MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1503: Weird fish swimming array

The fish change, with the dancing of the handsome flag, the Xinghuo army was completely hidden.

They would never see the people of the Starfire Legion anymore, as if an endless ocean appeared where the Starfire Legion was.

A group of swimming fish appeared in the ocean, and the Starfire Legion disappeared. Instead, endless schools of fish appeared, leaving the lava fortress dumbfounded.

They used to have military formations, but they abandoned their belief in Titans, and those military formations were no longer usable. And those military formations just wildly increased attack and defense, never been so fancy.

The expressions of the slightly older dragons changed, and the green dragon princess couldn't help exclaiming: "It's really a handsome and handsome flag, and it's one of the main flags."

The leaders of the green dragon were completely refreshed. The Yulong commander was very strange to the current mortal race, and strange to them, the Uldaman people who were closed underground.

But they couldn't be more impressed by the Yulong Shuai who had gone through the twilight era of the gods and turned the battle of the gods with his own strength.

Yulong is handsome, too mysterious.

The neutral and order camps were calculated by the deities of the chaotic camp, plus the calculations of the lion and scorpion and Ross, and they were almost destroyed.

As a result, the Yulong Commander appeared, and he miraculously reversed the battle. With the help of the Yulong Commander and his army, he turned things around.

In the end, a single person severely inflicted two main gods, how powerful their fighting power is. If you know that their dragon king is equivalent to this level, to put it bluntly, one person's fighting power is equivalent to two dragon kings.

And I don't know if this is the limit of others, but she mysteriously disappeared after the dusk of the gods.

Only a few ichthyosaur battle flags were left, but they were lost to all sides for various reasons.

In the world of ancient gods, there are two myths that are truly recognized, one is the Moon God who has become a true **** against the sky, and the other is this handsome fish dragon.

Although Uldaman's elite army didn't know what the ichthyosaurs were, but watching the battle, they knew it was not easy.

Alice decisively once again mobilized the manpower to face the spark. The Uldaman Legion responded quickly and quickly adjusted its formation.

In fact, they were already ready to deal with reinforcements.

Gordon stood in front of the army with cold eyes: "Pretending to be fools is all scum in front of our firepower. The black artillery is ready, and after they have ranged, let them taste the special bomb. I will take care of you fish. You all become dead fish."

Kaka Kaka...

Inside the army, three rows of artillery are ready to go.

And everyone's illusory sea and mid-sea fish rushed toward Uldaman's formation like a tide.

"Already ranged, the first row of artillery fired."

"Already in range, the second row of artillery fired."

"The third row of artillery fired..."

Hundreds of artillery pieces were divided into three waves of continuous roar, and hundreds of artillery shells with flame tails illuminated the dark underground world.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Rows of cannonballs first fell into the illusory ocean, as if half of the real seawater. As the cannonballs fell, the sound of the seawater being evaporated by high temperature was made.

Then came the explosion that touched the ground, a large amount of sea water oscillated, mixed with countless dirt and gravel, and its power was extremely powerful.

Looking at the other side, one cannonball can blast an ancient war tree into pieces, showing its strength.

With the burst, countless fishes scattered, gathered, and cruised wildly. Although they were shaking and shaking, the fishes were basically unharmed.

"Impossible. This must be an illusion. No one can withstand the bombardment of this shell. Don't be deceived by performance. Continue to bomb me. The Musketeer Corps prepares for their 200,000 army. What if they are dispersed again? Wait for their range. , Shoot at will and destroy them all for me."

Although Gordon had a bad premonition in his heart, he still boosted his morale and said his judgment in favor of them.

Sure enough, after hearing what Gordon said, the eyes of the hesitant soldiers became firm and cruel again.

There was still no human voice on the side of Xinghuo, only the sound of sea water surging and fish swimming.

The military formations on both sides approached frantically, and Uldaman's Musketeers also fired frantically.

The sound of gunfire, coupled with the roar of artillery, was extremely fierce.

The audience can't see any doorway, but they see those bullets in the illusory sea as if they are being slowed down, although it is not very obvious, but there is also a feeling of stagnation.

More importantly, it is almost impossible for a bullet to hit a slippery fish.

Fortunately, everyone saw the bullet wiping out the scales of the swimming fish. The fish was swept away, leaving a burning god-level on the scales, but it quickly continued to blend into the fish school.

Those bullets seemed to be unable to hit people or anything, and fell into the empty space.

Now, even with Gordon’s explanation, the soldiers looked at a loss. Did this really hit the opponent?

And to the point where the musket can hit, Spark's long range is enough.

It's just that Xinghuo's attack is not an arrow, it is also a group of swimming fish.

I saw a swordfish rushing out of the sea, full of metallic light, like a sharp, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

At first Uldaman's melee combat was still defensive, but as the swordfish leaned to the rear, people from the Musketeer Corps were constantly being penetrated by the swordfish, and with their deaths, those swordfish became real arrows.

What's more frightening is that blue ice fish and lively fire fish appear in the sky.

Those ice fish can freeze people and pierce them through. The fire fish burned and burst people.

As for those purple fishes, it is more like a continuous arcane barrage.

"Don't be messy, don't panic, close combat into the opponent's army, breaking their illusions." Gordon's face turned green.

This situation is really weird. In order to stabilize the military spirit, Gordon took the lead and directly launched the charge.

Just in front of the big golden fish at the front is a hammer.

Everyone saw the huge goldfish spouting an electric fish with electric light.

Gordon's body stiffened, as if as the waves pushed away, the electric fish was shattered, and the golden Yue was shaken back.

"Sure enough, it can hurt you, but it's an illusion. Die to me."

Gordon looked grim, and jumped directly into the school of fish, directly starting the big windmill.


Bang Bang Bang Bang...

In the dazzling rotation, his huge warhammer knocked a group of swimming fish into the air. But those swimming fish were just shaken off, and at most scales fell, but quickly reintegrated into the school of fish, and if you look closely, you will find that the places where the scales fell will quickly grow again.

At the same time, fishes of various colors constantly impacted Gordon's body, either freezing slowing down, burning and bursting, or spinning through, directly consuming Gordon's blood.

He smashed these fish frantically with a warhammer, and then soon, he and the men who rushed up with him discovered something tragic...

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