MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1345: Super primer

For the distribution of items, if two unfamiliar people work together, they are generally divided in half, or use a model similar to a gold group, and someone asks for a price for a piece of equipment or item.

And generally not because of the large number of pets, more items are allocated, but this time the mission is issued to six people. Although the Flying Snake Demon has been contracted by Li Yao, there is also one.

Even more because Li Yao's role is too great, let alone the other, the combat effectiveness of the Black Dragon Queen is irreplaceable, not to mention the combat effectiveness of the Flying Snake Demon.

Edward can only fight the Flying Snake Demon when he is blessed by God's Grace Lock. Under normal circumstances, the Flying Snake Demon is much more powerful.

And she just had a little calculation. Although she didn't succeed, she was a bit embarrassed. After all, she wanted to make a big gain this time.

Getting to the top of the ranking list is not a small gain. Although the players know that Li Yao is difficult to upgrade, it also represents an unusual meaning. After all, Li Yao has occupied the ranking list from the beginning and no one can break it.

"It looks good, there are actually four dark gold items. I have obtained the best special equipment. The first choice is yours." Li Yao said while looking at the remaining items.

Edward nodded: "Then I'm not welcome, I also choose a special equipment, although not as good as yours, but not bad."

Li Yao glanced at the special equipment that turned out to be the eyes of a pair of snakes. It was called the Eye of the Demon Snake. It had dark gold quality, blessed a lot of eyesight, and had good night vision.

"It looks like you don't need this kind of eyes." Li Yao frowned, "It seems that you also have Rose's vision, so you should have a suit attribute."

"I don't use it myself, but it can be used by others. This kind of equipment is unavoidable." Edward put the equipment directly into the backpack.

"That said, Vivian, you don't have to think about me, you also have your share of the spoils." Li Yao said.

Vivienne nodded: "This devil scorpion tail thorn jewelry is good. It has a lot of element resistance. In addition to my own resistance, unless it is highly toxic, it will basically not be harmed by toxins."

Vivienne directly hung a pendant made of tail spines on the belt around her waist. Vivienne's body seemed to be enveloped in a green barrier. The tail spines were not only resistant to toxins, but also had a The life shield can form a life shield of 25% of its own life. It can be said to be the best equipment for tanks.

"Well, I have a good vision, I may borrow your equipment for a while," Li Yao said.

"The master is too polite, let alone use it, what if it is given to the master." Flying Snake Demon said without hesitation.

"No need, just use it for a while." Li Yao waved his hand, not picking up the pendant that the Flying Snake Demon handed over: "And not now, I will ask you for it when I use it, but now I'm useless."

A gleam of light flashed in Edward's eyes: "Unfortunately, I also liked this accessory. It is estimated that the main line copy will be opened soon. It would be much better if a tank was equipped with a pendant like this."

"Who told you not to choose? In my opinion, the value of this accessory exceeds that of special equipment." Li Yao said.

"Why?" Edward frowned: "After all, this is level 50 equipment, it will be eliminated sooner or later."

"This accessory can be hung on to be worn. Although it occupies twice the position of the waist bag, it has one more piece of equipment." Li Yao looked at the remaining two pieces of dark gold, one of which was a red one. Staff, one is a necklace.

The necklace is very simple, the main body doesn't know what kind of rope, it is glowing with a faint light, and the pendant is not small, just like a black spar in the original shape, with a curved snake in the middle, which looks very strange, I always feel that something is missing.

Swallowing Necklace

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

Strength: 28%

Agility: 27%

Stamina: 27%

Swallowing the sky, you can swallow a necklace, choose to save one of the special effects, the cooling time is twenty-four hours, after swallowing, covering the special effects of the previous swallowing, the special effect is doubled.

Equipment conditions: advanced engineering, advanced alchemy

Equipment level: level 50

"Why did you choose a necklace? Although this necklace has good attributes, it is a bit strange that the dark gold equipment has only one special effect. Although this special effect is good, it is still a loss after two or three special effects, and the requirements are strange. It actually requires advanced engineering and advanced alchemy. It’s too demanding to learn ability and equipment.” Edward picked up the staff and said, “This fifty-level staff looks better.”

"Fifty-level dark gold staff, and it's still a small best, it is naturally excellent. But my necklace is much stronger than the staff. If I say, this equipment is almost comparable to the Titan equipment, you have a chance You got it, it's a pity that you didn't know the goods and you missed it." Li Yao said with a smile.

Edward was surprised: "It's impossible, even if I missed it, can you tell me why."

Li Yao took the necklace and said, "You have seen the attributes. Don’t you think it’s weird? How could the special effect of a dark gold necklace have only one special Edward shook his head: "I am very strange, but Can't figure it out. "

"Then you are watching, this snake seems to be hovering naturally, but do you think the positions of these cavities look like inlaid holes?" Li Yao spread out his palm and placed it on the palm of his hand. The black crystal looked like a disc. The stone, with a snake in the middle, looks like an inlaid hole.

"Is it really an inlaid hole, but it is hollow." Edwards didn't believe it.

Li Yao picked up a rune stone, and the rune stone directly filled the void.

"Damn it, this is actually the language of runes, and it's still the language of runes with four holes. If it is done, it can be called a divine tool." Edward finally understood what was going on.

Li Yao directly put the necklace into the backpack: "Yes, this is a four-hole rune language. If it is combined, a dark gold necklace of the best quality will definitely appear."

"Why good things can run into your hands." Edward was full of regret.

"No way, this is the problem of eyesight." Li Yao smiled very happily. Although he had always wanted to get a rune language equipment, he had never had a good chance. Now that he found such a good material, he was really happy.

"Ahem, can you..."

Li Yao interrupted Edward's words: "Don't say it, it hurts your feelings. If you have this piece of equipment, will you give it up?"

Edward sighed, yes, if she gets it, she will definitely not give up, it is too precious, the dark gold level has a super special effect base material, it is simply unimaginable. And the equipment conditions are too harsh, and no one can equip it at this stage.

Edward put away the staff, and there was still a pile of debris left, such as gems and gold coins, the Flying Snake Demon wrapped round, but because he couldn't use it, Li Yao put away all of it.

At the same time, the exploration of the large secret realm has also been completed...

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