MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1320: Half-Blood Flying Snake Demon

The head collided with the heavy pumpkin hammer with a mighty force. Many people couldn't bear to look directly at the misery, but more audiences screamed deafeningly as the liquid splashed.

Li Yao directly threw the two warhammers to the side of the weapon rack, stood with his hands held in hand, and said lightly: "Hurry up for the next game, don't delay my dinner."

Some slaves hurriedly carried the corpses down, and the fourth opponent slowly walked to the middle of the arena to confront Li Yao.

It is not appropriate to say that it is walking, because the lower body of the fourth opponent Flying Snake Demon is the body of a snake.

However, it is not the same as Naga, because the body of this snake is covered with scales similar to dragon scales, and the dark purple is not only not scary, but has a noble and profound feeling.

What's more important is that her upper body is in human form, her figure is hot, bright and beautiful, and there is a moving charm in Gu and Pan, she is full of radiance, as if she can get the soul out of a few more glances.

A pair of golden pupils is even more breathtaking, and it gives a very weird feeling to match her appearance. Her long hair is like a waterfall, showing a moving purple light.

Holding a paper umbrella full of pictures of flying goddesses, Yasha and Succubus, the paper umbrella has a sharp green blade, and the tip of the umbrella is like a sharp blade like a gun. Obviously this is not the disease. An ordinary umbrella, but a terrifying strange weapon.

Li Yao frowned slightly: "Why are you still alone, are you sure you don't need two people to go together?"

Flying Snake Demon chuckled softly, with a gentle and charming voice: "Master Shenwei is joking. There is only one seat for the deacon of the temple. Now it's at your fingertips. How can I let others share it with me."

Li Yao was taken aback and smiled: "It seems that you are very confident in yourself. I think you have a special method to deal with me."

"You're a brutal muscle pimple, and you won't understand my attack method when you think about it. You still choose your weapon. Start quickly. I can't wait." The golden light in the eyes of Flying Snake Demon clearly can't wait.

"I'm not in a hurry." Li Yao took a look at the Flying Snake Demon, "Flying Snake Demon, forgive me for my ignorance. As far as I know, there is no such race in the Abyss. However, the Abyss Race is too chaotic and new specials appear. The race is not surprising."

"Well, let me guess, you have the body of a snake, which has a lot to do with the abyssal snake, but the scales are in the form of dragon scales and have golden eyes. Obviously your mother should be an emperor with pure Medusa blood. , But your purple hair is like a waterfall like countless streamer threads, plus the scales are also purple, plus the hidden purple rune wings, this is obviously the blood of the devil's royal family on the sixth day."

"Tsk tusk, it's really not easy. It actually broke the shackles of the two royal bloodlines, and there is no conflict to make you stronger. It is a miracle. But as far as I know, on the sixth day, the devil and the abyss snake have been fighting for several abysses. The supremacy of the plane, and it was originally subordinate to two different gods. This is a hundred thousand years of grievances and hatred, no wonder you have fallen to the main plane."

Following Li Yao's words, the Flying Snake Demon's smile disappeared, his face was gloomy, and golden glows flickered in his eyes: "You said enough."

"Now I am more sure of my judgment. It turns out that I can't go down in the abyss. Interesting."

Li Yao's planner in his heart, then went to the weapon rack, and directly chose a large sword.


With the horn, the fourth game begins.

"Sure enough, it is muscle pimple, do you still want to win with your brute force, then you will die miserably."

Following the words of the Flying Snake Demon, the silhouette of the Flying Snake Demon suddenly disappeared, and then with the flow of purple light, more than a dozen of the flying snake demon appeared in the entire arena.

Some of these figures are on the ground, stand on pillars, and some are flying in the air.

"Today you will understand that your muscles can't defeat too many opponents, but you are enough to see my talent, the unparalleled snake shadow."

More than a dozen flying snake demons spoke at the same time, and their voices came from all directions.

Li Yao directly blocked the big sword in front of him, and slowly said: "It's just a phantom that is created with the power of bloodline, but no matter how realistic it is, it is not a real clone. You still have only one real body."

"Hehe, it's not a small tone, but can you tell which is true and which is false."

The audience was in an uproar. Indeed, as the Flying Snake Demon said, they couldn't tell which one was true and which was false. This was the first time they had seen this kind of terrifying ability of Flying Snake Demon.

Inextricably kill!

The hair of more than a dozen flying snake demon suddenly disappeared automatically, and those hair like purple silk thread rushed towards Li Yao like flying needles.

The hairs of several flying snakes were used in different directions at the same time. The purple streamer was overwhelming. The scalp of countless people was numb, and there was no way to dodge the fact that it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

Li Yao's eyes suddenly turned blue, his figure turned, and the big sword in his hand was immediately blocked in front of him.

Ding Ding Ding...

The collision of hairs and the big sword brought out countless and there were countless hairs that bypassed the big sword and wanted to entangle Li Yao. In the eyes of the audience, Li Yao has been overwhelmed. Li Yao's figure is completely invisible.

While Li Yao blocked his hair, his figure quickly rotated.


With the harsh friction, countless hairs entangled faster, and Li Yao rose directly from his toes, and those crazy hairs entangled directly on the sword.

But Li Yao, who rose to the sky, grabbed the hilt of the big sword and swung it abruptly.

A flying snake demon standing on the stone pillar screamed, and his body was taken away by great power.


The Flying Snake Demon's hair quickly retracted, and the Flying Snake Demon's wings suddenly expanded, and the oil paper umbrella in his hand also suddenly expanded.

Li Yao's power was too strong. Even though the wings and the oil-paper umbrella were constantly offsetting, the flying snake demon's body still slammed into the arena wall.

But anyway, relying on wings and oil-paper umbrella to reduce too much impact damage, coupled with the strong body, the royal bloodline, which has two races, is still supported, not as miserable as those summoned objects and beast trainers.

The phantoms of Flying Snake Demon were scattered at the same time, and a trace of blood was left at the corner of his mouth, but the horror in his eyes could not be concealed. She has always used this trick without any disadvantages, and she suffered a loss after using her life magic power for the first time.

"Phantom is a phantom after all. This kind of trick can be used against others, but it won't work for me."

Li Yao had already landed at this moment, with the big sword in his hand directly inserted into the ground, looking at the flying snake demon indifferently.

"Don't think that if you break my trick, you will win. You are right. I have two royal bloodlines, so do you think there is only one special ability."

The Flying Snake Demon slowly stood up, a strange light flashed in his eyes...

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