MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1319: Abyssal Monster

To the surprise of others, Li Yao nodded very satisfied. If he encounters an opponent with poor strength, his own brute force can sweep the army with special heavy weapons.

I remember that one of the sub-god players who participated in the Conferred God in the previous life had a Hercules, and the Hercules was not well-known at the time. It is said that he used to be a little-known ordinary player, and he no longer gained brute force because of what he got.

Moreover, his profession is mountain warfare. With this brute force, he has directly become a sub-god player, and he shines in the battle of the gods.

All the way, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha. I don't know how many quasi-god players are eliminated by him.

But his actions also caused public outrage and siege. Of course, every player who became a **** was no worse than him, including Li Yao at the time, and he was about the same as Li Yao. After all, his foundation was shallow, worse than Li Yao, and he was beaten by others. Siege and eliminate.

Moreover, Li Yao only regards strength as a method, and will not rely exclusively on strength to fight in the future. Although the strength is tyrannical and can sweep thousands of troops, the agility of using heavy weapons will also be affected. In the face of flexible and changeable opponents, others will suffer a lot if they don't fight hard with you.

Especially in the face of the siege of the player squad, if you encounter an experienced and powerful squad, it often ends up not very well.

It was the battle of the gods, Li Yao's strength was not outstanding at the beginning. Facing the siege, he relied on the agility of the hunter and the special hunter's uprising to be able to constantly wander around under the siege, and even the opponent to play around.

After the Hercules was entangled, although he killed countless, he was faced with an endless siege. In the end, let your abilities reach the sky, but after all, a player who became a sub-god player had his own uniqueness even if he was poor, and was eventually besieged. .

Hercules has the ability to confine the gods, but he was siege failed. And Li Yao didn't succeed in being a god, because his foundation was too bad. These are two different things.

For Li Yao, becoming a humanoid dragon will only give him an additional means of coping, and it will not produce dependence. Even Starbow is the case. He will not overly depend on melee, long-range, and brute force. Brute force, flexibility and change will make you invincible.

This was the mixed thoughts that Li Yao flashed for a moment. Li Yao quietly watched the beast trainer who had jumped off the red flame lion. The vague spell echoed in the arena. Although Li Yao surprised him, he did not give up the game. , And continue to call pets.

As the light flickered, magic wolves with red gleaming eyes appeared. These magic wolves were not as good as humans and the other three pets in their individual attributes and combat effectiveness, but the wolves were always together.

With the end of the spell, more than twenty magic wolves have appeared in the arena, and they scattered and surrounded Li Yao.

Li Yao also stood on the largest clearing in the arena without stone pillars. Although the warhammer had affected his agility to a certain extent, the impact was not too big, and it was completely within his tolerance.

"The wolf pack tactics are very good. The only pity is that the number of magic wolves is a little less."

The magic wolves immediately launched an attack, and Li Yao's swing was constantly turning and moving. Every time the warhammer in his hand was swiped, there was a screaming sound, and every time a warhammer was swung, a magic wolf would be knocked into the air.

In less than 30 seconds, all the demon wolves were slaughtered by Li Yao, and the whole arena was full of demon wolf corpses with broken bones.

Some demon wolves did not die, but they had already lost the power to fight again. Li Yao's attack was not so high, but his strength was too great. That would hurt him if he touched it, and he would die if he hit it.

Even the red flame lion was hit by the warhammer on its hind leg while taking the opportunity to attack Li Yao. Now the red flame lion’s face is full of pain in front of the trainer, but the retreat has also been comminuted and broken, which is abnormal. The bend, at least there is basically not much combat effectiveness before treatment.

"Do you still have to do a fearless struggle?" Li Yao walked towards the animal trainer in exchange.

"Do you really think you have the winning ticket? It was just a delay. Now is the time to tell the victory." The trainer's voice was hoarse, as if he was enduring some pain.

The crystals arranged in different directions under the feet of the trainer shone mysteriously, and a strange breath spread.

Li Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled: "Unexpectedly, someone can master the magic circle, or bless their own Mutation Summoning circle. Refining the Devil."

"You still have some knowledge, but you are too late to wake up now."


Before the beast trainer had finished speaking, he let out a loud roar, and then everyone saw the endless black aura melt into the beast trainer's body, and the body began to twist and swell crazily. A large number of black hairs have grown, and the face is deformed crazily.

In an instant, the body of the trainer had swelled to a height of six or seven yards, like a two-story building, which was already very huge for humans.

"It seems that your skills are not at home yet, and you actually summoned the Soul of the Demon Ape to smelt it. I am afraid that your consciousness is already confused It's a pity..."

The magic ape suddenly opened his scarlet eyes and said blurly: "Kill, kill, kill!"

The audience and the other two contestants looked ugly. It’s hard enough for the animal trainer to summon so many pets. I didn’t expect that he could transform himself. If it weren’t for being forced to this point by the guard, I guess it would If he refuses to show his cards, he might be able to win the title of King of the Arena by virtue of this powerful ability.

The abyssal demon ape, the ancient gods may not have a deep understanding of other places, but they believe in one of the masters of the abyss. They are not unfamiliar with the abyss in Thailand, and even the demon ape has appeared in the arena. As a result, the demon ape has great power. Endless and bloodthirsty and violent, no one can challenge and succeed.

Although Li Yao said it was a pity, everyone apparently believed that Li Yao could not defeat the devil ape.

Especially the other two players, they now hope that this guard will be stronger, otherwise they won't have any share if they are killed by the trainer.


The Demon Ape leaped out wildly, his black fist pointed directly at Li Yao's head.

"Do all apes have only one trick, idiot."

Li Yao didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, it was still the same as before.


There was a clear fracture sound first, followed by a terrible howl that shook the sky, the demon ape’s body flew upside down like a cannonball, and Li Yao also took a few steps back.


The red flame lion jumped directly to intercept the demon ape, but was also knocked into the air and the leopard fell to the same end. But the demon ape is obviously much better than the original cyan gorilla, and he is struggling to get up and fight again.

But Li Yao, who retreated, did not stop, the warhammer wheel in his hand rose, and accompanied by a sharp whistling, the huge pumpkin hammer that extended the chain and fell on the head of the chimp who was struggling to get up...

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