MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1562: Treacherous

The players here are also very angry. It's your own waste, being crushed by the magic throat, and blame us. The three of them resisted the supernatural and holy madman.

On the other side, a player and the Green Dragon Princess worked together to resist the Faceless. Although the faceless blood did not decrease much, it was at least suppressed from the situation.

And here, you are a world-class leader anyway, someone cut off an arm easily, and a shield robbed by someone, now fighting against the Devil Maw, don’t say anything, but shirk responsibility, if it weren’t for us. Player, you have been swallowed by entanglement long ago.

The players here are actually very helpless. The underground battlefield is just water milling, a war between legions. If you want to gain more military power, you need the combat power of the legions.

The guilds fought their lives and summoned their elite legions to join the battlefield below to fight Uldaman's army.

Although they are super masters among the players, they are not yet qualified to be an improper general and cannot take the lead.

Therefore, if you want to gain more military merit and get the first kill, you need to seek opportunities in the battle of the strong in the sky.

However, under the current circumstances, the battlefield in the sky, the demon commander is too against the sky, not everyone has the courage to join, at least not the best battlefield.

As for the Faceless, the players offended Li Yao. Although it was temporarily stable, the players offended both the Faceless and Li Yao. They had to face two bombardments, which was very dangerous.

On this side, the jackal was suppressed, but the player was able to stabilize it, but the leader of the jackal was too cheap.

If he were a player, he would have been besieged a long time ago, but he is a world-class leader and represents the face of the chaotic camp. Opposing him is equivalent to challenging a camp.

Although this is still an illusory world for the players, not everyone is as indifferent as Li Yao and can do something to the Jackal.

They are very sensible, because if they offend a camp, they will give a reward at random, and the alien players in the chaotic camp will look down on them, and their guild residence will be unrest.

So you can only swallow your breath. Of course, not everyone is like this. The real top powerhouse can represent that individual powerful players of a certain guild have killed the jackals, but they are very sensible, and it is not the time to burst out.

The battle proceeded in such a gluey and weird manner. Since the appearance of Faceless and Demon Maw in the sky, it has been fighting for nearly an hour, causing countless casualties, but still no real victory or defeat.

Because, as the main force, none of the powerhouses really died, and the battle was still in a short and delicate balance.

Those who die are all super masters who want to gain military merit. Everyone knows that this is the last battle of this dungeon. Now there is no chance if you don't work hard. This opportunity alone is enough to make people crazy.

Of course, in fact, many guilds did not allow everyone to participate in the top-notch wars, but joined the battles between other slightly weaker leaders.

It is a mid-level battle, and the battle does not affect the real victory or defeat, but for the players, the military merits are still very much.

And the trophies are rich enough, and many lucky guys have got trophies after the death of the race and camp-level bosses.

Compared with the top battlefields that determine the outcome, the harvest may be insufficient, but it is also attractive enough, especially for players in the challenge mode, the most favored middle-level boss battle.

In the three most critical battles, both sides are desperately trying to find each other's flaws, want to kill each other, and thus completely reverse the deadlocked battle.

The devil's madness has passed, but the longest battle between the two sides has made both sides a little weak. Now the two sides are coming and going, it looks very lively, but it is not easy to really tell the winner.

There are only two battlefields that can cause changes the most. One is the magic throat. Now the throat is getting more and more powerful, and gradually gains the upper hand. The Jackal general is suppressed to death, his body is full of wounds, and the state of transformation appears. Instability situation.

At this moment, his cursing became more intense. If he fails, the magic maw will decide the outcome no matter which two battlefields remain.

On Li Yao's side, the three parties are like millstones. Li Yao and the Green Dragon Princess have suppressed the Faceless, and they continue to slaughter players.

As long as the player has the opportunity to attack the Faceless, he will inevitably attack Li Yao and want to kill Li Yao. Even the reprimands and orders of the three camp leaders could not prevent this situation.

Because of Li Yao and the Faceless, the dead players here are the most and the worst. The players have already lost their eyes.

However, this situation seems to be Li Yao suppressing the Faceless, but the Faceless Recovery is too abnormal, and the blood volume has been above 90%. Li Yao and Princess Green Dragon dare not take the slightest care. They must concentrate on .

It is now clear to both parties that if Li Yao cannot quickly resolve the Faceless, the coalition forces of the four camps may turn into an avalanche as the high-level battle fails, and it is very likely that it will become a big rout.

Whether it is an elite legion of a camp or a few leaders as a representative, if it is lost, it will be a heavy blow to several camps.

"Little friend Liaoyuan, what are you still inking? If you can't kill that guy anymore, we will collapse. At that time, you will really take my corpse to see the warchief." The bloodhoof chief is wet. , Obviously has consumed a lot, and the two noses are constantly spraying white gas.

And the golden light of the archangel gradually no longer the original dazzling. The human general wielded the flickering lightning warhammer, and the phantom of the Vrykul was also dim.

Although the demon commander looked a little embarrassed, his fighting spirit was high, after all, he was beyond the ordinary and sanctified.

"Finally found."

Li Yao's burst of fire for several yards finally converged. Stopping the complicated analysis also gave Li Yao a relaxed feeling. He was also sweating profusely. After more than half an hour of intense consumption, Li Yao's spirit was also slightly exhausted. .

"Really." Princess Green Dragon was also very embarrassed, with many traces of corrosion on her body. If it weren't for the corrosive nature of her own dream power, she would have been severely injured.

"Yes, he hid it deep enough. After analyzing tens of thousands of attacks, and with the help of God Eyes, I finally know where his core lies. This guy is too cunning. He didn't blindly avoid the core, but Let some painless attacks fall on the core area to confuse the audience. His core was originally located at the base of the large tentacle on the left shoulder, and near the back." Li Yao finished speaking and said seriously: "But this guy is too Cunning, even my attack can't hit him directly, so I need you to control him for more than a second. If you can do it, I'm 80% sure to defeat this difficult guy."...

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