MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1277: Firepower Net


"Of course, I know that if the other party does not attack our warships, if we look at our formations like this, there must be a'conspiracy', but so what, our strength is like a cloud, and the strength of any guild is not comparable. There are few sparks. Now the four teams are working together. They defend on both sides. No matter what the means, no matter how big the loss is, as long as we take the Starfire Guild’s main residence, we will make a lot of compensation for all our losses. Compared to you, the guild warehouse has been coveted for a long time."

The president of the Maimang Guild directly picked up a loudspeaker stone, standing in the bow of the ship and said loudly: "Starfire is arrogant and domineering, using his privileges to bully other guilds and players, my swordsman, the president of the Maimang Guild, On behalf of the vast number of players, cruel against you, today is the day when the main residence of the Starfire Guild is destroyed."

   "I am a passing guest, the president of the Tianjian Guild, today I will conquer Spark and seek justice for ordinary players."

"For your own sake, why bother to be a **** and set up a torii? It's really ridiculous. It's just a game. It's not a big deal to play if it is not pleasing to the eye. Who can say anything? The game was originally played for the pleasure of enmity. You are just like the moral saints, it is really disgusting, and it makes people look down on it. I am really ashamed of you all joining this shameless guild. Taking a heroic game id is really a hero, I see The gentleman sword is more suitable for you." Sister Li was deeply disgusted in her eyes.


   Xinghuo suddenly laughed, and I don’t know who called, Jun Zijian.

   "Gentleman Sword!"

   "Gentleman Sword!"

   "Gentleman Sword!"

   Xinghuo yelled all the people who could shout, and the sound shook the sky. The audience watching the live broadcast also couldn't laugh. They followed the trend, and the barrage was a gentleman's sword.

Just as Sister Li said, playing games is for pleasure and enmity. The main reason is not the unreasonable dominance and shame of Shengshi. No one cares about the players. Why do you join the guild for more than ordinary players. Awesome.

Moreover, Xinghuo has never done anything too overbearing, and has not even done the things of chartering the venue. Not only does it not make people hate Xinghuo for this kind of thing, but it will think that the Maimang Guild hypocrite wants to grab the warehouse of the Starfire Guild. Snatch it, everyone watch the excitement, no one will say that the Maimang is wrong, and it will be disgusting if you are what you want.

   Swordsman's face flushed suddenly, and he said it smoothly. He didn't expect it to be such a result. He didn't know what to do until he said it. However, he was wearing a helmet and no one else noticed it. He coughed slightly before continuing.

"Let’s talk less about those useless. We landed on Spark and didn’t stop it. Now we’re landing and platooning, you still haven’t stopped. What means can you use? Even if the 150,000 Legion gave it to you, what will we bring today? An army of more than tens of millions."

"Ten thousand army, I'm really a little scared." Sister Li waved her hand and waited for someone to take out a detonator before she said: "Since you have so many legions and don't care about it, I will accept it. "

   Sister Li held the detonator and suddenly pressed it down, as the detonator was pressed.

   Outer Harbor of Xinghuo burst out a group of light suddenly, followed by a group of light flashes, and then a violent explosion sounded.

  The skyrocketing flames flickered, houses in the outer harbor, heavy machinery and tools were blown to pieces, countless broken limbs were blown into the sky, like the end of the world.

   Until half a minute later, the explosion stopped too much. After a while, the fire and smoke disappeared, and the outer port was no longer what it was like. There were big pits on the whole earth, and countless pieces of charred corpses scattered all over the ground, like a **** on earth.

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that Xinghuo would be so ruthless. Although there was nothing to move away from the outer port, the houses and machinery and tools required a lot of money, and the explosion did not hesitate. destroyed.

  The coalition players on the ship were also stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes. An explosion caused the 150,000 army to be wiped out.

"Xinghuo is so ruthless and a good method. It seems that you have a clear understanding of the situation. In order to reduce your casualties, you did not hesitate to'was' and spend a lot of money to create so many high-explosive'drugs' and to blow up the outer port. Now." The swordsman took a deep breath and said.

Sister Li threw the detonator directly down the city wall and smiled slightly and said: "There is nothing wrong with reducing casualties, but I can’t agree with the situation you said. It’s even more ridiculous that we are dead. There is only one reason for this method. We Xinghuo have nothing else, we just have money, and you really don't have a common language with people in poor guilds like you."

   "I hope your mouth will still be so hard for a while, and the explosives will only be for a while, and see what else you can do next." The swordsman sneered: "Continue to land and re-assemble the army."

   Suddenly there was another coalition landing, and then they began to summon the army.

   "Then you can be optimistic. Send my order, all the artillery can fire freely, let them see what is the real firepower net."

   Following Sister Li's order, everyone on the wall began to mobilize.

   "Enemies gathered in the 65th area, and the windows of the 65th gun opened."

   "Enemies gather in area No. 86, and the window of No. 86 cannon opens."


   The messengers passed the news one by one, and the boulder on the city wall of Xinghuo's port area wanted to move, and a hole appeared, and a black cannon muzzle could be seen.

   is followed by the sound of cannons, UU read www.uukānshu. com As long as someone rushes up and down the battleship to summon the security forces, they will be hit by artillery when they are summoned.

   With a loud roar, the landing coalition forces could not stand firm at all. Even if they summoned troops from the ship, as long as they landed, they would also be greeted by the fire of Starfire.

   After a quarter of an hour, the login failed repeatedly, and the ghouls and players that went up basically became corpses.

   There are only a few alive, but it is not useful at all.

   "Damn, there are artillery hidden in the city wall, and so many large heavy artillery, this is too rich." Yanyun Passer said bitterly.

"Now I finally know the strategy of Xinghuo. This city wall is curved. If the location is tested in advance, the artillery can theoretically cover all the areas of the outer port, if that is the case." scared.

   Yanyun Passer was also taken aback: "Don't scare me, the artillery network covering the entire outer port, can you imagine how many artillery it takes? It scares people to death, even if Xinghuo has money, it is impossible to buy such multiple artillery."

"I don't want to believe it, but don't forget that Liaoyuan still controls a plain. Among the three cities, there is a mechanical city. Do you remember the firepower net when he attacked the city? It's exactly the same. Control a mechanical city, Is the artillery bad?" The swordsman smashed the ship's side fiercely: "No matter what, order the thieves to sneak ashore to the middle of the outer port area to release the legion. The ordinary legion will also charge me. Let's do it together."

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