MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1278: air force

   With the frantic landing of the coalition forces, more and more cannon windows opened on the Starfire City Wall, and the roar of the artillery gradually changed from the initial intermittent to continuous, and then it has been practiced.

   Each burst of fire light represented a lot of ghouls and abominations ascending to heaven. I thought that the outer harbor destroyed by explosives was even more messy.

A major anchor anchored himself to a griffon, and broadcast the picture below, looking at the cruel battlefield below, and said helplessly: "Xinghuo is really rich, it is not built, this is too tyrant. It’s beyond recognition. Now ten thousand cannons are firing together, and they are still Tier 5 weapons. Although this type of shell is cheaper by Tier 6, it costs a lot of silver coins. Xinghuo is a coalition army that wants to use gold coins to attack."

The savvy audiences were also shocked when they watched it. They are too tyrants, how can they play like this, but the players who know Xinghuo are not surprised. Xinghuo has always been like this. It has always used its power to suppress others. This kind of thing.

   As the battle escalated, the audience of the Spark Guild Battle also increased. After all, Li Yao was fighting on behalf of humans and other alien races this time, and won the victory when everyone was not optimistic.

   Therefore, whether it is a human player or an alien player, knowing that Xinghuo is facing a siege, basically as long as it is not a wasteland copy or inseparable, more and more people join the audience in this battle.

   The thieves of the coalition also arrived in the middle of the outer port and began to summon the legion. The battle became more fierce.

   The ghouls and hatred legions in the Outer Harbor simply cannot form a scale. As long as they are a little bit larger, they can fire artillery covering the corresponding area.

   It is impossible to win by this method, unless the shells of Xinghuo are used up, but the coalition forces will not think that the guild of Xinghuo, who has been fanatical in research engineering, will lack shells.

   "The vice-chairman, look at the ship of the Maimang Guild." A hunter who used Hawkeye to observe the opponent's battleship quickly ran to Sister Li's side and said.

   Sister Li quickly took the binoculars handed over by others, and suddenly saw what many people were preparing on the Maimang Guild’s boat.

   "Vice President, is this a projector? It looks very different from ours." The hunter said hesitantly.

   Sister Li nodded: "It must be. You see these people are equipped with hang gliding wings behind them. Go and observe."

   "Yes." The hunter continued to jump on the observation deck and then turned on the Hawkeye technique to continue searching for useful information.

   "You Ying, what do you think." Sister Li asked a female player who was shrouded in robe next to her.

You Ying is the chief of staff of the team of staff formed by Sister Li. They don't need to be responsible for specific affairs, but everyone has their own areas of expertise or expertise. They are the subjects of Sister Li's consultation on various affairs. After all, they are alone. His wisdom is limited.

Their role is to provide information about their field of expertise and propose corresponding solutions. After all, with the growth of Xinghuo, Sister Li became more and more lacking in her own skills, so she thought of the idea of ​​the staff. Now the staff is not strong enough, but it is still in the beginning. Take shape.

  There are those who are good at finance, data analysis, planning, as well as understanding market trends, and even studying historical data of ancient gods, while You Ying is good at war games and tactical and strategic planning, and is a true military division.

   It’s just that Xinghuo has Li Yao and Demon Girl, the light is too dazzling, and You Ying is basically useless.

"Hang-gliding projection, this is our own development method by Spark. These people want to use it against us, but it is just a trick. The vice president does not need to show any cards. Although the president did not say, but I guess this tactic is just The alternatives that were found without the air force were also dealt with the enemy at that time, and there was no means to deal with the air force. But everything is developing, and this tactic is a bit laughable and generous nowadays." You Ying used slightly hoarse Said the voice.

"Don’t tell me your guess. At that time, you didn’t join the guild. The guild leader’s application of this tactic is similar to what you said. The war is outdated, so what do you mean by the simple method?" Sister Li continued: "It is estimated that in three minutes, the opponent will shoot."

   "It's very simple, don't forget the baby bumps of our guild collective."

  The shadow of the shadow flicked a little, the little light gathered, the shadow of a whelpling quickly condensed, and the wyrmling flew around the shadow.

   Sister Li suddenly smiled, lowered her head and began to give orders.

   The coalition fleet prepared a lot of things similar to catapults, but they were not throwing ammunition, and the distance was so far, it was impossible for the catapults on the ship to attack the city wall.

   They are throwing players with weird backpacks.

   "The air force is lifted into the sky. I don't ask you how much you can gain, but you must contain the opponent's air force." The swordsman ordered.

   said it was the air force, but in fact it was just a hunter’s pet and there were a few gargoyles.

At this stage, there are really too few Air Corps. Of course, it is not that there are few arms, but there are few ways to obtain them, and the price is very The air arms are very rare. At this stage, only the undead stone statues are widely available. Ghost, but the cost is more expensive, it is difficult to be accepted by ordinary players, only some guilds will buy some.

  The conventional air force is even more difficult to obtain. For example, the Wyvern is an air force controlled by the dark camp, and players basically have no way to obtain it. The Griffin is a regular air force of the light camp, and it is even more difficult to obtain.

  Of course, there are also many racially characteristic air forces, such as the Dragonhawk of the High Elf. This is a magical creature, even more rare. The Hippogryph of the ancient elves is equally terrifying, but it is simply difficult to tame without the blessing of the Archdruid.

  Only players who are lucky through special missions can get some, and the tame of the Falcon only has a certain scale of Spark. Other guilds are only scattered, and they cannot form a climate at all, let alone forming a legion.

   Some time ago, what players most hope for is to find an eagle king, and control an air force by taming the eagle king, but most of the eagles are scattered and not clustered, making the players' abacus empty.

In addition, there is no air riding skill. Now the air force in the player’s mouth is actually the air pet summoned by the hunter. This is also the reason why the hunter is accepted by some guilds. The most classic slogan is that the **** guild recruits an air force and can attach a person. Spoil the club. Owning aerial pets, especially good aerial pets, is the dream pursued by many hunters today.

   The two guilds have almost five thousand aerial pets lifted into the sky, but they are too mixed. There are owls, large parrots, falcons, chimeras, void rays, mana dragons, wind snakes, etc., a mess...

  :. :

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