MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1268: Insight

   After this mode is designed, it does not want to become a tug-of-war and siege warfare. Otherwise, relying on the city pool to cooperate with the corresponding units can completely defeat many more enemies than your own.

   And there are fortresses on both sides. If you don't attack, I don't want to attack the city. It's nice to see each other across the city, but it's a pity that there is basically no difference between the victory and the defeat.

   So the fort is built with tofu dregs, and it doesn’t usually work well, but in the face of a powerful attack, the wall can collapse.

The crowds on Spark’s side rushed over. Fruits and a dozen colonels took the lead. Under the condition of healing, ordinary players or soldiers would not cause much damage if they attacked. In addition, Spark’s professional treatment of healing Completely withstood the opponent's long-range attack under the city wall.

   The two artillery pieces exploded the city wall separately by firing one shell, and the city gate was broken open by the big shield thrown by the fruit knight blessed by the general attribute.

   The people of the two guilds immediately rushed together, and the colonel of Xinghuo, led by the fruit knight, constantly rushed from the left to the right in the opposing army, as if into the land of no one.

   Except for the colonels of the Troll Tribe, which were not detected, the other colonels who exposed the information were more timid.

Otherwise, the opponent rushing into the formation of Starfire can also cause a lot of damage. After all, where is the attribute bonus, but there are more fatal weaknesses, if they are targeted, their attributes will not be able to exert much. Worked.

   will soon be killed in seconds, so the battle is doomed from the start.

   It's just that the troll tribe has been delaying time, using various narrow areas of the city to block the pace of the spark leading to the Chiefs' Hall.

   And Yao Ji and Ying Wu returned to the military formation, looking for the large colonel who had exposed their shortcomings. Although Xinghuo's has been advancing, the speed is obviously very slow.

In the past two hours, the opponent’s casualties have been more than half, but before the Chief’s Hall, they encountered tenacious resistance. This is a group of mutant freaks. Under the treatment of the generals in the inner city, the freaks’ army dragged Xinghuo's People can't get in at all.

   When Li Yao hunted down the tenth intelligence agent, all the intelligence of the other colonel and general except the marshal’s intelligence had been unlocked.

   When Li Yao returned to the main formation, Xinghuo had just killed the opponent's outer city general, and was caught in a bitter battle outside the Chiefs' Hall.

   "What's the situation?" Li Yao jumped to the side of the fruit knight.

   The fruit knight is covered in blood and the abnormally deformed mucus. She is recovering from the experience of consumption. She was the main force in the battle that was just now, and it was not until now that she couldn't rush in until she felt tired.

"The opponent's inner city general is also a healer, and he is a pharmacist. The blessings that his general enjoys are very powerful. With the blessing of various potions, his healing spells are really effective. Any large range. The healing spells can lift the blood of these deformed monsters in the army. The deformed monsters are already very difficult to kill, not to mention this kind of terrifying treatment." The Fruit Knight said helplessly.

Demon Ji and Ying Wu Kuang also showed their figures. Demon Ji said: "I and Ying Wu joined forces just now, but they didn't kill each other. My transfer of flowers and trees won't work for him. The protection around him is too tight. Now, the various potions are too weird. Some can benefit our own legion, and some can detract from our legion. It is really difficult."

Li Yao nodded and watched the battle on the battlefield. Under the protection of two colonels and some powerful freaks, a female troll can easily raise her hand and treat in a range to make the freaks invincible. Colonels The attack is very high, but as long as the deformity cannot be killed in a second, then the deformity can immediately be full of blood. What is even more frightening is that the deformity can still fight for a period of time even if it is killed.

   Shadow Dancer also said: "If you don't kill him, although they can't do anything about it, it's a waste of time. It's been more than an hour, and there is no progress."

   "I will try and see if I can kill him." Li Yao frowned.

"It’s best for you to study his strengths and weaknesses. He is immune to long-range attacks and has the blessing of brutal power. The potion master bonus with the buff is very unsolvable, and his shortcomings are very few, fatal shortcomings. There is only a backstab, but she has always been protected, with her back leaning against the door of the hall, there is no chance for a backstab at all." Yao Ji explained.

   Li Yao was about to say something, suddenly his complexion changed.

   Yao Ji asked: "What's the matter."

   "The black dragon and dragon queen died." Li Yao said and started using the resurrected pet, and soon the black dragon and dragon queen was resurrected: "What's the matter, how could you be killed."

   Black Dragon Queen said angrily: "I was accidentally calculated, Master, your territory has been attacked..."

   Listening to the description of the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen, Li Yao and several people finally realized that they had started a trade union war.

   "These despicable villains, really **** it." The newcomer Muzi returned here to recover his mana, just hearing the description of the Black Dragon Queen, and suddenly furious.

Li Yao waved his hand and said: "Don't say anything about this matter. I believe that even without us, the other members of the guild can handle it, and we will not be able to worry about it anymore. The most important thing now is to win the battle. So don't let everyone know this news for the time being, we must first capture here."

"No wonder I think this battle is weird. It turns out that they are delaying time to hold us back so that we are trapped here and cannot go It's a good calculation." Yao Ji clenched her hand. dagger.

   "Hurry up and reply, and I will kill the treatment on the other side." Li Yao said with one toe and jumped directly on top of the huge battle flag of Spark.

   The female general at the entrance of the hall also saw Li Yao jumping on the flagpole. She also took out a bottle of potion and clinked glasses with Li Yao, and then drank the potion, apparently provoking Li Yao.

   Troll tribe players also looked at Li Yao with a sneer. Obviously they didn't believe Li Yao could kill the general.

   A blue light flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and then his body suddenly became huge.

  The power of the dragon father!

   Strong wind and showers!

   Another Li Yao suddenly appeared in front of the general, and a magical spider thread suddenly ejected from his hand.


   The troll raised her hand to block the spider silk, and she directly grabbed the spider silk: "Would you like to pull me over to reveal my back, see who has the strength, come over to me."

   Li Yao The second Li Yao also pulled the spider silk, and the spider silk suddenly tightened, and the two actually started wrestling.

   "Savage power? Really, the bonus is not small, it's a pity."

   Li Yao suddenly increased her strength. In the troll's incredulous gaze, her body was pulled out and flew directly towards Li Yao.

   At the same time, the moment the second Li Yao appeared in the opposing army, someone reacted and started attacking the second Li Yao...

  :. :

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