MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1550: Shadow recedes

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The magical commander Alice flies above the dark sky with his feet on the Flying Flying Dragon King, and there is not much loss of the Flying Flying Dragon army behind.

The chaotic camp that has been hit has fallen apart, and it seems that many centers have formed to stabilize the situation.

In fact, the last means of self-protection has been implemented, and the losses are extremely heavy. It is not only a grade that is different from the arrogance of the arrogant world not long ago.

Even if this is the case, facing the pterosaur's siege, he can only continue to retreat, and it is impossible to do anything.

Especially the air force of the chaotic camp has basically been slaughtered.

The chaotic camp has always regarded itself very high and looked down upon the forces of other camps. You must know that before the fusion plane, they were all the dominant races in their world, and it is unknown how many years they ruled the small plane world.

In their opinion, if their race is not restricted by the minor plane, if they have been on the main plane, they would have controlled the entire main plane long ago, and become the overlord of the main plane, there would be three big camps that shit.

They were arrogant in their hearts, but they completely ignored their civilization level. Even though they were the overlord, they did not completely rule the small plane.

And it is precisely because they were once glorious, there was no more powerful enemy threat, which made them lose their enterprising spirit, and as a result, the civilization level was too low.

Until this moment, when their front was ruthlessly destroyed by the demon commander, and when the front of the three major camps was still holding fast, some talents had a little understanding.

But this understanding is so embarrassing, not only these NPCs, even those alien players are also starting to scold their mothers, what **** camp legion, is so vulnerable, and the good camp coalition forces are smashed.

Even some racial armies were almost completely wiped out. After this great war, the chaotic camp did not develop any tacit understanding. On the contrary, because some of the racial groups were destroyed during the war, there were very bad differences within the camp.

Especially the ogre tribe and the lizardman tribe, because only a few races in the chaotic camp produce spell-casting professions, it turns out that the ogre is going to fight this time with the ogre magician army, the lizardman shaman army.

As a result, because of professional characteristics, they have just faced the impact and are fighting each other. The cannibal magician legion and the lizard man shaman were crispy, lost the protection of the front row legion and almost slaughtered the group. At this moment, although they did not say anything, anyone could feel their resentment.

The head of the jackal was darkened at the moment, but he was good at fighting. If he was asked to deal with things, he would be too bad. At this moment, his face was full of bitterness, knowing that he would have no good fruit after returning. Who made himself the leader of the legion? As a result, more than four ethnic legions were destroyed, and all other ethnic legions suffered heavy losses. The so-called coalition forces have also become independent battles, and it is impossible for them to gather coalition forces.

"The jackal is a high-level beast that is no better than the wild beast in the main plane. Now it seems that the so-called jackal who dominates the jackal plane in the secondary plane are just as stupid, and even the most basic fighting skills of the beasts are courageous. No, such stupid people would actually be used to lead the coalition army. Is there any reason for such an army to be immortal? I waited for a long time, but now I still shrink in the army and dare not fight. Such a leader is really ridiculous."

The words of the demon commander Alice once again made up the knife, making the Jackal leader's face black, and other legions could not listen to him, but what can he do? The dark light has already scared him. Ten of them may not be The opponent of the demon commander, not to mention the current demon commander, and he seems to have recovered his arm, but in fact has been numb. In this state, he went up to death.

"Alice, I guess your methods will be exhausted too. You should know that your legion looks strong, but it is impossible to truly defeat our coalition. You can achieve brilliant results and severely damage the chaotic coalition. Many guilds have suffered heavy losses, but it is estimated that it is the limit. The next is only a war of attrition, you can't win." Li Yao once again turned into a projection and said loudly.

"Little guy, you are very courageous. We have a strong front. Maybe we are not enough to face a few camps. But facing your current army, my chances of winning are not small. And you dare to take the lead now, is it possible? Do you want to try the power of Rongfeilong?" Alice looked at Li Yao.

"Come on, there are quite a few elite air forces in my team. I just want to try what you call the Bingfeng. Also, I have the Yulong Shuaiqi here. I really want to try the Yulong Shuaiqi. Such an exaggerated function as invincible in ancient times." Li Yao said lightly.

Alice's face changed slightly, and then she smiled slightly: "Yes, you are very courageous. It is a pity that your strength is a little bit worse. At first glance, the so-called coalition leaders are all scumbags. No one dares to fight with me. Loneliness. In that case, let you see our Uldaman's ultimate means, the dark sky opens."

Following Alice's words, the dark sky suddenly dispersed, the fog dissipated, and Uldaman's center finally appeared in everyone's vision. UU reading

I saw several walls in the central city, and Uldaman's strong army was densely packed, looking outside.

At the same time, the mist dissipated, and a black shadow appeared under all Uldaman legions fighting outside the city, and all legions' combat effectiveness rose to a notch.

Obviously, the dark sky has blessed them, and the already vigorous army has become even more powerful.

Alice's magic power is soaring, and her aura soars again. With her strong aura, she originally regarded Alice as her greatest military achievement. Players who take action at any time have changed their faces and dare not take action.

"With the countless vitality absorbed by the Touch of Darkness, Alice's breath has passed the world-class leader and reached transcendence and sanctification. It is a terrible little guy." The black dragon queen looked at Alice with interest: "Great master, do you want to I will go up and fight her."

Li Yao shook his head: "You protect the army, don't give powerful enemies a chance to take advantage of it. Let alone you temporarily, she can't do anything about it, that is, it can, and you can only let others take advantage of it. It's time for people in the camp to take action."

Sure enough, as Li Yao said, the archangel could no longer stand the sight of the demon commander being so arrogant, and the darkness and light would mutually restrain each other, so that the demon flames rushed so that the archangel could not bear it.

A huge seal of truth appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly towards the sky. The sky was shining with pale gold light, and a heavenly shadow appeared in the sky. The endless light enveloped the neutral camp legion, and the combat power and attributes also soared to a notch. .

"Under the truth, everything appears! Under the light, the shadows recede." A golden light flashed across the archangel's palm and appeared in the archangel's hands: "My hand is the archangel of truth. The Spear of Truth, learn the brilliant tricks of your demon commander."

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