MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1536: awkward

The Xinghuo team is okay. The audience's jealous eyes are red when they see the pet's attributes.

Shadow pets, this is something even rarer than dark gold equipment. Unlike small pets and battle pets, this pet is equivalent to a piece of equipment, but with strong plasticity equipment, a good shadow pet is calmed by players as comparable. Artifact.

The point is that this is a new object, and there are less than ten celebrities on the celebrity list. This shows the rarity of this kind of thing.

The audience can only see these attributes, they can't see the specific growth attributes, but not to mention the attributes, just showing the appearance will attract countless female audiences watching the live broadcast here.

Everyone in Xinghuo looked at all the pet information.

Pet growth information

Life: 1% (increases the player’s life limit by 1% per level)

Mana: 1% (the player’s upper limit of mana is increased by 1% per level)

1% casting speed (1% increase in casting speed every three levels)

Spell power 1% (does not increase the strength of the book distribution area by 1% without increasing the third level)

Get 3 free points for each level of improvement, which can be used to improve attributes such as strength, agility, endurance, spirit, and power. The maximum attribute limit is 30%, and the upper limit can be unlocked by completing the corresponding tasks according to the shadow beast species.

Randomly explain a passive skill every five levels.

An active skill can be randomly unlocked every ten levels.

Even if they were prepared, everyone was full of envy when seeing the terrible growth of this pet.

"This is really a good baby that doesn't even change the artifact, it's almost..." Qin Fengyi calculated silently: "That is to say, after the pet's 60th level, the upper limit of life is 16% of the original, an increase of 100. Twenty-fifths of the spell casting speed and spell power, and what's more terrifying is that there are those attributes with free points, and the overall attributes are increased by more than 40%."

Demon Ji also said: "This is not the key. More importantly, there will be twelve passive skills blessings and six active skills. This is going against the sky. Just look at the first skill Phantom. The skills behind it."

Even Demon Fairy was envious, she was too powerful, this was really a divine weapon.

Li Yao smiled: "It's not that bad. You can only see the attributes. Let's take a look at the experience. The future upgrade of Hitomi is equal to two and a half player upgrades. There is also this passive attribute, which is random. God, active skills are not easy to say, it all depends on luck."

Fireworks smiled and said: "Even if there is no attribute with such a beautiful fox, I would also like to bring it. It is difficult to upgrade. Also, even if the passive skills are not good, it is better to increase resistance than nothing. Not to mention, don't look at it. Whose pet, do you think you are the leader of the **** hand, the little red hand will randomly not get good skills, do you believe it?"


Li Yao is speechless, isn't it? If it's all random, he might make himself a disused pet, but the little red hand...

"Ahem, don't be envious, be grateful to roll, you can open one if you have the ability."

Li Yao's words immediately awakened the people of Xinghuo, that even sisters Li, Yao Ji, and Qin Fengyi who were not very enthusiastic at first began to participate in the roll point nervously, while the audience was jealous. They wanted it too, but unfortunately, only It can be seen.

"Wow, khaka, I didn't expect it, I also had a day against the sky." The guardian angel looked at his points and suddenly laughed.

After several consecutive rounds of battle, the guardian angel finally killed the last opponent Tianxiang by a few seconds.

Tianxiang shook her head regretfully, and everyone sighed together, letting the guardian angel, the delinquent, triumph, unwilling, unwilling.

Li Yao smiled: "This is really out of luck."

"Hahahaha, just kidding, this is strength, is it absolute strength?" The guardian angel glanced at the fruit knight slyly: "My wife, would you like this opportunity?"

The fruit knight glared at the guardian angel: "Stop talking nonsense, can't I afford to lose? Don't let the president order us to compete again."

The Fruit Knight was eliminated in the first round. She didn't really like attributes, but the beauty of the purple fox. She looked enviously at Hitomi who had been teasing the little fox.

"Uh, cough cough." The guardian angel quickly took the card and used it impatiently: "Look, let you see, I will get a dragon mount."


The turntable kept turning, and the pointer stopped as the guardian angel yelled.

"Wow, Kaka, I’ll just say the mount, uh, fuck, why did you jump again, gold coins,"

The guardian angel hadn't been happy for a second, and the pointer had fallen on a gold coin pattern.

"It doesn't matter. Look at the numbers. One hundred thousand gold coins, eighty thousand, ninety thousand, and ten thousand gold coins. This is to make a fortune."

Everyone didn't speak, listening to his nagging, but the pointer stopped, seeing that the guardian angel was dumbfounded, everyone in Xinghuo was dumbfounded, and the audience was speechless.


A handful of silver coins fell into the guardian angel's hand, and the guardian angel's hands I don't know if the silver coin fell.

Then everyone in Xinghuo laughed.

This Nima was embarrassed, and finally pretended to be forced, and it turned out.

Looking at the shadow pet in Hitomi's hand, and then at the fifteen silver coins in his hand, the guardian angel wanted to cry without tears.

Li Yao didn't say anything, just patted the guardian angel on the shoulder.

"Damn, come on, I'm not lucky, you're not much better than me, be careful if you open a few copper coins." The guardian angel's heart and liver hurt, and a universal treasure box that can open a magical tool is only opened. More than a dozen silver coins, there is a desire to die.

More importantly, the guardian angel doesn't know yet, countless people have seen his decline, and his character has been known to countless people.

"Ah, there is still a comprehensive reward to receive. I don't want to wait until all the rewards are collected before I open it." Li Yao said when everyone looked at him.

"Come on, hurry up." The guardian angel gritted his teeth and said, ashamed of myself, I must have a companion.

"That is, our president Yingming Shenwu, how can we not produce good things, anyway, I don't believe it. Is it?" Muzi also snarled.

Others responded, Li Yao had no choice but to open the card.

As the pointer turned, the guardian angel did not fall on the gold coin as he wished. Instead, it passed the weapon icon and stopped on the equipment icon.

Countless equipment appeared, and the pointer turned crazy again.

"White outfit, white outfit, white outfit, white outfit." The guardian angel squeezed Li Yao away and shouted loudly from the turntable.

Li Yao kicked the guardian angel away, feeling a little nervous. It wouldn't matter if he didn't compare himself with him, but with the comparison, it would be too bad and too embarrassing.

Even though I knew my luck was bad, I couldn't help being excited.

In everyone's expectation and Li Yaodan's heart, the pointer finally stopped...

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