MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1318: 1 force

Seeing Qingjiao's body being carried down, Li Yaocai said, "Okay, don't waste time, the next game, or the rest of the people."

Where is the goblin willing to let them play together, and immediately let the third challenger play.

The trainer slowly appeared on the stage, but he was not alone. He rode a red lion full of flames. On both sides of the lion was a leopard flashing with thunder, and on the right was a gorilla flashing with blue light.

"I admit, you are very strong, but unfortunately, you met me." Even though there is a little frustration, but thinking about his profession and methods, he immediately gained confidence. In his opinion, he was just shocked by the strength of the opponent, and now he thinks Think, as long as you deal with it properly, you can kill your opponent, but you are the player. Players who have been blessed and locked to a high-level leader always win with weak.

Li Yao looked at the beast trainer slowly entering the field with interest, and said, "That's right, it's a beast summoner, and each pet's aptitude is also a senior leader. Now he has the aura of a senior race leader. "

The animal trainer became more calm when he heard Li Yao's words. Yes, his pet has also been blessed to a high-level race leader. There is no reason for him not to win.

Thinking of this beast tamer, he suddenly soared into the sky, and said coldly: "Aren't you in a hurry? Choose weapons."

"It seems that you are more anxious than me." Li Yao glanced at the weapon rack, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

When the audience saw that Li Yao actually picked up two huge pumpkin hammers, they were in an uproar.

"Fuck, monster."

"I really saw the dead, my eyes must have gone."

"Nima, I actually picked up a double-lock pumpkin hammer that couldn't be lifted even after the Mountain Range War transformed."

"Isn't this a withered man? Can it increase the power of the wild dragon if the brain burns out?"

When Li Yao heard the comments from the audience, he looked at the two hammers in shock. After weighing it, he found that it was really heavy. If it were two days ago, maybe even if he could pick it up, he wouldn’t be able to use it. It’s too heavy. These are two mechanical hammers. The hammers are linked to chains and can be converted into chain hammers.

Naturally, Li Yao didn’t know that this design has been complained by countless people. Let alone use it when the sprocket wheel is used, it just can’t be used in a normal state. When the wheel moves, it is estimated that the enemy has nothing to do, so he was carried away by the hammer. .

The face of the beast trainer who was full of confidence also changed, and he started to complain, are the gods and guards so perverted, but seeing Li Yao holding the two sprocket wheels to move a few times, and then running and jumping, as if there was no attempt at all. Feeling the weight of the pumpkin hammer, his face darkened.


The horn of battle finally sounded.

"Kill!" The beast trainer yelled coldly, and two groups of light appeared in his hand, blessing the Lei Guang leopard and the gorilla respectively, and the attributes of the two pets suddenly increased.

At the same time, Lei Guangbao roared loudly and suddenly opened a series of lightning **** and quickly condensed in its mouth. Lei Guangbao's body was surrounded by electric light, and the endless thunder light gathered.

The cyan gorilla's body was enveloped in a whirlwind, and the gorilla leaped like lightning. The body of the blessed gorilla was faster than the charge. I don't know how much. The two hands are even more condensed into blue, and the two huge fists target is Li Yao's head.

The audience suddenly cheered, but they didn't expect the animal trainer to be so violent at first.

A blue light flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and seeing the gorilla leaping over didn't mean to evade.

The audience was puzzled. Was the guard so frightened that he didn't move.

However, when the gorilla's fist was about to approach Li Yao's head, Li Yao understated the rotation of the pumpkin hammer.


An earth-shattering explosion almost smashed everyone's eardrums, and some weak people suddenly felt dizzy, their ears roared, and they temporarily lost their normal hearing.

In everyone's incredible eyes, Li Yao took a step back, and the galloping gorilla let out a scream that shook the sky.

Even the screams of broken bones can't be concealed. The gorilla's body is extremely fast when it comes, but when it flies upside down, it looks like a cannonball.


Lei Guangbao's charged Lei Guang also suddenly formed a beam of light, but the flying gorilla directly blocked the beam between the beam and Li Yao.

The gorilla's body suddenly turned black.


The scorched gorilla directly hit the body that had been short-lived after the Thunder Cannon was released, and the two huge beasts flew out together and slammed into the walls of the arena. The entire arena trembled a few times.

I was watching the unnatural bend of the arms of two powerful monsters of Warcraft gorillas, their bodies were shimmering with thunder light, and the whole body was scorched, while the Leiguang leopard's head was **** and bloody, and the whole body was unnaturally curved. Not coming out.

The entire arena was silent, and everyone looked at Li Yao like a monster.

The scene just now was too shocking. Li Yao picked up a warhammer that no one could As a result, he used brute force to fly the huge gorilla that came by. More importantly It not only relied on the knocking gorilla to withstand the Lei Guangbao's big move, it also allowed the gorilla to knock Lei Guangbao into flight.

In fact, everyone knows that although Lei Guang Leopard is not a wind attribute, its speed is no slower than a wind attribute gorilla. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be hit.

But the key is that Lei Guangbao had just released his ultimate move with his strength, and had such a moment of stiffness, but it was just a moment of stiffness that determined life and death.

If one thing is that this **** guard has calculated it, it is really terrifying.

The beast trainer's eyes were red, and for a moment he regarded Li Yao as an enemy.

You know, Beast Summoning is different from Beastmaster Hunter. Beastmaster Hunter is a symbiotic contract and can revive pets.

But beast summons is similar to contract summons. The summoned pets retain their original attributes, but similarly, pets cannot be resurrected when they die. Of course, beast summons also have their own natal beasts, which can be resurrected just like hunter pets, but who is the beast summoned at this stage? There is no zombies, after all, zombies can only choose once, no one wants to sign a weak pet, waiting for the full level to find a high-level zombies.

Being able to contract a beast, the trainer did not know how much time and energy it took, how could he not feel distressed, how could he not resented when two died at once.

You know that he has come to this point with the cooperation of the two monsters. It can be seen that the two monsters are powerful, but they did not expect to be killed in an instant. Although they have not completely died, one of them flew with arms and whole body was roasted. Death is sooner or later. Things. A fractured spine can't seem to live.

This is the effect of strength. Although the opponent still has blood, it reaches the critical point they endure and causes a fracture. This is an effect that will only appear after level 50, which is closer to the magical reality...

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