MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1552: Air combat title

The latest chapter of the online game god-level mechanical hunter

Ha ha ha...

"Do you want to challenge me, four to one, I don't care how many people are, but I won't fight with you on land. I will come to the sky if I have the ability to kill you like a dog."

The majestic Alice has an extremely beautiful face, a slender figure, like a mature peach, full of charm.

But at this moment, no one noticed her charming and slim, all of them were shocked by the domineering she exudes.

The demon commander is in the sky with one man and one dragon, daring to challenge the domineering power of the world's strong, which is eye-catching.

Whether it is an enemy or not, this kind of pride makes people have to solemnly.

"How can I let the demon commander monopolize the world, and the subordinates are willing to fight with the demon commander."

A dwarf holding two flashing warhammers rode a huge flying dragon and ascended to the sky. Although his aura was not as good as Alice, his aura had reached the level of a world leader.

"I am willing to live and die with the demon commander."

The strongest Uldaman riding flying dragons flew to the sky. The weakest was the leader of the camp. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen leader of the camp Feitian called the four camps. Alice’s world leader did not Many, only three, plus Alice's extraordinary sanctification, can actually top several world-classes.

The faces of the people in the four camps changed wildly, and Nima Uldaman had hidden so many masters.

Just one demon commander was crazy, and the four generals wanted to join forces to deal with the demon commander. As a result, Uldaman directly rushed out of a dozen strong men.

"The magic flames are surging, whoever wants to fight with me to meet the evil calamity." The archangel's figure slowly rose, the wings of light behind him suddenly unfolded, and the archangel's body expanded several times and turned into one The huge angel of light, with the spear of truth in his hand glowing with little light, is breathtaking.

"I am waiting to fight with the archangel."

The two angels lifted off without hesitation.

An orc hunter from the dark camp and a priest from the Darkspear tribe played.

Each camp has a camp-level leader to fight, and the sky is suddenly enveloped by the aura of countless strong men, and the fighting spirit is booming for a while.

"Now issuing a joint military merit reward order, if you dare to challenge the Uldaman strong in the sky and make contributions, you will get three times your military merit, and you will receive corresponding titles (Air Force Scout, Air Force Commander, Elite Pilot, Ace Pilot) based on your performance. )

As long as you get any title, you can learn air riding without completing the task of air riding after Tier 6, and you can purchase elite aerial combat mounts above the leader level.

Air force scouts have a 3% flying speed bonus, captain 5%, elite pilots 10%, and ace 20%.

Originally, the players were not very cold for the air battle. On the one hand, because they did not have air riding skills, even if they had the means to fly into the sky, their combat effectiveness would be weakened.

And it's too dangerous. Look at who they are. Meow's. The weakest is the leader of the camp. It is estimated that if he is attacked, he will be killed in a flash. Going up is like killing him.

However, everyone was moved by the joint reward.

Not to mention triple the military merit award, it is very important for the first kill, but no matter how much a person's military merit has, the impact will be limited. Players will not choose when they are sensible.

But the air title reward is too tempting. Although the air riding has not been activated yet, many players have already come into contact with the task of air riding.

The task of riding in the air is a circle task. To learn how to ride in the air not only costs more than 1,000 gold coins, but also completes the task.

General air riding learning requires ten loops, elite level learning requires 20 loops, and the best air riding learning requires 30 loops and ten tasks in one loop.

It doesn't seem to be much, right? Some people will say that if you have more tasks, you will be considered an upgrade.

But for these tasks, based on the current attributes and levels, ordinary tasks are not lower than a+, and there is an s for every five tasks. No matter who it is, it is a very, very dangerous and difficult task to go to s.

Because the task is based on the character rating, like Li Yao, the task rated a for him is already above the s level for others. If the task rated s by Li Yao, it can only be desperate for other players.

In other words, it is not that simple for Li Yao to complete the task, it requires a lot of time, money and huge risk.

Air riding has become a hot topic among players.

In this case, such a title appeared, not to mention the increased air speed, it was just a point of exemption from the mission, which was attractive enough.

What's more, you can also purchase battle mounts above the leader level.

Take ordinary riding skills. After you learn, you can only buy the most basic mounts. Combat mounts need to complete special tasks, and this kind of task is not something you can take if you want to pick it up. It needs a lot of hidden ones. condition.

Not to mention ordinary players, even super masters who have bad luck also have good combat mounts. This has nothing to do with strength. This is why Xinghuo rewarded the appearance of combat mounts last time, and everyone had a meaningless choice. The reason for the battle mount.

Battle mounts are very attractive to super masters. What's more, epic guild mounts can popularize the entire guild. Although other members want to have a lot of costs, it takes less than a day for Spark to get rewards. As long as people have the conditions, they have already spent a lot of gold to meet the conditions to get the guild mount, which shows its appeal.

The same is true for aerial mounts. You can purchase combat mounts, which are definitely enough to drive everyone crazy.

"I am willing to fight."

"I am willing to fight."

Suddenly a lot of chaotic shouts rang from the players.

As long as you reach the leader level, as long as you shout that you are willing to fight, a halo will cover your body, and the person will float for a short time to gain the ability to fly in the air.

At a time, the players took off one by one, although most of them were at the leader level, but there were enough.

Some players who were still Yinying, who had not become leader-level players, thumped their chests and yelled at unfairness.

But nothing, this is also a hidden condition. Many things in the ancient gods are like this. If the conditions are not met, you can only blame yourself.

"How are we, do you want to join the battle?" Hitomi asked excitedly. She also wanted to join, but no one from Xinghuo called out without Li Yao.

Li Yao smiled: "We naturally want to fight, but we can't fight like this."

"Big brother has an arrangement?" Hitomi was pleasantly surprised.

"The battle on the ground is stable. If you want to get the first kill, air combat is the key, but how to fight is the key. I have contacted the Green Dragon Princess, and I have been waiting for my greeting outside the battlefield. So I decided to combine the team with The army is divided into two parts, one part on the ground, and the other in air combat. Air combat is good, but those who stay will also get compensation from the guild, no less than the title and military merit awards."...

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