The arena is in an uproar. Is this Nima still a human? The floor strengthened by the main god’s magic can be broken so easily. They know too much about the hardness of the arena. Except for heavy weapons, the continuous gouge will collapse. In the event of a collapse, Li Yao could crush the floor by stepping on it. It was so terrible to do it.

And with the splashing of the gravel, Qingjiao's figure was finally hit by the gravel to reveal his figure, and his eyes were full of reconciliation. Although he knew his figure was Bailu, he still launched a shadow attack in an instant.

Li Yao didn't turn his head, his right hand behind his back suddenly opened.

Puff Puff Puff Puff...

Five lines of spider silk popped out of Li Yao's fingers, and the spider silk instantly adhered to Qingjiao who had reached behind Li Yao, and then Li Yao flicked it with one hand.

Qing Jiao's body was suddenly thrown away, and the two daggers were almost able to touch the back of Li Yao's head, but this distance was also out of reach for Qing Jiao, letting him understand what it is.


Qing Jiao's body slammed into a pillar not far away, and then the spider silk directly fixed him to the pillar. A trace of madness flashed through Qing Jiao's eyes. His right hand could still move, and he was directly holding the dagger and slashing. Five taut spider silks.

But before his dagger touched the spider silk, another spider thread ejected and stuck directly to the top of the dagger. Then Qingjiao felt an irresistible force from the dagger, and then the dagger came out, and he Feeling the power that paralyzed him from the spider silk entangled by the body, he knew that if it weren't for the divine grace lock and the opponent's divine punishment lock, which caused the difference in attributes, he would be directly paralyzed by the spider silk.

The web of Li Yao's left hand stuck to the dagger, and the web suddenly shrank, then Li Yao hovered the dagger over his head and then suddenly loosened it.


The dagger pierced his throat like an arrow from the string in Qingjiao's low roar. Qingjiao's eyes were full of madness, but he was bound by five spider silks on the stone pillar and watched his dagger being thrown back through his throat. .

The audience exclaimed in extreme shock. It was too fast. It was so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up with them. They were born and died in an instant, which really made them unbelievable.

The entire arena is about to explode, and the audience can't describe the shock in their hearts at this moment. Li Yao seemed to walk in a leisurely garden without choosing a weapon, turning Qingjiao around, and finally killing the enemy with the enemy's dagger.

That's right, Qing Jiao is not dead yet, but Qing Jiao is bound and now pierced through his throat. Even if he still has a lot of blood, it is definitely dead. There is no strength to struggle at all, and he can only watch. He bleeds to death.

"I, I, not reconciled." Qing Jiao said vaguely, and his eyes turned into vertical pupils: "I want to kill you, burn my corpse and blood, burn my soul, the traces of time."

Following the indistinct words, Qingjiao was shrouded in a hazy light, and then everyone saw that his spewing blood seemed to melt in the air, and his strong body was instantly shriveled.


Li Yao, who was about to turn around, frowned slightly: "Unexpectedly, your ancestor’s father was a dragon warrior, and he actually allowed you to inherit a trace of the secret technique of time. Unfortunately, your blood is already very weak. Activating this secret technique can certainly make you In a period of time, you will return to the state of heyday, but your blood is burned and cut off, and you will die soon.

When Li Yao was speaking, with the dim light, the time around Qingjiao seemed to flow backwards. Everyone saw the dagger inserted in Qingjiao’s neck and withdrew slowly, and the wound on Qingjiao’s neck seemed to have never happened. Existence is average, as his figure blurs, the blue angle appears in the position before using Sinister Strike.

"You are right. Using this secret technique, I can recover to my peak state for two hours, and then I have less than a day's life left, but as long as I can kill this bastard, it's worth it."

With the voice of Qing Jiao full of hate, Qing Jiao's figure once again entered a sneaking form.

"Interesting, then I will let you kill."

Li Yao strolled again, seeming to be looking for Qing Jiao's figure.

"I won't give you the opportunity to smash a slab again, you can't find me, how about it, it feels like waiting to die..."


The misty voice of the green angle stopped abruptly, and everyone saw Li Yao pop up a spider silk directly, and then a phantom was stuck, and then flung out.

Qingjiao's crazy roar was about to cut the spider silk with a dagger, but then a spider silk stuck to the dagger in his other hand.


With the spin of the spider silk, Qing Jiao’s body slammed into the stone pillar, and then Li Yao once again ejected three spider silks to stick Qing Jiao and waved his arm continuously, and Qing Jiao was involuntarily shaken. Then hit the wall or stone pillar hard.

"Impossible, how can you know my position, I don't believe it, how can your mental power be so Only the high-level camp level can master the Qi." Qing Jiao shouted unwillingly.

"It's true to master the Qi machine, but it's a little overkill to deal with you. And I can see you because you have spider silk stuck to your body, idiot."

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

As Li Yao shook, the blue horn kept hitting the extremely hard magical walls and stone pillars, and more and more bones on his body broke, and blood spurted continuously, and the amount of blood was also rushing over time. La's drop.

In three minutes, Li Yao didn't know how many hits this cargo had hit, and finally his blood volume was cleared.

Although Qing Jiao was hung up, his eyes were not closed, and he would not stare at him. If Li Yao finds his position with the help of Qi induction, it will be fine. It shows that Li Yao is too strong and it is not shameful to lose to the strong.

But the problem is that Li Yao found him with the sticky webs on his body. How could he be willing, and he was still thrown to death alive. He had the attributes stronger than the opponent, but he did not have the slightest strength to fight back. Let him die.

The audience also looked strangely at Li Yao, who was still carrying his hands below, and didn't know what it felt like.

The faces of the remaining three players are not good. They know that this so-called guard is very strong, but the attributes are limited to this level, so if the opponent shows real skills.

But look at two opponents. One was nailed directly to the ground and stabbed to death by a dagger, and the other was thrown to death. More importantly, they didn't know the real means and footsteps of others, and a skill that represented a profession was not released. They didn't even know whether the guard was melee or long-range, a mage or a physics profession.

When the lottery was originally drawn, everyone wanted to be number one, but now it's number three, and there is no sense of joy on his face...

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