The vigorous task of packing up equipment was completed, and the equipment in Li Yao's war space had been placed in categories, piled up like a mountain.

Of course, the equipment seems to be a lot, but in Li Yao's view, there are still not many that can be used. This is because his army is all Zerg. If he has a human-shaped army like other players, he is still not enough. use.

The green and white directly ignored Li Yao, and he did not recommend Tongtong to use them.

Although the hole was still extremely dark, in fact it was already daytime during game time, and after a few hours of sleep, Li Yao was already energetic, and he was looking at the ring in his hand.

Cracked Ross Seal

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

Strength: 20%

Agility: 19%

Stamina: 17%

Strength: 15%

The **** seal blessing, the **** guard wearing the seal of the main **** of Ross will be the **** guard that Ross trusts most. Even if the seal is broken, it still has powerful power. The user can obtain the dark attack blessing effect, the effects of all skills and Attack power increased by 33%.

The dark matrix activates the hidden power of the seal. Rose’s spider web will cover a space. The effect of the matrix is ​​determined based on the dark spar node and the wearer’s strength. The current activation matrix: Tianluodi net (restricted opponent type), hunting space ( Amplification type), Shenluo Tianxiang (speed type), God's blessing (sacrifice type), only one matrix can be activated at a time, and the duration is determined by the quality of the dark spar.

Spider silk control, you can control the spider silk freely. The effect is determined according to your own strength. The next release of the continuous release of the spider silk consumes twice the mana.

The Abyss Pass, with the seal to obtain the abyss coordinates, can open the portal and travel between the abyss and the main plane. Currently has an abyss coordinate of 0.

Equipment level: Tier 5 racial leader

Equipment conditions: Rose Guard

The ring is black and glowing with a faint light. The ring is a weird spider, but there is a subtle and undetectable crack in the middle of the spider, but the crack does not affect the beauty of the spider in the slightest. People's spirit is deep and unable to extricate themselves.

Li Yao reluctantly replaced the ring with the traces of time. This ring was the first best ring he obtained, but after all, the attributes could not keep up.

Not to mention the special effects, the attribute difference alone is too far apart. After all, the attribute blessing of the seal cannot be regarded as a level, but it is already considered a small best. Although the time mark special effect is good, the attribute difference is too much, especially the strength blessing can make him 'S strength increased again.

"It seems that I have time to do the assistant ring task." Li Yao put the ring in his backpack.

Players can equip two rings and complete some special tasks to equip more rings, but the other rings equipped can only be regarded as sub-rings, and the basic attributes cannot be blessed. They can only use the special effects of the ring, but even this is for Li Yao. Enough, he just fancy the ring's time mark special effects, but now is not the time, so he can only put it away first.

After all, several special effects of the seal of time are more important than time. If you count the special effects, this ring is already close to top dark gold.

Why is the faction-level boss strong? On the one hand, it is naturally due to the qualitative change of its own attributes, but more importantly, the faction-level has been able to obtain a little bit of power from the world, and when the strength is strong, you can obtain some super equipment, and the strength is stronger The toughness of the equipment is the terrible thing about the camp level.

The general camp level has special blessing equipment, such as this ring, the **** seal blessing, which increases the special effects and attack power of dark skills by 33%. Even if you increase your own attack power by one third, you can increase the special effects by one third. It is scary, because many skills cannot be judged by the value alone.

The skill effect is represented by data. For example, if Li Yao restricts a leader of the faction level, his own skill is one hundred, then facing opponents below one hundred can achieve the full effect of the skill. But the faction level is stronger than Li Yao, and the resistance of others is higher. For example, if it is 120 and Li Yao is 100, then Li Yao's restricted skills will be discounted.

The greater the difference between the strengths of the two sides, the greater the discount, which is why ordinary players restricting skills have no effect on the boss.

And this one-third of the effect allows Li Yao to not worry about his ability to be unusable. This is not only a problem of restricted skills, but also various abnormal states such as armor breaking, paralysis, burning, and poisoning.

The effect is not comparable to attacks. Of course, the increase in attack power is naturally also very important, but the two are relatively speaking.

Needless to say a few matrices, the blessing matrices attached to the divine equipment that Li Yao has seen in his last life are very good, with a wide range and strong effect. Whether it is restricting opponents or blessing oneself will greatly increase the victory of the battle.

As for the consuming material, dark spar, it is a kind of magic material that is precious, but also relatively common ~ is very versatile, especially for Li Yao, which is a dark profession, usually adds some to the production. , To make things more familiar to your profession, so although you don’t bring much, the layout matrix should be enough for the time being.

The first three matrices are easy to understand. One restricts the opponent’s sensitivity, one increases his attack, and the other increases his speed and agility. However, the fourth sacrifice type, the blessing of God, puzzles Li Yao, but it is not an attempt now. At that time, there is only a chance to study it.

As for the control of spider silk, although the introduction is very general, Li Yao has seen countless equipment in the last life and summarized the players who equipped countless affixes.

For example, the seal of Ross, which literally means the seal of the Lord God of Ross, but with the cracked prefix, then according to Li Yao’s understanding, this seal has lost its function. Although it does not have the function of issuing divine decree, it also It has become a trust and grace given to the representatives of his subordinates. After all, this seal once represented the supreme divine power, especially for the believers who believe in Rose.

And to control the phrase is more comprehensive. It is not just a question of skills, but can be used flexibly. Li Yao can be used as an advanced magic spider silk, and can be used to restrain and restrict opponents and other applications. How to specifically need to experience and comprehend. Of course, it seems that there are no restrictions and CDs, but the mana consumption is doubled at a time, even with Li Yao's current attributes, it cannot be used indefinitely.

As for the Abyss Pass, it is useless for battles, but for Li Yao, this is his most valued and favorite special effect. Seeing this special effect, Li Yao is really happy to blossom.

The effect is very simple, that is, Li Yao has the opportunity to go to any level of the abyss, so as long as he records the coordinates, Li Yao can travel between the abyss and the main plane, which is equivalent to double-sided hearthstone...

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