MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1344: Titan

Dark gold treasure chests are now considered top treasure chests. There will be better treasure chests in the era when the gods reappear, but the artifact treasure chests at that time are also very rare and will not be refreshed regularly.

Same as the colored treasure chest, it will not refresh as long as it is opened.

"Luck is really against the sky, there is a colorful treasure chest in the wasteland." A look of excitement flashed in Li Yao's eyes. The colorful treasure chest is bound to produce special items.

Unless it is a growth equipment, the best dark gold will sometimes be out of date. After all, if there is no full level, the equipment will always be updated, but the special equipment is different. It may be possible to develop a special equipment of the highest quality. No need to replace it if you use it.

"That said, how is this treasure chest allocated according to our practical value, whoever tries the equipment in it first will get priority, including Vivian." Edward said in a deep thought.

"I don't have any problem with this. Then the three of us should have a box, but I suggest you open this colorful box, which is relatively fair." Li Yao suggested.

"Come on less, who doesn't know that there is basically only one thing in the colorful treasure chest, and it is still fixed, it is the same for anyone to open." Edward directly began to open a dark gold treasure chest.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but no one is sure what equipment is in it." Li Yao did not hesitate and opened the colorful treasure box directly.

As time passed, the three treasure chests were finally fully opened.

Everyone put their eyes on the colorful treasure chest, and everyone was stunned to see the things in the treasure chest, because there were a pair of stone feet inside.

Edward picked it up and looked at it and frowned, "What the **** is this? How can it be ordinary stone feet without any attributes."

Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "I really can't find any place to go through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to come, this is mine."

Edward handed the thing to Li Yao: "It's no problem for you, but you have to prove that it matches you."

"It's very simple to prove it." Li Yao's eyes suddenly burst into light and hit the stone feet, and his hands turned golden.

The two stone feet suddenly became translucent, directly blending into Li Yao's feet.

"What's going on? Is this the rumored Titan equipment?" Everyone knows that Li Yao owns Titan equipment. I don't know how many people are jealous. But jealousy is also useless. This top-notch special equipment is not so easy to obtain.

"You are right." Li Yao smiled: "I let you down."

Edward's face suddenly flashed with a blush, which was embarrassing, because she heard it out that Li Yao had already seen through her abacus, after all, in the land of the goddess of hell, the more likely that the things produced were about the abyss.

Although her special equipment is not the top level of sin, it is almost the same, and it is related to Rose. In other words, the things that this treasure chest opens are more likely to be used by her, and she is also cunning once, water-fit equipment Who should go to.

It's a pity that she didn't have any equipment in her eyes, but it became a treasure in Li Yao's hands.

It is false to say that it is not disappointing. After all, compared with ordinary equipment, special equipment is more rare, especially the higher the special equipment, the more unique it has.

In the end, I didn't expect Li Yao to be able to use it. Needless to say, this equipment already belonged to it.

"It seems that this piece of equipment has nothing to do with me, but I really want to see the attributes of the Titan equipment." Edward said expectantly: "Of course, I can understand if you want to keep it secret."

Li Yao directly posted a screenshot of the equipment attributes: "There is nothing to keep secret, but only a piece of equipment."

Creator feet

Grade: Special equipment

Movement speed: 20%

Jumping ability: 150%

Thousands of mountains and rivers, the power of Titan's control of the earth has created thousands of mountains and rivers, which can explore the relics and treasures within a radius of 10,000 yards, and automatically draw more detailed maps.

Growing lotus step by step, you can walk in the air and gain the ability of triple jump.

? ? ? (Unlock at full level)

? ? ? (Unlocked by world-class bosses)

Equipment conditions: equip at least two or more Titan equipment

Conditions of use: Demigod mental power

The effect of the three sets of Titans, Lingbo Weibu: Equipped with three Titans equipment, you will become as light as a swallow, and can achieve the ability to walk on water and grass with mental energy.

Edward watched the saliva flowed out: "This is your sister, why do you run into good things? Titan is a three-piece suit, and the effect is too bad, it doesn't seem to improve any attack. Power, but this effect is definitely much stronger than improving your combat power in your hands. It also allows other players to play."

"Neither did I expect that, in fact, I was prepared to only have a two-piece suit in my entire life. As a result, my life is always full of surprises." Li Yao was also very excited. This is a Titan equipment, and it is impossible to find it~www.wuxiaspot .com~ And as Edward said, this special equipment is much more powerful than the equipment that directly enhances combat effectiveness.

Li Yao likes it so much. The movement speed is increased by 20%, which is equivalent to one-fifth. Whether chasing people or running away, it can play a key role. After all, this increases one-fifth of his speed. , Has been quite amazing.

The increase in jumping ability made Li Yaoxin even more happy. The average player can only jump about 1.5 yards without the attributes that increase the jumping ability, while the level 50 players can generally jump two yards.

And Li Yao can jump about 3.5 yards in height, which is 1.5 times higher. It does not mean that 1.5 is enough to make clothes at 3.5. You need to add a 3.5 to allow Li Yao to jump 78 yards in height. This is amazing, and it would be even higher with explosive power.

As for the lotus step by step, the ability to stay in the air is equivalent to allowing Li Yao to perform some other attacks or actions that can only be done on the ground in mid-air, which is equivalent to a process of borrowing strength, and the triple jump is even more terrifying, which is good for Li Yao. There is no doubt.

Thousands of mountains and rivers are equivalent to an archaeological tool, and it is a very convenient archaeological attack. What's more important is that you don't need to directly look at the small map. The scanning range of 10,000 yards is quite huge.

The most important thing is the effect of the three-piece suit, which is as light as a swallow, which further increases agility and jumping ability. The so-called Lingbo microstep is also estimated to make Li Yao walk on the ground on the surface of the water or on the grass, or even between the trees. The consumption of mental power may be a burden to ordinary players, but it is nothing to him.

What made Li Yao curious was what the remaining two effects were. Li Yao was full of expectations, and he was extremely satisfied with this new equipment.

And Li Yao really felt as if he had become relaxed and detached...

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