MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1551: Challenge the demon

The latest chapter of the online game god-level mechanical hunter

Not only the NPC army of the neutral camp, but also the player corps of the neutral camp were also full of surprises. They found that their attributes also have a mark of truth to gain buffs, and their attributes have been greatly improved.

For a time, the morale of the neutral camp was high, and many neutral guilds looked ecstatic. With such a strong attribute blessing, it was not a big achievement to gain military merit.

"How can the archangel be so beautiful? Since the demon commander looks down on me so much, I also want to learn about the demon commander's brilliant skills." A warhammer appeared in the hands of the human leader. With the appearance of the warhammer, the human leader His body also swelled, and a powerful aura exuded: "Priest of the Moon, it's up to you for the blessing. I will take the hammer of war to teach you the magic commander's brilliant tricks, sir, how about you."

"May the Moon God guide our path!"

In the bright camp, the ancient elves' moon priests all knelt on one knee, and a round of illusory bright moon seemed to ignore the underground world, and the underground rock formation seemed to be transparent.

What everyone can see when they look up is not the top but the endless bright starry sky. In the galaxy, a bright moon like a millstone hangs high.

Everyone seemed to be able to see a beautiful sacred figure watching them above the full moon, a faint silver light enveloped the various npc legions and player legions of the bright camp, and they also received a powerful buff gain.

"I'm going, why do we have an extra buff."

Some people in Xinghuo exclaimed, but they didn't say anything. They just said in the team channel that it was because Xinghuo was also shrouded in a layer of brilliance. The key was to get a buff.

"Because our guild also has a Moon Temple." Sister Li explained.

Everyone was in a daze, isn't it? The dark camp, the only temple blessed by the moon **** is only one in Xinghuo.

The so-called making a fortune in a muffled voice, everyone in Xinghuo didn't make a statement.

Moreover, the silver moon hung high at the moment, and the brilliance enveloped everyone, it was hazy like a layer of silver sand, and it was invisible that the spark had also gained gain.

Chief Bloodhoof showed an extremely old-looking totem pole in his hand: "Everyone has taken out a good weapon comparable to a divine weapon. I don't have such a thing, but I can't help but fight. At least I took out a few of our tribes to worship. Ten thousand years of totems come to teach the demon commander's brilliant tricks. As for the army, the high priest is up to you."

"Although our dark camp is poor, it is not without good things." The old orc priest showed an ancient stone in his hand, and then the priest put the stone close to his brow.

A faint bloodthirsty light enveloped the dark camp and the player corps of the dark camp. The three camps used their own extraordinary means to not only bless the npc, but also to increase the players' attributes.

"Fuck, what about us, what about our gain."

"Yes, other camps have buffs, ours."

"What the **** are you doing."

"As for the head of the chaotic camp, Nima will bless the attributes quickly. Everyone has blessed the attributes. Why don't we have them."

If there is no blessing attribute, it is fine. Now not only the three major camps, but Uldaman also blessed the attribute.

Originally facing the Uldaman Legion, it was a bit weak. Now everyone's attributes have increased a lot. As a result, they have not increased, and it is naturally more difficult.

"Fuck, why didn't you fight when I was fighting? Now our front is about to collapse. You guessed it to unite. You are sincere."

The Jackal generals were going crazy. When they fought Uldaman's army, the three camps were silent. He thought the so-called coalition forces were fighting separately. They were not as skilled as people, so he couldn’t say anything. what.

As a result, the neutral camp is about to go, and the other two camps are not to be outdone. This is playing Nima.

"I don't like to hear what you said, who thinks that the demon commander is vulnerable." The human general said in a dubious manner.

Bloodhoof also scratched his head: "I see you look down on the demon commander so much, and I want to see how you show off your power. It just happens that I have poor fighting skills and I want to study hard."

"We see that your legion is full of confidence, thinking that we don't need allies." The archangel also said.

The Jackal general was so angry that he vomited blood, and the other leaders of the chaotic camp also looked at the Jackal general coldly. This, I was stupid, but they also suffered heavy losses.

They naturally ignored it. In fact, they started to think the same as General Jackal, and now they all put the blame on General Jackal.

"Yeah, we are all waiting for the general to show off his power."

"Hurry up."

The head of the jackal man’s eyes flickered with fierce light. Why don’t you sell it? I don’t have the best golden shield, so I don’t have enough confidence to go up and die.

But it doesn't work, it's dead if you go back. Since they are all dead, it is better to fight the demon commander.

Determined to make up his mind, the jackal roared: "My ancestral bloodthirsty claws are not easy to provoke, sons and sons, the wolf Xiaoyue, I have been blessed by the moon **** with my son's two-year life..."

Countless wolves came with weapons on their chests, a drop of blood fell on the ground, and then howled together.

With a sharp howl, a blue moon appeared in the sky on the other side of the silver moon.

The Blue Moon, also known as the Blue Boy, is a representative of the cold and evil forces. It is worshipped by countless evil races and prays for the blessing of the Blue Moon.

Blue Moon appeared, but it was impossible to compete with Yinyue for glory, but an evil aura still enveloped the chaotic camp.

And those wolves looked dizzy, as if they had been old for several years, and the blue boy was not a true moon god.

Wanting his blessing comes at a price, and the price of this blessing is similar to the sacrificial ritual of the gods of the abyss, hundreds of thousands of jackals each have spent more than two years of life to obtain the blessing.

People in the three major camps felt the creeps, this Nima is too evil and terrifying.

Even the dark camp, seemingly barbaric, has long abandoned this **** and terrifying tradition and ceremony.

For the new civilization the dark camp has lost many means. For example, the troll family is good at priests and sacrifices to the evil gods to gain power.

But in order to integrate into the civilized world, the darkspear troll's habit of eating people and even the corpses of the same race was changed, and the ancient tradition of priests and evil gods was abandoned.

Orcs also have very barbaric traditions and rituals, such as casting skull landscapes, such as drinking raw blood, such as sacrificing the souls of ancestors, priests of intelligent creatures, but they are also discarded.

Although the high elves are highly civilized, they also have some bad habits, such as using high-level command lives to do alchemy experiments, which are now forbidden.

Although the tauren are barbarous, they are also the only race in the dark camp without bad habits. They believe in ancestors and mother earth, love peace, are friendly by nature, and do not like war.

If it weren't for being pressed by the centaur, and even the main city was lost, they wouldn't have joined the dark camp of right and wrong.

The only thing with bad habits is the undead, which is why the various races do not like the undead.

Now the leaders of the four camps want to challenge the transcendent Alice together...

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