MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1311: sleepy

According to ancient legends, **** and abyss are actually the same as the Emerald Dream, which are mirror blueprints of ancient gods.

It's just that the Emerald Dream is the only one that succeeds and meets the blueprint of reality and materiality. The Emerald Dream is full of vitality, everything is prosperous, and it is an idealized world. It is also a world that only souls and creatures that control the nightmare can enter.

Hell and the abyss are composed of countless failed blueprints, and they are all failed works.

The **** is very huge and has many layers, but the main ones that have been explored are only twenty or so. The main creatures are all kinds of demons. The terrain is mainly volcanic. The ruler is the seven demon kings of hell. The three demon kings headed by them are also chaotic evil camps. It’s not that the three of them can rule hell. It’s just that compared to the gods in the abyss, they are difficult to be completely killed. The battle of the ancient gods, the battle of heaven and hell, the three demon gods were repeatedly Destruction, but the incredible resurrection again and again, is also the real reason why the vast **** is controlled by the three of them and can resist the gods of the abyss.

Compared with hell, the abyss is far more complicated, regardless of the number of known layers, the number of races, the number of gods, and the topography.

In terms of the known number of layers, the **** has more than ninety layers, and the abyss is close to three hundred layers.

In terms of geomorphology, in addition to the volcanic geomorphology of hell, there are also various elemental planes, even soul planes. It is said that even the elemental planes of the four elemental lords are actually part of the abyss.

Race is more complicated, not to mention all kinds of monsters and elements, smart races and demons in hell, but the devil occupies most of the level, of course, the necromancers and the death gods once controlled the number of layers. The souls of the undead, etc., are infinitely complicated.

The abyss is also the gathering place of the gods belonging to the chaotic evil camp. Once, every **** of the dark evil type would control several layers or even more abysses more or less.

The number of creatures in it is endless. Although they are all failed works, each one is about the size of the main plane of the ancient gods, with more than three hundred layers. It is conceivable that the number of creatures among them is terrifying.

Imagine that only the demons of a few layers of **** almost destroyed the civilization of the neutral continent, and even heaven fell. If the abyss was dispatched, it would be even more terrifying.

In fact, it was the same in ancient times. The ultimate cause of the battle of the gods was the control of the main material plane.

It’s just that in the ancient times it was very difficult for the creatures of the abyss to enter the main plane. At the beginning, they had an abyss portal, an abyss plain, and a river of Styx. They were opened by three dark gods with super divine power. The three places are the entrances and exits of the main plane of the abyss invasion in ancient times.

After the dusk of the gods, more than half of the gods fell completely, and the rest were seriously wounded and dying. They had to fall into endless dormancy, sealing themselves in the kingdom of gods, and the three **** portals were also sealed.

The plane was folded and closed, then the sky and the earth broke, and the main plane shattered. Now the three portals have been completely forgotten and sealed.

If it weren't, the main plane would not be the opponent of the various tyrannical races of the abyss.

Why did the Rose Queen spend tens of thousands of years supporting the fallen elves? For this reason, she did not hesitate to offend the Moon God, the endless creatures in the abyss, and she was the first **** to restore a little consciousness, so she would not lack the power of faith. , Not because the abyss is closed, she can only spend tens of thousands of years to support the fallen elves and increase her influence on the main plane.

In fact, she also succeeded. The fallen elves are definitely one of the most powerful races on the main plane.

The reason why Li Yao is excited is because of this abyss pass.

Although the abyss environment is harsh and dangerous, to Li Yao it means a variety of powerful legions, and of course the more important thing is the abyss material.

Why are materials and spells innovated in both magic and various sub-classes? Is the ancient enchantment not strong, or the ancient magic is not powerful, of course not.

The main reason is that the abyss and **** are closed, and the various precious and unique magic materials of the abyss and **** are cut off, and each race is innovated. It also caused many ancient magic circles, matrices, powerful enchantments and engineering items, and even equipment forging techniques to be lost or discarded as useless things.

The neutral camp is the weakest. As long as the two camps separate two races, the neutral camp can be crushed. Why do the two camps have to be equal to the neutral camp? Apart from preventing the invasion of hell, it is because the various magic materials of **** reappear so that the two This camp has gained a lot of benefits. In the confrontation between the two camps, no one will allow the neutral camp and one side to make contact, so that the neutral camp can be left and right, and there is a chance to recover.

And now he has an abyss pass, which is equivalent to owning the entire abyss. Although the abyss is closed, he still knows some secret ways to travel through the abyss when he is reborn.

At that time, as long as he has a firm foothold and his own guild can gain a foothold in the abyss, then no one can stop the soaring of and as a master archeologist, he knows many relics and can get a lot of ancient recipes. It is also a great help for himself.

"Meow, I can't hang up anyway this time. Now that the task is completed, I have to hurry up. If I hang up, the race-level strength and origins disappear, but there is still a way to get this kind of pass." Li Yao Activating God's eyes to scan the cave constantly.

This kind of task can't be killed, otherwise the race-level strength and the source that was added to the late camp-level will also disappear. More importantly, the seal is unique. He doesn't want to die, and everything will be ruined.

From the back of Li Yao's neck, a web of spider silk spurted directly, and the spider silk directly shot more than 300 yards and stuck to the ceiling of the cave, and Li Yao's body was also pulled up as the spider silk contracted.

Then Li Yao showed countless tentacles on both arms and hands respectively sticking to the ceiling of the cave. Li Yao was constantly cruising like a spider, but after watching many vents for a long time, it was impossible for him to escape.

"Damn, there is no gap for the bat to pass through, where is the original portal."

Li Yao searched for a long time but couldn't find the original portal, as if it was a space of its own. He even wanted to find the platform on which the female elf was located, but also found nothing.

Just as Li Yao was looking for it, a light gate appeared, and several black-robed figures appeared. Li Yao was about to find a way to kill them, but the black-plate man threw a shining spider silk directly.

The spider silk bound Li Yao round and round like a spirit snake. As soon as the black robe man pulled the spider silk, Li Yao appeared in front of Guangmen.

"This guy is really dead, he didn't die."

"Actually acquired divinity, but it's useless, I want to run, ridiculous."

"Let's stop talking, take him away, the high priest is waiting."

Li Yao found out sadly that he had no resistance at all and could only be dragged away...

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