MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1502: Ichthyosis

A fierce battle has erupted between the two sides, but the fierce battle is for the green dragon side.

The green dragons cannot be transformed back into their bodies, they can only use some dream spells.

But dream spells are best at assisting and controlling, and there are not many real attack spells.

Fortunately, they also have their own trick, that is, dream summoning.

They can summon some dream creatures from their dreams, such as the ancient war tree, the ancient wisdom tree, and a series of combat ancient trees.

There are also some dreamy beasts that can control them to a certain extent as green dragons and use them as their own legions.

But the elite army of the fortress is not easy to provoke. Li Yao still doesn't know that the two guild coalition forces that had been jumping around in the fortress have long since been wiped out.

It was that before Alice set out to besiege the Green Dragon, the army swept the guild coalition with ease, and the process took less than half an hour.

It can be said to be miserable to the extreme, and what they hate the most is not the fortress army. After all, they are NPCs, they have run on other people's turf, and they should be eliminated, but they can only think that they are unlucky.

On the contrary, they hated Li Yao the most. If it weren't for Li Yao, how could they have fallen to where they are now while still moving the crystal.

Of course, Li Yao still doesn't know, even if he knows it, he doesn't care. He can eliminate two unlucky teams. Things that go smoothly can also help his task. Why not do it.

In fact, Li Yao should also be thankful that if the two guild allied forces hadn't delayed them for half an hour, it is estimated that when the Starfire Army arrived, the green dragons had already been captured.

The current situation is not optimistic, the place of the Seed of Dreams has been completely surrounded, and the green dragon is less than 50,000, most of which are injured.

Many monsters cannot even summon dreams to help out. The monsters summoned are not weak, but the time is too short to form a complete organization. In addition, the elite legions of the lava fortress can't stop them at all and can only be slaughtered.

Up to now, they are still insisting, but the pride of the dragon clan does not allow them to catch them with their hands.

The opponent's organization is very elite, mainly the Mountain Warrior Corps, Musketeer Corps, Artillery Corps, and Mechanical Corps, and they are all Qingyishui blue standard equipment.

Coupled with its own strength and skilled cooperation, it is definitely a strong army.

Even the people of Xinghuo who had just captured a stronghold changed their expressions. This is really a hard problem.

"If the stronghold just now encountered this kind of hard stubble, our loss would be very huge. Are you sure we want to participate in this task." Sister Li asked rationally.

You know, it's the outer layer now. If the strength is too much, it will be impossible to fight for the first kill.

"Wealth and danger, not to mention I have completed the task, how can I give up this last step." Li Yao said, squinting.

That is to say, if the elite legion of Lava Fortress reaches Tier 6, it has definitely reached the level of the main legion of each race in the camp.

That is to say, Xinghuo, Li Yao is still a little sure, if other guilds meet alone, they will basically be crushed.

Even if Xinghuo uses conventional means, it is estimated that the losses will be very huge, or even failure.

"Fight, the old saying goes well. Only by giving charcoal in the snow can you get more benefits. The icing on the cake is to do it easily. Everyone will do it. How can I get the benefits?" Hitomi said with a fist.

"I also think we should fight it, and finally come up with some more means." Yao Ji also concealed her fighting spirit.

Most people think that they want to fight for it. Li Yao nodded: "Well, this time it is the command of the enchantress. I will find a chance to go to the green dragon. In fact, we don’t need to fight hard, as long as I can get to the green On the side of the dragon, the curse of the green dragons is lifted, and the green dragon will become the main force."

"That's it, that's it." Qin Fengyi agreed.

"Bedside table, set up the handsome flag, let this battle prove the power of the handsome flag."

Following Li Yao's words, the guardian angel directly took the Shuai Qi and carried it up, and the Yulong Shuai Shuai Qi had no wind, and hunted.

The leaders of the two warring sides all looked to move on and approach the battlefield, without any intention of stopping the Starfire Legion.

"Someone, get out of me while I'm not angry yet."

Alice's voice was not loud, but it spread all over the battlefield and was clearly heard by everyone in Xinghuo.

"General Alice is really too much forgotten by the nobles. You don't know you soon after we separate." Li Yao was on the Hell Scorpion, his hands turned into armguards and male and female hand cannons, holding a star bow in his hand.

A trace of doubt flashed in Alice's eyes: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now, I'll give you one minute and leave with your trash fish, otherwise I will be buried here."

"Oh, I'm still not handsome enough to be remembered by the general." Black tentacles appeared on Li Yao, and he summoned the spider tank and the Hydra: "That's it."

Alice's face changed: "It's you, you ran away. No, I understand. It's so cunning. I dare to pretend to be an envoy. Then you can stay, the battlefield behind Leave it to you, and I will slaughter them all, but that person wants to survive, and I want him to regret living in this world."

Gordon is a dwarf and salutes directly. Part of the legion begins to adjust, turning the muzzle to the spark.

The Green Dragon Princess also recognized Li Yao. Seeing Li Yaoyang raised the test tube in her hand, she immediately lifted her spirits and said loudly: "Everyone hold on, our reinforcements are here. As long as we meet with the reinforcements, we can Lift the curse."

This sentence can be said to be a booster. Originally, the green dragons were ready to commit suicide, but now they are making the last struggle to prevent the enemy from getting better. Now that they see hope of life, it is another situation.

The green dragons roared, but they were not in the form of dragons, they turned into ghosts and wolves howling, but at least, they broke out a strong survival, just ask, if you can live, who is willing to die.

Even though I have lived for tens of thousands of years, the longer I live, the less I want to die.

"It's time to show the power of the Yulong Shuaiqi, guard, wave the flag and shout."

Following the guardian angel waving Shuaiqi quickly, Shuaiqi came alive like a fish and dragon.

Shuai Qi continued to expand and became illusory, forming a powerful breath of generals.

Raising the flag and shouting is a gain state that lasts for one hour, which can greatly enhance combat effectiveness.

"Not enough." Yao Ji said quickly: "The opponent's artillery is too fierce, except for melee combat, others can't hold it."

"The fish-to-dragon change is the swim-to-fish change."

The ichthyosaur transformation is equivalent to the effect of legion skills and scrolls. The ichthyosaur transformation makes the legion like a swimming fish, which can better avoid and withstand damage, making the legion indestructible and flexible. The dragon becomes a dragon, gathers into a dragon, and once again increases attack power.

A strange change occurred in the Starfire Legion instantly. With the hunting of the handsome flag, 200,000 people disappeared...

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