MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1537: Shadow Walker

A flicker of dark golden light, and then the dark golden light disappeared and turned into a small group of dark light.

Shadow Walker

Grade: Dark Gold Legend

Armor: 356

Strength: 88

Agility: 86

Stamina: 85

Dark damage: 15%

Shadow Walker: Wearing a hood in a non-combat state allows you to walk into the shadow world, stealth level +1

Transformation: It can flash and move in different shadows, and will not cancel the stealth state. The movement frequency is determined by the wearer's sensitivity and dark attributes.

Like a shadow and follow your shape: Like a shadow, according to the speed of movement and flashing and the strength of mental power, corresponding real phantoms can appear behind you, and each shadow can share 10% of the body's damage. As they travel, these phantoms will be controlled by the main body. Initially they have 20% of the main body’s attack power. If there are more than three shadows, for each additional shadow, the shadow gains 5% of the main body’s attack power, and the main body gains 3% attack power. It can be replaced in these shadow sums.

Equipment level: 53

Equipment conditions; dark elite class, racial leader or above, sensitivity 1000.

The audience can only see the added attributes in the front and the equipment conditions in the back. They can't see the specific special effects, but even so, the audience has already let the audience know that this is definitely an incredible cloak.

Why? Not to mention the increase in attributes. The 15% increase in dark damage is a very powerful attribute for dark professions.

Now most of the elite professions have their own professional attributes, and the corresponding attribute bonuses of the corresponding skills can be used to deal the corresponding damage.

An increase of 15%, and not a special effect, just a fixed attribute, this is definitely a big profit, no matter in any game, the attack attribute is still the most useful attribute, there is no one.

And take a look at the equipment conditions of this piece of equipment, the level does not count, the main line dungeon equipment level is slightly higher and understandable.

There is nothing in the dark profession, after all, this is the cloak of the dark profession.

But depending on what the racial leader is, it’s only the top players who have become leader-level now. Among these top players, there are very few who have become intermediate leaders, and there are very few who have become senior leaders. You can count them with one hand. .

As for becoming a race-level leader, there is no one else except Li Yao.

One thousand dexterity is also a very restrictive condition, unless dexterity is regarded as the first attribute occupation, otherwise other occupations will basically not meet the requirements.

It seems to be specially made equipment for Li Yao, and the players have also summed up their experience. The harsher the equipment conditions, the more the attributes are against the sky, and the three special effects are bound to be abnormal.

"This is simply the best cloak for thieves." A trace of heat flashed in Yao Ji's eyes, but it was a pity that even if it was given to her, it couldn't be equipped.

"It should be said that it is a cloak prepared for the cat druid." Li Yao directly changed his cloak, and then put the hood on, his figure disappeared in front of everyone, even the members of the Spark group can only see A trace of silhouette, this is the first special effect, Shadow Walker, to increase the level of stealth, allowing the body to blend into the shadow world. At this moment, Li Yao’s level of stealth is no weaker than those who specialize in stealth. You know, Lava Fortress Li Yao's stealth level has been raised, and now it has been raised again, to a very high level.

Then everyone saw Li Yao's silhouette constantly flickering in everyone's shadows. This is the transformation of shadows, which can move positions in different shadows.

However, then everyone discovered that many Li Yao's silhouettes appeared, and more than six or seven silhouettes appeared behind everyone at the same time. Even the members of Xinghuo's team couldn't tell which was the real Li Yao.

Li Yao lowered his hood and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, very good. It is estimated that there is no need to rush to replace it after graduation."

"This is definitely a small artifact level, this time it has made a lot of money." Yao Ji sighed.

The guardian angel is the most lost one. It’s not that I don’t want Li Yao to get something good. It’s really shameful. One got a shadow pet, and the other got a small magical cloak. This shows how powerful this card is, and I, ten Several silver coins.

Not to mention the other members, even the guardian angel himself can't wait to slap himself a few times, distressed.

With this cloak, Li Yao is like a tiger with wings. Three special effects have made Li Yao almost invincible, but it is not only clear how much combat power has been increased.

"System: According to the comprehensive judgment, the leader of the Spark team can get three knowledge of the madman, the deputy leader two, and each team member get one. The second reward can be selected from the following rewards. 1. Strengthen the protection of jade One per person (can be used to strengthen weapons and equipment above 12+). 2. Each person can get a ss-level card. 3. You can get a random guild mount.

The knowledge of the madman can make it easier for players to learn sub-classes and skills, easier to contact with npc, easier to obtain rare props and equipment, easier to find hidden enemies and treasure chests, and easier to see the essence of the world, the knowledge of the madman The higher the level, the higher the bonus.

The madman level is increased by one stage every 3 enjoying the bonus, the monsters and npcs will reveal their essence, and the monsters will get stronger and more essential means.

Madman knowledge points can be used to purchase some special rare items.

Madman's knowledge: the more you know, the more you can discover the horror of this world.

"System announcement: Madman’s knowledge appears. Now kill the boss above the race level, special absorb the leader, and complete the corresponding task to obtain the madman’s knowledge. The madman store is open, and you can check the official website for details."

A random guild mount that can spin the roulette wheel, which can be randomly selected from the blasting hammer dragon, black horned dragon, crown dragon, and dizzy bird.

After drawing, each person in the Spark group can obtain the reins of the race-level guild mount. The members of the Spark Group can spend the corresponding gold coins and materials to exchange for the reins of the Silver Ying level to the high boss level mounts.

"This madman's knowledge seems very good, so much bonus." Hitomi said excitedly.

Sister Li frowned: "Monsters and NPCs will probably be more difficult to deal with."

"Yes, with the urinary nature of the ancient gods, the greater the temptation, the greater the danger. I always think this is not easy." Qin Fengyi also said.

Sister Li slowly said: "I seem to have seen it in a book. After I have acquired the knowledge of a madman, in addition to various bonuses, the NPCs I come into contact with are extremely smart. Moreover, the monsters will have more attack methods, such as the original Very ordinary monsters will have more skills and means that magical creatures can use. With higher levels, you will find that ordinary monsters become more terrifying than monsters, and those monsters are equally terrifying."

Lying trough...

Ordinary monsters become more terrifying than monsters, and how about monsters, isn't it more fierce than terrifying bosses.

The Starfire members who originally wanted to use the madman’s knowledge dare not use it. Although the bonus is good, now that the situation is unknown, they dare not use it indiscriminately...

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