attack from both land and sea directions at the same time. I don't know how soon you can return to the port." Sister Li said directly.

   "Because of the weather, we have to play half an hour away from the normal return time, but if the administrator needs, we can speed ahead, but the hull and fuel consumption..." the female pirate hesitated and said.

   Sister Li interrupted her and said, "This is a time of war, and Lord Lord can't return. I can be the master, and the loss of the hull and the fuel finance are completely reimbursed."

"Happy, what I'm waiting for is the words of the magistrate." The female pirate said loudly: "Little ones, there is a blind guy who wants to attack our territory from the sea, give me speeding forward, stop them and blast them. It's a mess."

Then came the enthusiastic cheers. Sister Li put down the communicator, looked at the busy crowd below, showed a smile, looked at the vast sea, and muttered to herself: "How do you know that the current spark is no longer what it used to be? Than, it’s no longer a small guild that operates solely on the prestige of one person. Is the current Spark just weak? If Spark is only maintained by an elite team, what's the point. Since I think Spark is weak now, then Just a battle to show you how powerful Spark is."

   After a while, the guard ran up again and said, "My lord, the preparations are basically done. Do you really want to use those things? If it is estimated that a lot of gold coins will be wasted, it is actually unnecessary."

Sister Li shook her head and said: "Let's do it, Lord Lord said, anyway, those things are going to be eliminated as our strength improves. It is better to play their due role than to deal with them out of date. Besides, we Xinghuo Everything is lacking, but there is no shortage of money, so you can rest assured to arrange it, and leave it to you on the land side. I am responsible for guarding at the port."

   "Understand." The guard nodded.

   "Take care." Sister Li watched the guard leave.

   "You really decided, this time you want me to broadcast the battle in person?" Qin Fengyi, who had been studying intelligence, raised her head and asked.

Sister Li said in a firm tone: "The Starfire Sword is already sharp. It will not be out of the sheath at this time. When will it be out, let us use this battle to let everyone see the strength of Xinghuo, which can be regarded as a fight for the official establishment of our team. Basics."

"That's good, these people always think that we still rely on his name to fool around. This time he is not here, just to let some people know that even if we don't have a core group, they still can't provoke them. "Qin Fengyi stood up and said, "I'm going to start the live broadcast. I will send a notification."

   Sister Li nodded, clenched her fists slightly, and cast her eyes to the vast ocean again.

   At this moment, far away from the Dragon Spark station, under the banners of the two guilds, two teams are marching frantically towards the Spark Delta station. His speed is very amazing, and his body is surrounded by a whirlwind.

   There is also a fleet on the sea, with things like whirlwinds on the body, and the speed is equally fast. They are also two guilds, and one of them is the fleet of the Maimang Guild. Although the overall quality is not as good as Xinghuo, the quantity is not small.

In the game arena, because Li Yao’s three scouts were constantly hunting and killing intelligence agents, two-thirds of the colonel had already completely exposed, and when their scouts had no news for a long time, they finally understood that the three of them had one intelligence. The staff was killed without killing.

Nowadays, the troll tribe is already riding a tiger. If this continues, I am afraid that all their intelligence agents will be killed, but if it is an offensive, it is now even more to die. Most of the large colonists are exposed. The number of large colonists alone is too far apart. It is too easy. Was killed for weakness.

Li Yao's bat form flew to the edge of a banner and fell. He watched the demon girl leaning in the corner of the shadow and whispered: "The battle has entered a new stage. The rest of the intelligence agent seems to want to stay on guard."

   "You feel relieved." Yao Ji shook her head slightly, calming her breath, obviously it took a lot of time to get rid of the pursuit.

   Li Yao smiled and said: "Just once, you can't change to a bat next time, otherwise the bat's form and attributes are too bad, and it's too easy to be killed by a spike."

   "How's the situation in Shadow Dance?" Yao Ji asked.

   "The situation is similar to It is not easy to start again." Li Yao thought for a while and said, "I will immediately send a signal for them to attack with all their strength."

   "We are in difficulty, you seem to have spare capacity."

   Li Yao shook his head: "It's also difficult for me to hunt. This round is relatively stable. There is no need to take risks."

"I always feel that the situation is a bit wrong. Normally, they should be dying and attacking us with all their strength. We may still have a chance to rely on the deployment of the army, but they will definitely lose out. The troll tribe guild has developed to this point. To such an extent, it is certainly impossible to be stupid, but why do you still choose this way when you know that you will lose." Yao Ji raised her own question.

   Li Yao thought about it for a while but was puzzled: "Defense can only delay time, but what is the use of delaying time."

   "Forget it, no matter what they do, as long as we can win, as long as we get the Scarlet Fortress, it's better than anything." Demon Ji shook her head: "No, the guards here are going to patrol soon. I want to change places."

   "Well, don't be impulsive. We will cooperate with our legion before hunting down their colonel or general." Li Yao said and took off.

   At the highest point of the fortress, he directly restored his human form, bending his bow and shooting arrows.

   rose into the air with a red arrow, and then burst a red fire ball.

   At the fortress on the side of Starfire, the Fruit Knight saw the fire group in the sky and jumped directly off the city wall: "The president ordered, attack."

  The gate of the fortress was suddenly opened...

  :. :

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