MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1504: Upheaval

These Uldaman's elite earthen warriors who rushed into the spark formation discovered the tragedy. They only knew that they had hit the real fish at the beginning, but they couldn't tell the difference.

Because these fish are colorful and colorful, they are not much different from the attacking fish.

The only difference is when the real fish is attacked by the real fish and the fake one will burst.

It was a disguised ice bolt, fire, arcane barrage, or various types of arrows, except for Gordon, who just rushed for a while and was directly submerged by various fish.

The most embarrassing thing is that I don't know if an enemy was killed and buried.

Many viewers watched it very shockingly, but they had seen the power of Uldaman's elite army.

If the battle between npc and npc can't be taken as an example, then what about the team of Shadow Tide and Nirvana Star?

Because Li Yao was trapped, he hurried again.

Many people have shrunk Li Yao's light curtain to the audience's situation of Tide of Shadows and Star of Death.

There is no doubt that the troops of the two teams are elite, but this is the powerful army that is also the number one among the players, four hundred thousand, and was slaughtered in less than half an hour.

The artillery and muskets were like rain, and the coalition forces of the two guilds fell in pieces. The close combat in Uldaman Lava Fortress is like an old farmer harvesting wheat. It is very simple with a sickle.

The so-called elite of the two guilds can only compare elites when facing Uldaman elites.

In that battle, the faces of the two teams killed were pale and completely desperate.

Mrs. Smith has been silent for a long time, and she is eager to split.

But even if they used the Legion Skill Scroll, they would soon be defeated under absolute power.

Looking at the city wall less than a thousand yards away, the despair and spray in the eyes of the coalition forces can be felt through the light curtain.

The final result was that, for half an hour, they did not dare to continue to summon a backup legion, because they knew that if they called another 400,000, it was estimated that they would be slaughtered again without even half an hour, which was meaningless.

When they were finally slaughtered, nearly a hundred players cursed Li Yao almost hysterically. In their opinion, all the results were caused by Li Yao.

Needless to say, after the first kill, this is another difficult account.

But this is also normal, the first kill is already cruel. When they saw Li Yao, the first thought was also eliminated.

As long as the other guilds meet with each other, as long as they don't have a particularly strong relationship, they will greet each other and leave separately, and the others will be eliminated as long as they have a chance.

The guild that is grieving is not Xinghuo and the other two. If you are fighting for the first kill, you still have to eliminate the offending guilds. If you are afraid of this, just give up fighting for the first kill.

Once the achievements are made, it is vividly manifested in the world of ancient gods.

But now, they saw that the soldiers of this legion did not have the cruel and bloodthirsty expressions of massacring the two guilds, but were desperate, at a loss and puzzled, and even revealed cringe and fear.

It's not that they are timid, they never fear battle and death, but no one can accept this weird situation.

The unclear death is just a school of fish. Although there are more fish, why is it so strange and terrifying.

Especially when their leader Gordon was only a minute away, his body was already scarred, and when he had to leave the battle, the people behind were even more at a loss.

They don't know whether their attacks are meaningful, they don't know what they are fighting against, and they don't know which one is the real enemy or the enemy's attack.

This kind of complicated situation, let alone an ordinary soldier, even Alice was ashamed.

She wanted to do it by herself, but she couldn't see through it and didn't know how to crack it.

Moreover, as the supreme commander, if she rushes to break the opponent's army formation, the key is still not broken, it will damage morale even more, and even cause the army to collapse.

"Swimming fish formation." Princess Green Dragon gave a smile: "In the most critical moment, when the weakest, morale is high, and the chaotic divine system of the strong like a cloud cannot be cracked and the army is a headache, even now It's less than one percent of the true state, but it's more than enough to deal with these people."

The green dragons also saw this situation. Although the support came and morale was boosted at first, their situation could collapse at any time, and they still had doubts about whether the opponent could break through such an elite line. After all, the Uldaman Legion’s powerful company They are all shocked, and they have been fighting with them for hundreds of years.

However, seeing this situation, they were completely relieved. At least they were certain that as long as they persisted for a while, they would be able to completely lift the curse seal.

"General, what should I do?" A leader looked at the flood of hundreds of thousands of fish with a very ugly face.

Alice looked so gloomy, she groaned for a moment before raising her head, and said coldly, "With that card, since we can't catch them alive, we can't let them deal with us alive. That **** has already got the medicine."

The priest's body shook, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed him, and quickly said, "Isn't this a method used as a last resort? I think this so-called fish formation is a bluff. Even if it is really powerful~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The more powerful the battle formation, the greater the consumption, how long this battle formation can last, as long as we persist, it is more important to live, if death will not only delay our plan, but also suffer huge losses. "

Alice looked at Xinghuo's army and said lightly: "It's too late, that guy is too terrifying, and the methods are unpredictable, and they are endless. We are not touching the other side and there are other hidden methods. It can only be done to be safe. There is no need to talk about it, I'm dead, let's implement it."

"Is that so?" The priest lowered his head, no one saw his expression twisted in pain.

"Otherwise." Alice sighed.

"That can't be better." The priest's scepter in his hand was already spotted on the back of Alice's heart while the priest was speaking.

Along with a dazzling light, Alice's body was penetrated by white light.

The white light disappeared, and a hole appeared in Alice's heart. Alice's face was mixed, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and anyone who saw it would be heartbroken.

Alice did not fall down, and a trace of business murmured in her eyes, "Sure enough, I am still not as important as your people?"

The priest ignored the cheers of the people, but said in a trembling voice: "You knew I was a green dragon warrior, why didn't you expose me."

Alice smiled bitterly, did not answer his question, but seemed to answer his question.

"My love for you, I owe you my life, and I returned it to you at that moment."

"I..." The priest said with anguish on his face: "For the sake of the go one step first, and I will find you."

Alice's expression gradually became cold, and her heart squirmed quickly, a new heart appeared, and then said in a cold voice: "No, Alice is dead, now I am just myself, but the old **** Pious believer, I am..."

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